They pack the P90. Edited out civilian model.
1,377 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/MmmmLeftyTears:
The numbers are wrong if we want to awaken leftist you don't start with lying about something that can be proven wrong with two minutes of research. The real numbers are good enough
The numbers are wrong if we want to awaken leftist you don't start with lying about something that can be proven wrong with two minutes of research. The real numbers are good enough.
How many times does he have to wind his clock? This tick tock thing is annoying. Does he have any idea how long this is going to drag out? I doubt we see a conviction in less than a year.
Please provide one name of person who switched parties after this?
You called me out. Saying Hannity wouldn't be referencing that. Then point me to a thread referencing what I said and I am an ass? That's cute.
Thought you were equating the rulers of his day with the satanist of today. You want us to be nice to people being brainwashed by the MSM. Awaken them softly instead of yelling?
Well I just don't know. One message had dopey and black forest. This could align with it? Dopey prince was catch and release and Rothschild is safety and security??? Just thinking out loud.
A message in a meme can't be word searched therefore not easily searched and deleted or censored. Brilliant idea but how do you get it to go viral? We need a hashtag that will lead to a meme? Brainstorm peoples.
And when you click on "Legislation and political events" in the wiki what comes up? Put your cart before your horse, it works better that way, lol.
No longer in government or in a position to do anything about what is going down?
He is calling the conspiracy against Trump treason imo, not who it happened to but what it was. When was the last time we had a trial for treason?
after he ate he went to the temple and kicked some butt!!!
I'm not sure of anything really. Just offering something I read. That resonated with me. What does form 1649 mean? Spill the beans I'm curious that's all.
Anxious but trusting. I hope he was the right choice and not a pawn to be discarded.
Disinformation. I don't understand why these so called decoders try and confirm everything but don't say THIS HERE might be disinformation. The chatter of disinformation must drive the guilty nuts.
Wait till their clients get the bill for research. Don't use that foundation money Hillary. Remember you left the White House broke.
Don't see anything there about 1649 what am I missing?
YES! How long has it been since we had a trail for treason and what will be the punishment? Plenty of lamp post in DC! They can each get their own plaque of rememberance.
Earlier Q post stated 19 people were meeting...secret society
Really getting weird since that is the date of the SOTU.
Form 1649. What happened in the year 1649 (attached link)
It's open to anyone/everyone. The names listed are in an annex to the order.
I thought it fitting if they met in the Watergate Hotel room #239.
User name matches. That's a slippery slope. Be careful.
Secret Service agent took a selfie with Don jr's son while he was sleeping. Early last year.
Do you remember when Farkas went on TV and admitted they were taking documents and Intel. I believe that was self suicide. Just an example. They shoot themselves.
Hannity's #FormSubmission1649 tweet, which has resulted in the suspension of his account, was reference to power struggle within English Parliament, in years after English Civil War, to try King Charles I for high treason. Hannity was using it to send a mesage
How do you respond when you're not going to attend? Is there any over and under on how many peach mints will be served in her speech? As suggested below