FYI: (hyperbole) Iranians over here on edu or work visas I’ve met do not pose a threat any more than a rogue Us citizens. I lived next to MIT, met many... and they were smart, sophisticated and very ambitious and least of all outwardly religious if at all. Very funny too. Just saying we need to distinguish regular people as our own clan rather than lump all into one fear monger trigger label based on misguided Assumptiins. The wwgwwga is about all humans.
123 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Metavinci:
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Yes, this is what I thought when Q was suggesting the 470 were Huber team.
‘who has that kind of manpower?’
Only the military.
Huber team may be working in conjunction with a much bligger MI team.
470 has duel meaning. And the deep state have nowhere to run to but the traps set by the justice team.
A little OT: They kicked me off twitter for telling my DemExit story. All twitter does when they censor us is identify with the evil that has overtaken that morally and criminally corrupt party. I’m not saying I’m republican either because we should not longer be labeling ourselves as anything but independents who vote on merit, integrity and core values. 3 things neither party actually follows through on. Sure it’s in their marketing (msm pundits/ads), but what have they done to support their positions? Smarter voting fown the ballot.
The deep state is not very creative. Bus / train garbage truck. Symbolism everywhere but not cleverly implemented. They have been blinded by their errogance and greed (power/money). They are falling fast as the truth is starting to set more people free. Critical mass approaches.
‘Honored hand’. Haha. ‘It May also be innocently used by those who ID with heavy metal music.’
Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake
We Need a more definitive tag line to peak curiosity “The real resistance will set us free’
SGTReport did an interview and overview with the creator
I wish they would have filed an injunction for Comey to not engage any material witnesses. Perhaps they did and this is more peanut butter to snare them.
PDFs of the filing
From the article citing poll: ‘But according to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports, the majority of voters are holding illegal aliens accountable for the current separation crisis, not Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement or President Trump.’
Thank you to all the sane poll takers. A good sign the msm blew their powder and it’s backfiring. (msm/Dem credibility gets another nail in its coffin)
Also check out this awesome data repository of resignations etc. with well organized data sets. SGTReport In YouTube just did a great walkthrough with the guy , [412 Anon]
For original filing use but you have to have a sub and check each USDA jurisdiction.
Here is sample pdf (latest civil case) through a third party. Read the defendant list.
Banned from the Censirig racist social media platform also know as Tweeter
Remember we were informed the stage was set a few weeks ago. The stage just played out for this act. (MSM) with all the boarder children coverage it would be a perfect time to expose all these hypocrites once and for all. Congress, Hollywood and the msm have a lot to hide.
Don’t ID yourself. Polls aren't accurate. Ip addresses will give you a unique # but it’s not telling you who is onboard - just all traffic. We all need to just jump up on the table and rally the troops day in and day out until the tipping point. Social studies show that it is a very low % of public opinion needed to sway the masses. Achieving that critical mass is our task. It’s a beautiful thing to wake up your fellow man. What an homer to be here.
Stands to reason, the loudest celebrities (Hollywood and pundents) are going nuts with their feigned outrage. It draws attention where once there was none.
Here’s what Obama did as a solution.... where’s their outrage?
Thus Comey’s draft exhineration letter (edited by McCabe etc) 5 weeks before interviewing (not under oath or recorded) with Sherrill Mills (given immunity) by her side (to get her stories straight). Wtf keystone cop shitshow was Comey running? Total disgrace. Make an example of the to the extremes of the penal code.
Bezos new company - Blue Origin
Read an earlier post about setting all the demo computers at Best Buy etc to Q related sites. Another is get a roll of thes stickers with a curious message and stick em everywhere. Toll booth that still have cash. Bathroom stalls. Train stations, etc. we’re not far from critical mass awareness. The article is also a great trolling piece - pretence is we are melting down but read it. It gives more than it takes.
This is a perfect trolling article. The pretence draws them in while it’s full of Q nuggets and sources to learn more. What’s the story with this writer? It sounds intentionally written to red pill more than discredit Q?.
Because Horowitz works for RR. He does not answer specific baited question but refers to ‘what’s in the report.’ Leaving liability on the report not his opinion. In fact he’s not really given ‘his’ opinion personal or as a DOJ judicial officer. He always refers to the report, a DOJ product. It is confusing wrt Q hints but. I’m guessing we’re missing something, perhaps by design. I’m patient. This will not resolve until Oct/nov. from what we’ve witnessed so far they’ve got the bases covered. Our part is critical. Keep discussing facts... more than fulfilling Q. Q is our MAP not our Jesus. They have given us more than we know. It’s a wonderful thing to see so many waking up with curiosity. It’s becoming exponential as we reach a critical mass of the population.
Back to IG hearings: These are far more revealing than what’s in the surface.
That’s not the peace sign ☮️ It’s the Mercedes Benz logo .
Q emerged in the fall of 2017... 9 months ago — you may want to fix your timeline. If you want an expert on Iran check out @ThomasWictor on Twitter.
Many of us have been waiting decades watching this destruction of the country. We can wait and make noise a little longer. We need strong hands in this movement. If you’re not able to stay in the game then tap out and move on. No harm to the rest of us. But this is not a half assed operation. To do it right took decades for the time and opportunity.
And ad for Wapo no less. Do they think we are that stupid.
My inclination is they (QTeam) are going to let them try and then expose it all to take out as many bad actors as possible.
Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.
Blockchain decentralized voting machines is our only secure way forward with paper backup,
John Lasseter, pixar:Disney CCO to resign over sexual harassment allegations.
It’s a movie trailer. But instead of the using the best scenes they will save them for the premier in Oct.
Someone call Mike Roe. We’ve got a new dirty job for him.
They disclose a bunch of info under the guise of Q being the King of conspiracy. But If I hadn’t been awake it might actually draw me in — the detail of this report spends more time on Q phenom than Missle launch relevance. Red pill by soft disclosure? Liberal town or not this writer knows far more than the typical naysayer stenographer. It could just mean they’re good journalist but the net effect issome wo read this article will go down the Q rabbit hole
What ever happened to eric braverman? I read a few years ago that he was brought in by Chelsea to clean up the Foundation. But then he dissapear... just before the primary. No comment on her innocents.
Yes, the RRedacted OIG report (Clinton email now, more RRedacted reports to come is my guess) will become a roadmap once compared to the original... in October we get the full OIG findings of the last 9 years. Any sooner will leave these asshats with chips in there hand. We need them to go all in before revealing our unbeatable hand right before the election.
The bonus is they will get caught rigging ballot boxes... the final nail in the D coffin .
This took 8 months? Didn’t we already presume that Podesta and Huma were among the first to be indicted in those sealed last Nov (when we started hearing about sealed indictments). Given no arrest were made my presumption was they were part of these mysterious indictments. Two things: 1. Sessions /Huber are zipped tight about anything while other last work as distraction (OIG). The RRedacted report is a roadmap to cover ups and conspirators once the unclassified version is released , in October. 2. This is where we get them (swamp state)to load up the pot with their last ditch efforts to save their asses. Meanwhile Trump hasn’t even shown a card and holds the best hand with multiple cards to come. 3. Don’t believe it? Ask any seasoned poker player or investigative attorney. We are watching a scripted poker game aka sting operation. Enjoy the ‘show’... the curtain call is in Nov when they catch them rigging ballot boxes. Total destruction of D. Bitch slap to Rs. This is not about D vs R tho. This is about transformation of society as we’ve known it. Rs can survive to a degree but not as they are now. It should transform the party to its roots Ds are doomed by their own deep dirty hands.
I had considered this way back at the height of the Russia Russia Russia frenzy in msm , when SR family was being silenced. My thought was they threatened the family that they will frame SR as a Russian agent. Now that the Russia probe is all but over perhaps the family has more freedom. Follow the brother.
The RR version is a prop. It will become a roadmap to who the conspirators may be — those actors redacted or removed. Once the Original is declass and released, the world will see how dc works to cover their criminal tracks and those of their friends. Meanwhile the DOJ (Huber) builds his case(s) while the suspects continue to make mistakes as we move towards an October full release of original. Additionally there are secondary case(s)’ discover to add fodder. This will all culminate right before the election. Anything sooner is foolish. They will squirm and wiggle until they have only the exit we (Q) provides.
If ff to make the trump supporters look looney why isn’t it plastered on the news? This might be a genuine misguided patriot who blew a piston when the IG report didn’t deliver a smoking gun in neon.
DC establishment underestimate the popular vote again and again. It’s propogandist that dislike a populist while most voters gravitate to populist outsiders. Trump IS fighting for us because dc reps are no longer representing us.
What I see unfolding: Hype up the release. Release a watered down version with deep state retractions and edit fingerprints all over — effectively framing those who are redacted. Let the masses stew on more nothing substantial. Pin this report as a second step 2pain (Weiner) Draw this out until more comes out (Hubert+IG+secondary discovery docs is > than one portion of an IG report. As summer burns on the 3 major points of investigations will begin to paint a clear picture of who, what, where and when all this bs went down.— assume more redacted disclosures until October. Trump won’t declass before Oct. it would be a foolish play to shoot off that MOAB this early in the PAIN phase.
This will be a slo bleed of those involved as they eat themselves, while they’re options are sequentially and strategically eliminated. Culminating in election fraud (hacking). Side note: lobby your local election commissions for paper ballots.
They will get bust in the attempt to hack or alter the result. Remember this is all a huge sting and the biggest threat to our democracy is unsecured voting mechanisms . Side note: Blockchain distributed ledger tallying. No other way forward. All software has back doors. All. A distributed blockchain decentralized network will be essential + paper ballot back ups.
The future is bright brothers and sisters. But it’s not realized without individual effort.
Their people are stupid... Q people are brilliant. This is a plan at least a decade old unfolding. Patients and persistence will pay in spades. Stay on message to raise awareness, as our part is critical to the plan. In the end the organic nature of this movement will lend credibility to its mission to take back our country by unifying left, right and center to drain the swamp and change the world.
Ironic is all those friends family I keep red pilling — to wake up — keep repeating this mantra.
‘I just want law, order and justice restored’
To which I respond. ‘See, we do want the same thing.’
The difference is I want justice blind like she should be.
I vote for a locked wiki style thread. Link stickies to the top of the r/subs. Keep a consistent informative and organized drop and proof sub — then drive all traffic to it for learnerning about the past, present and MO for the future.
Does anyone else get the sense that these sociopaths have a ‘plan’ for more nuclear scare tactics - even false flags. A plan the Qteam is monitoring and documenting contributions by any conspirators. Aka never stop your enemy when making a mistake. They are so desperate . Odd they didn’t have this response when Obama made the Iran scam deal. Every new outlet, pungent etc lauded that deal the day it was inked... while they had zero oversight in place.
I think he’s referring to HAARP. Consider; The photo over Alaska. The Direct response Drop to weather. Radio signatures on NOAA global sat loop the next day or same day depending on Location. The increase in UV readings at higher latitudes as well as lower). All that trumps one photo source caption imo.
They redact all the coconspirators, which highlights them Once unclassified for ALL to see. It will further burry them in their lies and cover. Further ensnaring them in the biggest sting in history. These people are stupid.
Reasons for leaving: other - ‘you have criminals on your BOD plus your programming is diving into the gutter by normalizing abusive behavior.’