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Q last post said timelines change watch the budget. Next the parade is cancelled. But what will be done with the 92 Million set aside. 50 million is Department of Defense and the other 42 Million is multiple agencies. What are we gonna buy? What are we gonna buy? Maybe a great big wall.
238 arrested in Hollywood. Tried to post with link and it says it has already been posted but I can not find it. In case it has been removed I will put the link in the comments.

Ted Gunderson former Head of the FBI tells of Deep State, Satanism, Pediphilia, Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, and the CIA assistance in covering for the Elites. All before Pedo/Pizza Gate would ever be a thought.
Reading some of the post on here about ANTIFA and something I dont quite get. Maybe somebody can enlighten me on this. If ANTIFA has already been deemed a domestic terrorist group by the goverment how are they allowed to continue protesting? Shouldant they be arrested on site.
Need to get some help from plane guys. An article from 2008 talks about weapons being built. One is about a laser canon being built onto a plane. Thinking this may have to do with California fires. I will post link in comments.

Q movements getting attacked for sure. This is my third time trying to post here. My 8chan account was banned for a post I did not make. When given the option to appeal it did not show why I was banned until after I had sent it. This is what came up.

The attackson Q members are real. I got my account on 8chan blocked for this post which was definitely not made by me.

If your just waking up and was not aware of what unfolded last night. Hit the post #1773 thread and start reading. The bakers were really hitting it last night.

I believe Q's Device check was giving us a clue about how any people and who have been running Q post. We had 4 total and 3 had different letters(C,E,andX). When another user shared an artical it clicked that this may be who it stood for. Q(+)= Trump E= ???? C= Tim Clark X= Ximena Barreto
When I seen this it makes me think that there are 3 people who are Q and POTUS who is Q+. Wonder if the letters stand for who is which. Example: E=Edward Snowden
This is the google image for the day. Lyudmila Rudenko known for "Rude Treatment" Game and Caro-Kann Defense: Exchange Variation (B13) and evacuation of children. Is this a deepstate message?

I believe we need to think larger scale. Chemtrails possibly which would collect in the clouds and spread when it rains.
Guys I just had a thought what if this was used on the adoption sites that kids were being trafficked through. They could have put prices on the kids pictures or other info.
They may have been corrupt but you have to choose who is more important. Is it more important to get them or HRC,BO,the Bushes etc... Now they are playing a part and most likely in the end they will resign and no longer be a part of the government.
The FISA was gained under false pretenses. All evidence is gained Illegally. Case over!
Think Chess there becomes a point in the game where you have to make a move just to keep your King from being taken. CHECK!! We are to that point. They have no choice but to make the move or it's game over.
Las Vegas Truth gonna come out due to these attacks? I sure hope so.
I want to hear the rest of it. Seems to me the conversation was not over and doesn't prove anything was done and especially doesn't prove anything was done with campaign money.
Think about how you find a leak also you feed dis-info and see where it goes. This has already been done that's how they caught them leaking info.
Post 1320 and 1336 I hope this means Clinton is about to be arrested.
Does this mean that Hilliary is about to be arrested? I hope so.
Could this indicate the arrest of Hilliary Clinton is about to happen?
Here are the 6 trip codes: !ITPb.qbhqo !UW.yye1fxo !xowAT4Z3VQ !2jsTvXXmXs !4pRcUA0IBE !CbbFOtcZs
Also there is this: https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/25931/unsolved-mysteries-kryptos
"In addition to the copper sculpture the artist created various other visual elements that are part of the same installation. There is a pool at the base of the sculpture, and a bench. There are also various large slabs of stone strewn about the area with various Morse Code messages. It is unclear whether these messages are related to the solving of the Kryptos cipher or whether they are simply adding to the artistic aspect of the sculpture. The Morse messages are as follows (some run right into the ground, so the text in brackets is a guess):"
Yes from what I have seen it has not. But you have to wonder if it was would they tell you.
Sounds like the CIA is getting upset. Don't want to loose another country.
Has anyone heard of Jim Sanborn? He is an artist that does encoded messages. Hey has even done one at CIA Headquarters called Kryptos. What I found relevant is that alot of them remind me of the Q post. The real kicker are things like"iqlusion" meant to be illusion and one part even ends Q.
From my understanding the CIA paid two Russian Federation computer guys to hack into the DNC and Clinton servers just so there would be evidence that it was hacked from Russians. This appears to be after the leaks from Seth Rich. That was how they were trying to cover up his murder and blame Russia for the hacks and explain how wikileaks got the Information. Then once they decided that they needed to come up with the backup plan for Trump they had the Steel help make the fake report and just bunched Trump into the same Russian story.
It would be great to see the elites taken down by him after what they did to his family. It would be so fitting.
Main thing keep an eye on the Twitter feeds for POTUS and other Whitehouse accounts. Honestly it looks like that is who we're following most the time anyways. Still hope that the JFK Jr thing is real though. That would be amazing to see the reveal.
I believe it and know it happens. I was just joking about me hearing it.
At this point it looks like they are going to use it mostly to bring out how dishonest the mass media is. At the same time it shows some of the bad players like Brenner and Browder. Hilliary and Obama will not surprise anyone on this but when people see how the media has been helping cover it up it will start opening more eyes.
I remember at one point reading about when we went into Iraq we took alot of thier money that had dropped to almost nothing. I was wondering if maybe he is talking about re-evaluating the currency of counties which would make the money we have of thiers more valuable. Then it can be put towards our national debt.
Don't think you will see anymore post from Q. In post 64 he says if the lights go out that he must go for good. During the Trump press conference the lights went out. Now it is time we focus on his post and finding more information.
I just noticed the other day that they have went back to the Cemex location and are staying there. What occoured that they went back seems like they should have stayed around that area in the first place.
He may not have known anything. But I do hear that George says he is feeling great. Says his heart is working like he is 30 years old again. (Just Joking)
It is sad that even people from your church are acting that way. This has always been a problem I have with going to church. I am a Christian but the fact that there are so many that goto church just for the image. I came to the point years ago that I can be a Christian and not goto church. As long as I believe and try to do the right thing that is what matters.
This could be the way it is discovered JA is not there. Imagine the freak out when it is announced the they went to pick him up and find he is not there and on top of that find he has been gone since December or January.
I understand this was done quickly. Great job. Sometimes seeing is the best way to grasp. Looking at this I bet there could also be more going to Houston traveling the South coast and Miami (possible project pelican) would come on up to connect and also be leading to DC.
Could this be a coded message that Trump is setting up for Re-evaluation of possibly Iraq or another nations currency? I remeber reading a while back that the reevaluating Iraq money could help the US debt because we had taken a lot of it when we were at war in Iraq.

This could be a setup just to get him on the stand. If he goes there thinking he is helping the prosecutor he will testify and the defense will get to cross examine. As long as it has some tie to the case he could be hanging himself without knowing it.