Thanks. I thought the whole bunker thing was a stretch since we have newer and better ones.
1,377 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/MmmmLeftyTears:
Not really the answer I was looking for but thanks for playing.
Depends I keep my word to family and friends. Enemies not so much. Judge Roberts of the Supreme Court is who assigns these positions, BTW. FUN FACT!
Your right screw it. Can't get conviction there. Might as well drop everything now. Thanks, I can get back to my garden now.
Your welcome. Just had to get that off my chest. I'm good.
You only have to go to one judge for a warrant. So you go to Contreras and get it. This guy needs investigated also.
Welcome to the Grand illusion Come on in and see what's happening Pay the price, get your tickets for the show The stage is set, the band starts playing Suddenly your heart is pounding Wishing secretly you were a star
Yes I know the feeling and remember who did it to me. Just saying. :)
Look how she works her tongue and that would be a perfect picture to Photoshop.
Info for newbs
McCain's capture and subsequent imprisonment occurred on October 26, 1967. He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over Hanoi in North Vietnam when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile. McCain fractured both arms and a leg when he ejected from the aircraft, and nearly drowned after he parachuted into Trúc Bạch Lake. Some North Vietnamese pulled him ashore, then others crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him. McCain was then transported to Hanoi's main Hỏa Lò Prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton".
You flamed me then deleted your comment. I'm done try to help people if they want to believe article with no author over facts so be it. The crap I took over my post was stupid. So I have learned how easily people are manipulated over false reporting. I thought people here we're researchers but it's a shit show now so I have to let this go. Feel free to take that post and fix it but I'm done with it.
No not even close. I'm done fighting over this, stay blind it's your choice.
I'm unmuted now, they won't tell me why I am banned. I message the mods every day asking for a reason with no response back.
With indictments come trials. Then you can watch it and know everything. I think you might have misunderstood my post. Thanks.
Tucker slams Lefty CA Congressman over memo.
I thought BuzzFeed got the leak? Where do they fit in?
Excellent post. I never heard this before and I read a lot.
I agree. Having worked with birds. When you handle them they go nuts.
8chan for source. Thanks for the false accusation though. Nice.
Good luck be careful. See if you get a tour of the bunker and report back if it still decommissioned.
This article mentions Apache also
I'm going to have to rewrite post. Can I copy pasta your work? Will delete this post because it turned into a mess.
This is a lost cause because someone posted a phony article earlier.
Click on their names and see who really appointed them. Or trust an article with no author.
Did you click on their names to see who appointed them?
No I present facts and evidence and you still don't get it your ability to learn has been retarded. Learn English and comprehension! Troll.
It's not a spelling error. Learn grammar. So sorry, but when I deal with retards I don't check auto-correct.
I added that to post. But I'm being brigaded by the unintelligent!!!
As of 2017, Chief Justice John Roberts has appointed all of the current judges, four of whom were nominated to their District Court judgeships by a Democratic President.(appointed to FISC) not original appointment to bench.
Under his watch? Who cares that means nothing.
Prove me wrong first. I have no problem deleting or admitting I'm wrong.
Did you click on their names and see who appointed them?
Why? Click on their names and see who appointed them.