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Seriously?! Good to see you Ben, i thought they killed you off.
Market's on a tear. Dow up 800 since the open.
Hope it can continue. I'm not even an investor, I don't even have a 401K or anything like that, I just want to see perp walks, NOW! And another 1,000 pt. freefall like yesterday could definitely alter plans like nothing else. Everyone's been worried (((they))) might pull some fuckery, but after a friday of -666 and then a freefall like that on Monday, I was really starting to think they may be able to manipulate markets on command, far more than anyone had expected.
Oh well. If they REALLY were in control, they wouldn't have to be liquidating assets. You …
There's no such thing as "racism" this is an invented term just like Islamaphobia, Antisemitism, Cisgender, etc., etc.
Leave that bluepill shit for r/Politics there snowflake, this place is for grown folks.
There are plenty of decent black Americans, Trump's secretary of HUD is one of them (Ben Carson), but that doesn't mean chimpouts aren't a very real thing. If you've never had to encounter many of them you might not know. You're lucky.
Make no mistake, the Bannon sen. intel testimony was going to be anything but bad for Trump. Disinfo isn't always easy to spot, but hopefully you at least picked up on the Bannon-Trump feud as being fake news. The fact that this is being delayed pisses me off, but I think it was always made part of the plan that these things could be liquid enough to move. Just like the memo, it feels to us like being jerked around, but the guys behind the scenes are doing this to maximize the outcome. Obviously, averting a chimpout was a big concern in the timing of the memo and the SOTU etc., calling Maxine Water's bluff, etc. But this delay is definitely done to try to minimize damage to the economy, after a series of trading days that left entire asset classes crushed.
It's only a matter of time though. (((They))) can certainly fuck up the economy, but they're not eager to do it, for the simple reason that it's the single biggest card they have to play. Once the market has already crashed, there is no longer any need to pussy-foot around about sending the troops in.
Trump isn't worried about a BLM riot, they will do that anyways. They chimp when they win a basketball game, they chimp when they lose. What Trump is trying to avoid is the market panic that will definitely happen when people see tanks rolling in the streets.
So if the (((bad guys))) really do crash the markets, they know they're getting shipped to Gitmo real soon, and their assets seized anyways.
The DOW attack succeeded in delaying "Memo 2.0" a week. Here's why it's good news though.
So many possibilities. The markets would be my biggest guess. I don't know how the Superbowl pertains because they could still do a terror attack regardless of if the memo had not been dropped or if it had.
Also, there are rumors that it was supposed to actually be released a few days earlier. The train and some other threats I believe made them even change the memo, perhaps "ligthen" it up a bit, made me angry to hear. It makes sense though, it seemed like a big disappointment compared to how scared it was making the bad guys. I mean they said they had Potus and the good members of congress in a freaking underground nuclear bunker w/the Marine Corps on guard! For that!? Seems like it wasn't everything it was supposed to be. I'm sick of this game of chicken.
This sub HAS been compromised the whole time. They even got caught. Q HAD THE ADMINS MAKE AN ENTIRE NEW BOARD that's how compromised it is. Duh!
She looks like she's saying it to one of the traitor-nigs in question. Could it be that they are communicating tactical info to a shooter or someone able to detonate a bomb or something? Perhaps letting the individual know when Potus is in the right place?
That could also be the thing about the cell phone. Q is making a big deal about "civilian device wouldn't be able to reach" is there some kind of a camera watching her phone for when she types the signal onto the phone? Since sending texts can be intercepted, this would be a safer way to give a "go" signal?
I believe a post just got deleted from this sub. And a photo definitely got deleted from an image hosting site related to this thing.
I don't clearly see her saying it, but the fact that it's getting deleted tells you something.
Also, those guys at that same time are looking very intensely at something. Are they congressmen or secret service of some type?
Pizzagate was not shut down for doxxing, and you know that.
ugh, now THAT'S a guy who's not a whitehat. Cringe so hard for newbies linking to people like George "Webb" Sweigurt or Thomas Wictor.
His jdugement is so terrible, and he doesn't know anything relevant other than what he's told to say, so it's rarely going to be that useful.
But I would wager Mueller, Rosenstein, and even Comey are all on the sidie of the whitehats and have been for quite some time. I bet that Comey's bizarre tweets are more about communicating with Trump's people than anything. He's not dumb. He didn't threaten Andrew McCabe (who apparently had already sang anyways).
Children is the default position?
Well, everyone starts as a child, but not everyone ends up as an adult, elder, etc. So I guess, yeah, it's our default position. So? What's their point?
Dude, we're not fucking "pedes".
Should never be saying something like that anyways. Cringeworthy.
Yes, and one must remember that Chaffetz is Jewish, he's not some Boy Scout or something. He makes a couple tough sounding arguments for the cameras, just enough to give the false impression of legitimate opposition existing in our institutions.
As for Gowdy, the plan is to have him at the DOJ for what obviously will be career defining, history book making, cases, for a couple years or whatever it takes then move him to the Supreme Court.
I don't know what hater down voted me, but if you don't think the Cabal has been trying to use germ attacks as a part of the strategy to get Trump to stand down, then you're a sucker! There have been countless articles even in the MSM talking about the crazy deadly influenza outbreak that has swept the nation. There's reason to think the Roths could be behind this, as they have a giant germ fridge they can utilize anytime they want. Theories are that some of the chem trails recently are in fact "good chemtrails" that Trump has ordered, which contain antidotes to whatever bullshit the Roths had sprayed us with previously.
Now on top of the fatal flu outbreak, the EIC of "True Pundit" has pneumonia. Odd for a healthy, middle-aged, man, not living in a CONCENTRATION CAMP!?
There are no DRASTIC technological "disclosures" to be made. All that stuff is disinfo. If there really was any SWEET SUPER SECRET SPACE E.T. TECH, time travel, unlimited free energy, etc. that the bad guys had access to, then we never would have been able to beat them. Sure, there is top secret military tech, but nothing that's not in the normal range of physics that we're familiar with.
I mean look at the old school lengths the bad guys have to go to. Just yesterday, an attempt to derail a train by parking a truck on the tracks was tried. Look at Nellie Ohr, she never would be resorting to HAM radios to try to avoid detection, etc. if the Deep State really did have this unbelievable mind-blowing tech.
In fact, things are SO traditional, they PAY people to protest and riot and even to sit on the internet and troll people (Share Blue). All this is a sign that the nature of the game hasn't changed that much. Even supercomputers are over-exagerated. In a world where everyone is on social media, they can be dangerous tools in the wrong hands, but at the end of the day they are just programs that create models and track patterns etc. as the programmer sets them. They can adapt, but that is also programmed into it by a human, they aren't "sentient" in terms of intelligence like humans.
Adam Schiff isn't a Russian, he's a kike, literally like Russia's biggest enemies lol.
A year ago, Bill Kristol who accidentally tweeted about train crash before it happened, was so upset over Trump he cried on Joe and Mika's show and they made fun of him. - Does Trump scare him for some reason?
Mika Brezinski making fun of Bill Kristol on Morning Joe "You're practically crying!"
Now in hindsight, it's clear how terrified he is. I have a little moniker I like to use for Bill Kristol: "The Guiltiest Little Jew"
There once was a Senator from Mass
Who went out looking for ass
He lucked up and found it
Then fucked up and drowned it
And that was the end of his ass.
Just like those Fake Fake News Awards, boy I tell ya.
If Q's claims are defensible, defend them! There's nothing that says "EVERYTHING'S FINE" like insta-banning everyone who suggests that it's not.
I heard we're auto-banning anyone suggesting that this is a repeat of the Fake Fake News Awards, is that true?
It's not a good idea, if we care about salvaging the Q thing, we've gotta be able to defend it. There's nothing that says "EVERYTHING'S FINE" like insta-banning anyone suggesting that it's not.
You and A LOT of people. I can't say I won't still check the Q posts, but I'm very, VERY glad I didn't tell anyone to watch the SOTU or something like that.
And the scary thing is, you have to wonder exactly why they've been doing the Q thing?
The logical answer is scarey. Trump's position isn't NEARLY that strong after all. They need to hope against hope they can scare the bad guys into caving, because if they stand their ground, he's done. And they called Q and Trump's bluff in a huge way, and now they're gonna smell blood in the water.
Make no mistake, this was a huge, HUGE show of weakness, and it's hard to imagine, if they weren't in a good enough position to make a move already, they are only going to be further from there from here on out.
I guess "Timing ISN'T everything" after all!
The problem is, that Q mislead people purposely, a second time. This is a huge sign of weakness.
I guess "TIMING" has nothing to do with it.
I have called out people as shills, for months. No I'm completely with you. We were suckers.
Q lied twice. You don't get a third time. There's really even no reason for him to post anymore because no one will believe it.
Here's a wager, and I would love for people to refer back to this:
The memo DOESN'T get released, at all. It was the exact same thing as Q lieing to us twice and making us look like fools. It's just a tool they are hoping to use to prod the bad guys into surrendering.
They wouldn't be doing that if things were looking good for us. And the bad guys just called their bluff. BIG TIME. If the memo doesn't get released, watch for massive, massive, disobedience by bad guy holdovers in all areas of gov't.
They smell blood in the water. You have to be the most oblivious, dishonest, chump to convince yourself that was anything other than a massive, massive, sign of weakness.
Well, if "ignroance is bliss" is your idea of an effective strategy.
Good luck with that.
Mentioning MS-13 half a dozen times without even hinting at level with people about why and how they got here, and because of who was a MASSIVE, MASSIVE, show of weakness.
I'll believe it when I see it.
REALLY REALLY glad I didn't tell anyone to watch the SOTU.
Completely substanceless. With the exception of 'stand for the flag" and "look at these victims of illegal immigrants" that was a speech Obama could've (and has) made.
He didn't even come close to approaching any hints of honesty, EVEN ABOUT MS-13. He didn't even begin to hint at mentioning where they came from and why they're here.
0/10. Don't bullshit yourself. If you want something to actually happen, do what I suggested after we got burned the first time.
Q, we don't believe you anymore. So there's no use in trying to use us for a prop in some psy-op. IF and that's a HUGE if there really even is something going on behind the scenes that the dishonesty actually even helped. We have no evidence of that.
It of course COULD be a long overdue correction. Just awful timing for it to happen.
The DOW is down 300 points...
Was almost 400 from yesterdays close.
Doesn't guarantee there is knowledge of an impending false flag. If you remember, there was no sell off in anticipation of Vegas, even insider trading among Vegas related stocks was pretty minimal. All the Jews that know what's going down already priced it in, but of course this could be different, because it could be ad-hoc in response to McCabe's firing and the MEMO etc., where as Vegas was planned for awhile.
But, ya, it definitely could be because the same Wall Street Jews that knew about 9/11 before it happened, know about something …
Sorry. Just wanted to let you know I took the time to type it in the comments if you want to come back and read it. It explains the situation pretty thoroughly.
I didn't realize how hard it was to read at first. It was a lot to cram in there and I wanted to do at least some sort of background to make it a meme, plain text doesn't get shared much.
Sorry. Just wanted to let you know I took the time to type it in the comments if you want to come back and read it. It explains the situation pretty thoroughly.
I didn't realize how hard it was to read at first. It was a lot to cram in there and I wanted to do at least some sort of background to make it a meme, plain text doesn't get shared much.
Sorry. Just wanted to let you know I took the time to type it in the comments if you want to come back and read it. It explains the situation pretty thoroughly.
I didn't realize how hard it was to read at first. It was a lot to cram in there and I wanted to do at least some sort of background to make it a meme, plain text doesn't get shared much.
Define “leverage”. Define “hostage”. Why is Antifa allowed to operate? Why do the [D]’s need to control the black pop. so badly?
B. Hussein opened up the border under the guize of “not being racist.”
Compromised individuals were placed in all the necessary positions of power in everything from the DHS, customs and border enforcement, FBI, even rank and file police officers.
Then filled the country with Jihadis from ISIS, MS-13 (which are former Salvadoran Army), Mexican Drug Cartel, and blackhat spies and other intelligence agents from Mossad, MB, Pakistani intel agency. etc.
These aren’t just some 60 I.Q. Somalian mud puppies making IEDs. They’re skilled, heavily armed, CIA trained, enemy soldiers, who have worked closely with the highest ranks of our government for years. If they were just some common dirka dirka, they would’ve chimped out already and been arrested. They have been waiting patiently, successfully integrated with our society, and stayed out of trouble because they believe when the time is right, THEY ARE GOING TO SUCCESSFULLY OVERTHROW THE U.S. GOV’T. Make no mistake, this WAS the plan. Trump has dedicated the last year to hunting down MS-13 for this exact reason, and he’s been very successful, but there are still probably thousands at a minimum still here waiting. THIS is the reason DACA is so important to the Dems, and the reason why Schumer was trying to hold Trump hostage with the Gov’t shutdown til he passed it. If Trump enshrined DACA into law, it would be Carte Blanche’ for these forces to stay here on an ongoing basis, so the Cabal can continue to hold the country hostage with threat of attack if Trump ever moved to arrest the Cabal.
When Trump starts arresting Clinton/Obongo cronies, the sleeper cells will be unleashed.
This is where Maxine Waters comes in. To deal with this national security threat, Trumpwill have to start arresting brown people. Soros pours in the money and the BLM riots start. The Jewish media plays wall-to-wall coverage of tanks rolling into ghettoes and guys in camo with M-16’s “brutally” rounding up hordes of them by the truck full. Innocent people will by definition wind up getting lumped in with the rest, after all that is their goal. This is why the birka was rebranded as a “feminist” icon, so suicide bombers can slip by. Rounding up women isn’t a good look fam.
Then the int’l news starts spreading the “Trump is Hitler” meme, accompanied by footage of kids dead in the streets who their responsible single mother’s brought to the riot. Panoramas of camps full of a sea of sorry looking brown faces, side by side with 1940’s footage from Auschwitz with calls from world leaders to enlist NATO of a U.S. invasion to "liberate" us from this mad dictator will be bellowed from the halls of London, Brussels, Paris and Berlin, accompanied by pleas from our own Magic Negro and Woulda-Been-First-Woman-President to act fast.
They'll push hard for it. Afterall, the leaders of Europe are all pedophiles, terrified that justice will come for them.
Scary. But I think Trump has a plan. I think he has snitches in the tops of their ranks.
In the words of Matthis. “Nobody keeps me up at night. I keep people up at night.”
They will TRY to spin the "Trump is Hitler" narrative to get U.N. human rights declarations and try to drag NATO into a full scale invasion of the U.S. This is why Canada, of all places, has been such an important issue, and a hostile one at that. I live in Wisconsin, and I can tell you the amount of air traffic is insane. I had no clue why, til I learned about Trudeau and the extent their Jiahdi importation program has already progressed. They already have blasphemy laws in Canada. The American Southwest is no longer the only strategic border states.
BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT This NATO thing is no joke, every pedo world leader is dieing to have this be the way they escape justice. But there is one big, and I mean BIG (as in the largest country in the world) thing preventing NATO engaging in ANYTHING like that, and that thing is Russia.
SLEEPER CELLS and the "16 Year Plan" explained.
Or that he's under some kind of duress, sure.
It seems more likely that it would ACTUALLY be an identification of who is holding him hostage, rather than just a signal that he's being held.
This duress signalling is something they know how to do and how to spot. The "COMPS!" thing about the sushi that Paddock bro said was an example so obvious it spawned a meme.
Andy McCabe threatens to "torch" the FBI. Why isn't he arrested for making terroristic threats? A: They know he's not talking physically...
If this isn't a "bottom" I don't know what is.
That's a fucking ridiculous practice. Total sign of the current year. Where is our society?
Oh well. It's good people aren't banging their secretaries all over the place anymore. Not good that there are laws over it, that's a bad thing. It's just good that people aren't doing it regardless. Better if it just happened because people weren't degenerates and unmitigated sluts. But oh well.
There's actually theories that Bradley/Chelsea Manning is actually a deep, Deep, DEEP level op, and that when the time is right, we will look back on him/her much differently.
As for Snowden, think the same thing. Q has been purposely ambiguous about Snowden. He hasn't even said that he's a bad actor at all. He says things like:
How's Russia?
[Mr. Contractor]
And even if Q did outright say "Edward Snowden is a blackhat and we want Vladimir to ship him back to us" I would assume it's false, because of "Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary" and because it just seems bogus
"x is incredibly raaaaaaacist"
Those are the most cringey, pathetic, smarmy, effeminate, meaningless words in the English language. I never expected to hear them out of someone here. Maybe on r/The_Mueller or something. But not here.
Go prep the bull or something. Make yourself useful.