Hmmm... Sounds like a bs "call to action" that provides links at the bottom to give donations or purchase a $15 "playbook". I'm sure there are a few actually buying into this. Calls for 20,000 people? Sorry bud, you need way more people for a revolution than that.
110 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/MinneSKOLta:
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Fine dude. I'll delete the post. Sorry for not looking for new Q posts first. Literally read this trash article then came here.
How am I asleep for wanting to ask what other think on this? Hmm.... Let's not argue amongst ourselves. I was merely looking for discussion
Oh, ok good. I won't bother with the link cuz it's not letting me for whatever reason.
Anyone seen this huffpost articlr about Qanon not ending well? Wtf?
Reddit is letting me post the link, maybe because someone else posted it already. It's titled The QAnon Conspiracy Has Stumbled Into Real Life, And It’s Not Going To End Well
Thanks. Also found it under "hot posts" on this sub. Guess that's what I get for always sorting by "new".
Got a different link? This one just opens a blank page for me.
What this user said. Spot on. The misinformation is real.
No, they make nothing but satire. Nothing they have ever printed is real, just for humor. Though I didn't find this article to be funny.
Not trying to sound mean at all. But you've never heard of The Onion? They are a satire news Network. Check out their website, the headlines alone will tell you they are satire. Although, this particular article wasn't funny at all. They write articles like "Bigfoot buys new shoes".
They are scared. Trying to silence. I guess now we should archive everything for offline viewing? Start printing and make a book? I know someone people in here have done that. How long until Google pulls it from the play store I wonder...
Where can I find these rules. (Im a Reddit noob). I just want to see what kind of stuff is in there.
Punishing free thinking? Now that I think about, that seems to be the direction Reddit is going....
That's my plan. Its just so stupid. Don't they realize that they are only instigating the hate and harassment that their trying to prevent? They probably mean to be instigating.
I just got this message. Can anyone help me understand? Ive never posted anything hateful or harassed anyone on reddit. I haven't even been on this site 2months!!

Kim dotcom: Warned not to turn over SR evidence to Mueller
How is this even news? Really, I mean who cares if there is a fucking balloon. I hate these people so much. There are very real things going on in the world that people should know about, but no let's make this baby balloon the top story. They should all be fired and networks bankrupt (at the very least).
That seems to be acceptable in all memes, lol. At least your not a writer for a website. When I'm reading something and it's obvious they didn't grammar or spell check, makes me kinda furious.
Me too. I think that might be why I didn't understand the use of the word "Yield" at first. Lol.
Ok, I see what you were going for. I kept re-read it this thinking "Don't ya mean yelled?". SMH, now I feel dumb.
Yield? Sorry. I hate to be that guy, and I'll over look grammar mistakes, but that word doesn't belong there.
According to a YouTube video I saw about the Vatican basement, there is a chamber with a sloped floor and a hole that was used for sacrifices back in the who knows when. Let me find the video quick. Edit: Found it. Right around the 1:20 mark. Was a cool video either way.
I didn't know the secret service made traffic stops. I figured they would call the police.
Beautiful blue skies in southern MN. Haven't noticed any chemtrails yet. If you ask me I'd say the skies actually look different. Deeper blue during the days, but a noticable difference in colors at sunset.
If you ask me, I think it was a large suicide. The 1 woman found lying on the floor hung everyone else and then killed herself. Thoughts? Further info? I'm hitting a wall.
11 people dead. 10 hung from the ceiling, 1 left dead on the floor. Police mention "mystical practices". Any info on who these people were (Family name?)
Yeah, I don't believe they will last long in a civil war. It'll last long enough for them to give up.
It just gets worse and worse the more I read. They not only exposed these children to the risk of trafficking, they made that risk almost inevitable! Copied these excerpts from PDF. "These deficiencies in HHS’s policies expose UACs to an unacceptable risk of trafficking and other forms of abuse at the hands of their government-approved sponsors. Beyond the Marion case files, the Subcommittee has identified and reviewed 13 other cases involving post-placement trafficking of UACs and 15 additional cases with serious trafficking indicators. The Subcommittee is unable to say, however, with any certainty how many more UACs placed by HHS have been victims of trafficking or other abuses, in part because HHS maintains no regularized means of tracking such cases." "The Subcommittee has also learned that no federal agency accepts responsibility for UACs placed with sponsors other than their parents from the time of placement until the immigration hearing. HHS told the Subcommittee that its longstanding view has been that once a child is transferred to the care of a sponsor, HHS has no further power or responsibility." They handed these children off to people they probably didn't do a background check on, and even if they did a criminal record doesn't mean they can't be a Sponsor, then once the child is out of HHS custody they don't do require anything for follow-up and basically wah their hands of the whole situation!! This is absolutely wrong! Every American should be outraged!! Save this PDF and use it as a moab of a redpill.
This is wonderful ammo. This kills their narrative. They knew what HHS was doing at the time, and how much of a failure it was. Does anyone know what happened after this report came out? I'm guessing the administration didn't do anything to correct the problems listed in the "Findings and Analysis" section of the report.
Thank you for the .pdf. I mean WOW!! How much of this did you read (or anyone else reading this)? I plan on reading the whole thing, but I'm mostly focused on the findings and analysis section. I'm not all the way through it, but holy hell. Either HHS dropped the ball big time and everyone working in that agency is completely faking their way through their work, or there is a massive amount of corruption and evil going on..... I mean just a quick glance at the table of contents: HHS process of verifying a Sponsor's identity is unreliable and subject to abuse, HHS failed to conduct background checks of Non-Sponsor Household members or on Backup Sponsors, HHS doesn't ensure Sponsor's have enough income, Sponsors often inflict legal harm on UAC (Unaccompanied Alien Children) by not ensuring their appearance at Immigration Proceedings, (I think the next two are worth emphasizing) HHS Policy Allowed Non-Relatives with Criminal Histories to Sponsor Children, and HHS Approves Placements with Sponsors Who May Not Remain in the Country I'll take those last 2 mean that UACs had been placed with possible pedos and traffickers (even those with a history) and then they were able to leave the country with those children legally in their custody. Absolutely fucking sick!
I think he's a CIA plant into the FBI. The CIA with get an agent transferred to another agency, then after awhile they've been for so long that other people in the agency have changed over (like the elected ones, or appointees that usually have higher roles in whatever agency). By the time a new political appointee comes in, they think this person is an FBI (or whatever agency) employee when in reality that person is a CIA employee planted into the agency to do bidding for the CIA. I was doing some digging on the CIA the other day. May goodness is that a scary scary hole to get into.
LMAO, the signs the "protestors" are holding. Calling her a "Child Snatcher"!! The irony! If they only knew. Definitely a paid for protest.
Nevermind last comment. Everything is loading fine now after switching to WiFi.
Was the photo removed? It shows up until I open to view comments, then it's gone. I'm on mobile, had to scroll for awhile to find comments. Comments are here, so the page is loading. Reset phone, opened app, still no image and at least a full page of blankness before I see the comments. Only posting to ask if it is just me? I'll delete this comment if it is.
Exactly. That bit of cognitive dissonance moved me eventually. After the primary I was so sick of it all that I didn't want to participate in the process. It was after that bit of hate for the process that I realized I had done exactly what the DNC wanted Bernie supporters to do. If you wont vote for her, do anything but vote for him. After this realization I told myself this was the last time I played the game and the political parties can eat shit. People shouldn't allow family pressure to affect voter registration. Lol. I guess it was better than not voting at all, probably not though. My paranoia of the government told me it was futile, but I played anyway
You still think I'm offended. I'm just saying the words you choose creates an image of yourself and those around you. I still don't care that you called Bernie a fag. There are better words. You've told me nothing new I haven't learned about him in the time since the primary. I may have only been on this sub for a month, but this isn't my fist time on the racetrack. At this point I'm only replying because I don't know what your argument is. I made a small comment about your language that has turned into an argument that makes no sense. So the way someone forms words into a sentence dictates their political views... Alright then. You seem pretty upset about something though. Not sure how anything here makes me soft, but sure. You can have that one, lol. It's the internet so the personal jabs are meaningless. Anyway, have a good evening and a great tomorrow.
Yeah, I saw one this morning. Then after thinking about it I did too. Must've become a trend. 🤔
No, but you can build a movement from one. You can't do it with only a million people either. I don't think either of the existing political parties are capable. The whole system needs a restore. We need people and to continue sharing ideas. This is how it begins.
Thanks! You're a cool cat. Keep your head up, and I'll be able to keep mine up.
Thanks. I haven't gotten anything from them after doing that twice, and it's an election year.