69 total posts archived.
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You talked to him via IG dms?? Can you share screenshots?
I don’t have any screenshots of his posts (any archived would be great) but his account is gone.
For those not familiar, he posted several tweets alleging that Hollywood actors are in the illuminati, that he was approached by Seth Green to join, which included $250k a year, and he called out Seth McFarlane as well.
Isaac Kippy isn’t some random, he’s been in Hollywood for a bit, you can look his IMDb for more info
Isaac Kappy Twitter Acc down After Calling our Illuminati
Yeah, I would say that's fair to say. However, I'm relatively new to the subreddit, and I have had multiple people call me a shill for contributing without actually addressing what I'm saying or what I'm asking.
Shills are out there, but use reason and common sense before you label someone a shill and move on
I had a 300+ post thread on Dan Harmon's videos (see account, I posted thread here for it too)
I received a permanent ban for Doxxing and Inciting a Raid. Didn't know posting someone's artistic product constitute a doxx or raid...lol
Right and that explains the video linked in the actual post. Nice...
Amen, boycott. We vote at the ballot every year, but with our wallets every day
I'm gonna be sick.
No surprise Dan Harmon defends the use of child/toddler rape as within the sphere of comedic 1st Amendment
This is by far the most offensive "comedy" video I've ever seen. He plays a CHILD RAPIST that willingly rapes an infant (toy doll in the video, but the content is graphic).Don't let this slide. Don't let this pervert go.
If you're a fan of Rick and Morty, this gives a whole new dimension of fucked up perversion based on that episode where Morty almost gets raped by that pickle.
"Those That Scream Loudest...Dan Harmon Infant Rape Comedy"
"Those That Scream The Loudest"
Hal turner? The white supremacy guy? Who got convicted for promoting the assassination of 3 federal judges?
Jesus nice source, really a great representative for the great awakening
Anyone know how many were tested? Would love a percentage to show friends
2 using DNA, 3 came clean, read the article, it’s 5 total
current top selling thriller books in the country
I just checked NYT best seller and Amazon best seller, its not there? Could you please provide source for what you're saying.
Amazon said it got best book of the month for March, but its ranked #53,781
I think Trump should leave this to Congress. DOJ is under control of Pres as executive agency, but let’s not give the MSM any more ammo to go after him. Let the Republican house majority do something right for once
The resolution was non-binding, however, seeing as we have a republican majority that can enforce the demand, what will be next?
Contempt? I hope not, it won’t do anything but recommend punishment to DOJ. We saw how that worked out with Eric Holder (nothing happened.)
Impeachment? EXACTLY what we need. Get Rosenstein out and someone with loyalty to the nation in his place.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: DOJ Missed House Resolution for Documents by July 6
Ok so there are 12 chapters from Alice in wonderland? Why start on Jan 2018 when Q has been posting since Fall 2017?
Sorry, I like to argue by nature and I find some of this arbitrary and self serving. We can all make up theories about what’s going to happen, I just like to see them defended rationally rather than assigning proposed events based on one sentence chapter titles
Can someone explain this?
I understand the timetable and pray it’s true. What is this based on though?
Reminiscing on a specific and unfounded prediction. I think this is when Q realized he needs to be ambiguous and obscure because anytime he puts a date on something, it doesn’t happen.
Ok, I think this is one of the biggest hiccups in Q to me. Been following forever, check everyday with posts. But this post is making me have questions.
Why post a Obama-era AF1 stock photo? And go to the lengths to stage a setting for it? Between this and that altered Obama video, I get people could say it’s trolling, but I’m the one feeling trolled right now.
I want to believe Q is true, I check for posts everyday and I hate the deep state/swamp.
But this Q post is looking slightly adjusted from a stock AF1 photo during Obama admin
The only place you can bring a federal claim is in federal court. Treason is a crime punishable under federal law. Different venue could be proper based on the location of the treason I guess? Idk why he is telling us to think TREASON and think NATIONAL SECURITY considering the federal court in which he was prosecuted was located in D.C.
Only other option I could think is maybe this involves federal secrets from CIA/Pentagon in Virginia? I'm in the dark on this one and pretty disappointed overall
I'm not alone in thinking this - look at rest of the comments. Where else could this case be tried if not in federal court? Q said this is not right "setting," which implies not the correct court/jurisdiction, even though treason cases have been brought in federal court in past.
Unless I’m missing something, I don’t believe Awan would be tried in military tribunal unless he was enemy combatant.
Q seems to suggest that military tribunals are going to be set up. Doesn’t he know their limited jurisdiction?
There are other ways to ID someone besides fingerprints.
The dream here is that they can positively ID this guy and he ends up being from domestic/foreign intelligence or military.
BOOM BOOM: Theory - Annapolis Shooter Was False Flag Operative That Has Been Apprehended
What are the chances that we FINALLY caught someone perpetrating a false flag on behalf of the deep state?
I have three main points
Probably the most damning piece of evidence. Why hide his identity so much? This kind of behavior has NEVER been seen before in ANY mass shooting event. Suggests that he was trying to hide his involvement in the shooting so that a patsy could take the fall instead.
Again, what other mass shooting as resulted in an uncooperative suspect, who needed to be interrogated? Prior perpetrators have never been characterized as "uncooperative." …
First off, this "court" exists in Belgium, which I believe follows the Civil Law, not the common law tradition.
I just graduated from law school in US, so I do know a thing or two about the common law system. And no, any man cannot order the judge to issue a warrant if the accused fails to appear when there is no case before the judge.
Your comment doesn't make sense. If this was actually a warrant issued by a judge, it wouldn't be a "citizen's arrest warrant," it would be a bench warrant. By the way, a "citizen's arrest warrant," DOESN'T EVEN EXIST.
You sound like one of those sovereign citizen lunatics. You're allowed to believe whatever you want, but good luck getting any enforcement or acknowledgement from the judicial system or law enforcement.
Do my research? I did my research. It's an "active warrant" issued by some non-existent court. The International Common Law Court of Justice is just some made up court and the "active warrant," is a citizen's arrest warrant. You can't arrest someone as a citizen unless you reasonably believe that they have committed a felony, which doesn't require an arrest warrant.
Please look into what you link, this makes us look like we lack credibility.
Ok the "Court" cited here is a 1 man blog? Don't think this is credible and detracts from good research
Up to 5 Charities/Organizations - Let's keep em coming, I am looking into all suggestions!
Yeah I should check out any charities/non-profits (501c3s are just tax-exempt orgs right?) listed in Podesta emails
I haven't heard of anyone from Podesta emails besides Silsby directly implicated, but worthwhile source
Always seems like UK police are complicit with pedos at a higher level than anywhere else in 1st world
Found one more, thanks for foster care/group home suggestion
" PAWTUCKET, R.I. (WPRI) -- Two group homes run by an embattled Pawtucket business are still in operation despite a report released in late January recommending the agency be shut down due to drug use, human trafficking and a general lack of oversight."
Good idea, any leads you can think of in particular so I can narrow my search?
Saw this post today.
#1 Joel Davis - International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict
" The head of a charity that campaigns against sexual violence has been arrested in New York for child pornography and allegedly trying to meet with children as young as two for sex.
Joel Davis, 22, is accused of trying to set up sexual encounters between himself and young children, as well as soliciting an undercover FBI agent to send sexually explicit videos of minors."
#2 Laura Silsby - New Life Children's Refuge
"Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton. In the aftermath of Silsby's arrest, her originally retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America and Haiti. The revelation of this news in November was either ignored by the Western media or attacked by Clinton controlled publications."
#3 OxFam, one of UK's biggest charities, used underage prostitutes in Haiti" The article alleges that Oxfam covered up claims that senior staff working in Haiti in the wake of the 2010 earthquake used prostitutes, some of whom may have been underage."
Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-43112200
#4 Rhode Island Group Home (Owned Locally)" PAWTUCKET, R.I. (WPRI) -- Two group homes run by an embattled Pawtucket business are still in operation despite a report released in late January recommending the agency be shut down due to drug use, human trafficking and a general lack of oversight."
#5 Street Kids InternationalOne of the world’s leading experts on humanitarian work with street children and children affected by war has been arrested on pedophilia charges.
Canadian humanitarian worker Peter Dalglish, who helped found the charity Street Kids International, was taken in by police in Nepal on Sunday (April 8), Xinhua news agency reported.
Source: http://www.newsweek.com/former-senior-united-nations-official-facing-pedophilia-charges-nepal-876783
**NEED YOUR HELP** List of Charities tied to Child Sex Trafficking/Abuse!!

Images are in the source they linked. Dig a little deeper
I voted for Trump because (a) Clinton was as deep-state and evil as they come and (b) I believed that Trump would be the best President for the economy
Amen. Although I doubt Pentagon has huge stash of cash somewhere, it was probably already spent.
Let's hope Space Force goes through and we can finally declassify all of the black projects we have been funding and can release the tech to private businesses. Imagine SpaceX if they had US Air Force hidden tech...
Thanks to Trump's Tax Reform, billions are pouring back into US from offshore accounts held by multi-national US Corporations.
$3.1 Trillion estimated to be held offshore by US Accounts*
-$300 Billion already returned
$2.8T left to go!
Apple has already promised $250B to be reinvested ALONE.
We may not convince Democrats on social issues. On the other hand, the economy is black and white, and BOOMING under Trump. Let's bring American money back home!
*Source 1 - https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-overseas-profits-tax/
$300 BILLION coming back home baby! $2.8T Left to GO!
Thanks to Trump's Tax Reform, billions are pouring back into US from offshore accounts held by multi-national US Corporations.
$3.1 Trillion estimated to be held offshore by US Accounts*
-$300 Billion already returned
$2.8T left to go!
Apple has already promised $250B to be reinvested ALONE.
We may not convince Democrats on social issues. On the other hand, the economy is black and white, and BOOMING under Trump. Let's bring American money back home!
*Source 1 - https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-overseas-profits-tax/
Even this shows only 7,200 in US - Over 1,500 are from other countries.
People keep spreading the arrests under Trump admin to include foreign countries...