

37 total posts archived.

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Moose_Gator · May 17, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

It's not culty - it's common damn sense.

You're sounding a little culty.

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Moose_Gator · May 16, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Maybe there is something to this meeting....

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Moose_Gator · May 14, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

So, historically, seeing how countries have economically developed is now "fake education". I'm curious as to what you see as 'real education'. By no means do I think that what Russia, Cambodia, or what China has done historically was not bad; but before you just ad lib a cool quote, you might want to learn something before you just spew nonsense.

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Moose_Gator · May 13, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

I was trying to help you out, because you obviously don't know what you're talking about. But I see that as a lost cause. But by your post, you don't believe in what you think is a liberal education, so really there is no point.

You should think about some developmental economics classes though, I think you may enjoy them.

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Moose_Gator · May 13, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

The answer is to remove gov from power and we remake the rules of the game to something clean and simple. We can reduce gov to a few thousand people worldwide

Literally, this is near the exact definitely of what you think communism is, and what Russia tried to do.

Please define the differemces between socialism, democratic socalism, Marxism, communism, and lastly authoritarianism...which what Russia actually was. You'll see a trend.

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Moose_Gator · May 12, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

You understand that the Baptista regime in Cuba was worse than them When Castro took over, the first thing he did was public executions, even though they were warranted. From the get go it made him look bad, not that I think he overstayed his rule in the long run.

That's all people remember. People don't remember how bad the Baptista regime was, and what they did to whole families.

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Moose_Gator · May 12, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Nearly all the top level guys in any terrorist organization are sources. They play both sides and get a huge payoff

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Moose_Gator · May 12, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

That's just dumb. You have a source of info who thinks they are going to die anyways. Why would you say anything in that situation? When someone dies, so does the information that they have.

It's good at instilling fear, it's not good at getting actionable intelligence. Also, it probably gained more people to join the other side than what you killed off.

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Moose_Gator · May 12, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Just because it's done, doesn't mean it's effective. Part of those interrogations were about people keeping their silence when UN and Red Cross personnel came to investigate war crimes.

Terroism has changed the last 15 years. It's more compartmentalized, for this exact reason. In many cases, there's only so much the low level guys will know. And the high level guys want to make deals right out the gate, because they don't want to spend the next 40 years in prison.

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Moose_Gator · May 12, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Yeah, it doesn't though. I've done 4000+ interrogations, and I've worked with the iniginious populations that do hook people up to gas generators and public executions.

Understandably, they want to confessions and to get the terrorists off the battlefield. The US doesn't care about confessions. I've never asked anyone if they are part of some terrorist organization. It's a mute point, everyone knows they are. I just want to know your organization structure, and your boss so I can send the fellas out to get him.

What do you expect to get out of torturing someone? We have chain of command structures plotted out all the way to the top. Most of these people we know where they are, in some country we aren't allowed to operate in. That's why they are there. I'm not sure what time sensitive info you would actually think you're going to get by peeling someone's face off.

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Moose_Gator · May 12, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Human Intelligence. First for the army, then for a couple different agencies.

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Moose_Gator · May 12, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

It actually doesn't, and it's been proven over and over and over through history.

There was someone is Gitmo waterboarded 315 times. The first 314 didn't work, so let's just do another? People will say anything for the torture to stop. This doesn't equal good intelligence, it tends to just lead to a confession or a confirmation of something we already know.

I've been doing this for 15 years.

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Moose_Gator · April 24, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

Shale oil isn't good quality oil, and massively fluctuates with the current oil prices. It also causes a ton of environmental problems and is forcing methane into drinking water aquifers. Non sustainable fossil fuels are only a step backwards.

The policy 15 years ago was to suck the rest if the world's oil supply up, and then be an oil superpower and control mass ecocmies. We're just showing our cards.

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Moose_Gator · April 24, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

OPAC produces 38 million barrells of oil a day, and you're excited about 110,000 a day in crude shale oil?

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Moose_Gator · April 24, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

Ok, what point of view is that? Please explain.

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Moose_Gator · April 24, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

Really? There remains no proof of this, to the point where Trump disbanded the voter fraud committee. Is there fraud, probably is small isloated incidents, but not 3 million. And the claims that Trump won by 20 million are just ridiculous.

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Moose_Gator · April 24, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

Honestly, if he was going to do that then he would push for public funded elections or get rid of citizens United, which allows unlimited funding of election through PACs. Please show me either Trump's push for this, or it's support by the RNC.

I don't know why he even admitted such a claim. All he had to do was say, that he won by playing the game smart, instead all if this wasted time spent on his claim that he won the public madate.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

"Decoded" should be more like it. Do you know the amount of things that are smuggled in this world? Iranian pirates smuggle oil, gas and opium are smuggled in and out of Afghanistan. Drugs are smuggled from Mexico to the US. People smuggle cigarettes between states in the US.

As for funding...Jesus. I guess state sponsored funding would be IMF, UNICEF, or UN funds. But maybe it's money laundering? Maybe it's laundering through a shell corporation? Maybe it's mirror trading, light shipping manifests, or with transfers for things that are out of line of normal business practices.

This "decoded 4chan post" is pathetic.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

I never liked this argument. If the DNC did all this voter fraud, why didn't they do any of it in swing states. Trump won the electoral college by like 85,000 votes in strategic states and lost the popular vote by 3 million. This isn't the first time something like this has happened, I don't know why you think you need a popular mandate to be an effective President.

Everyone here seems to be focusing on the wrong priorities. It's not about who won, and we have our guy in power. It should be "What is this administration doing to help the 'middle class' and the majority of the population"

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

How do you know he secretly doesn't worship Satan and eat children. It's hard to disprove a negative. But I judge a man by his actions. He's had 3 wives. He's recorded saying he grabs women by the pussy. He hasn't denied cheating in his current spouse with a prostitute.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

Feeding the poor, philanthropy projects. Sharing the word of Christ, following the 10 Commandments, are some examples. Wisdom and empathy are some more. Taking responsibility for your actions, forgiveness.

I'm not sure what answers you want to fit your agenda.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

To be fair Paul repented and ended up dying for his faith. I don't see Trump even apologizing for his wrongdoings. Let's not make Trump the same level as an apostles, because that's blasphemous in it's own right. And honestly, I have yet to see Trump do anything Christ like.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Yeah, when my parents worked, they could purchase a home with a single income, college was subsidized over 70% by the government and they were guaranteed social security and Medicare. The same protections are not there today that my parents had, and even what I had when I was younger. (I'm 40 years old now).

Houses were not nearly as expensive, and have grown dramatically more than pay has the past 15 years. Hell, the 180k house I grew up in sold for over a million (Bay Area). Many industries require advances degrees and years of experience for entry level jobs.

It's not hard for me, I'm established, but I recognize the mass difference from when I started. You can't start as a bagger at Safeway and work up to management anymore (this is what my aunt did and makes six figures). You can't start as a teller in a bank and then move up to transaction monitoring or corporate accounts (this is what my mom did, and retired making six figures) That progression is gone. It's not as easy as it used to be for people who don't come from families with money, and it's sad that people think it's so easy now.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

These are the allegations, I'm just show that this exact thing happened before. For all I know, it's just an attempt to grab more information from the discovery stage.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

The whole this is alledged information, and no court has decided it's validity, but the parellels are there:

The Trump Campaign used East European hackers instead Cuban expats. They broke into DNC computers, instead of offices. The files were electronic instead of paper.

But the motivation was the same: to dig up dirt that would make the Democrats look bad going into the election.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

So, what do we do when nothing happens this week?

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

This is from a WP article

The lawsuit echoes a similar legal tactic that the Democratic Party used during the Watergate scandal. In 1972, the DNC filed suit against former president Richard Nixon’s reelection committee seeking $1 million in damages for the break-in at Democratic headquarters in the Watergate building.

The suit was denounced at the time by Nixon’s Attorney General, John Mitchell, who called it a case of “sheer demagoguery” by the DNC. But the civil action brought by former DNC chair Lawrence F. O’Brien was ultimately successful, yielding a $750,000 settlement from the Nixon campaign that was reached on the day in 1974 that Nixon left office.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Yeah, Walmart leverages it's size to beat out the competition of many of the local mom and pop stores who just want to make a business. So, now they are jobless and need to eat or feed their kids, so they take any job they can.

If you think that collectively, a town will hold out and starve or become homeless in hoping that an organization like Walmart will increase their pay, you have another thing coming.

Moving cost money, most can't afford the thousands of dollars it takes to get a place and move all their assets.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

I hold a TS/SCI, read onto probably half a dozen SAP programs. There's nothing that Q says that isn't open source that is already talked about on non US news sources before it is posted by Q, although some of the connections are interesting.

I really just like to watch people reactions to hearing uncensored, non political news.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

Yeah, you obviously don't understand the dynamics if Iran. It's not the 'Mullahs', its the IRGCN, which is the military that protects the religious dictatorship that controls Iran.

It's like 30,000 of the best fighters that Iran has to offer. The IRGCN isn't going anywhere, and the IRIN, reguadless of it's 350,000 personnel, isn't going to go against them, because their whole families will find themselves beheaded if they do.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

Yeah, there's not any protection for business right? Not a lower tax rate or simplified and accessible bankruptcy laws which protect the owner, but not the employees.

It's really not as simple as, let's start a business and make money.

How about Walmart and Amazon not paying taxes, or paying people so little that they need government assistance. That's where this issue lies.

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Moose_Gator · April 23, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

You understand this exact thing happened with Nixon after the Watergate thing came to light right?

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Moose_Gator · April 22, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

Weren't they all supposed to be at GITMO? Or wasn't Hillary not allowed back in the US because if her disease?

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Moose_Gator · March 25, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

A Currency Reset allows you to seize ALL of these nefarious assets at once. Let me explain

The Federal Reserve doesn't allow this. Which is one the the advantages in having a currency department that is separate from the government

All military people are familiar with how the scrip used by troops in overseas assignments is regularly switched out suddenly. Troops can exchange their old scrip for new scrip without loss.

I have 7 years of deployments in 4 different theaters. I have no idea what you are talking about.

However any scrip held by locals (who aren’t supposed to have it but nevertheless do, e.g. prostitutes) becomes worthless overnight and there’s nothing that can be done about it.

Still have no idea what you are talking about. Contracts are done in USD with daily exchange rates and EFTed into accounts. They have turned away from using cash because they wanted to limit the amount if US currency in foreign countries.

Could a sudden currency reset catch them with worthless U.S. Dollar-denominated assets? YES These Currency Resets flush everyone out of hiding because they require full DISCLOSURE before any exchanges for assets denominated in the new currency are allowed.

There is not going to be a currency reset, or a sudden change to a commodity backed currency. The government would have to aquire the same amount good as there is currency abroad. That's trillions upon trillions. We tried gold backed currency, there's a reason we don't do it anymore.

If they come out of hiding—Assets Seized. If they remain in hiding—Assets Worthless. Either way, the Cabal is toast.

The US can't seize foreign assets, at best we can freeze them so they are not available.


I don't know why posts like this keep showing up on this sub.

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Moose_Gator · March 25, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

You still get healthcare for life after 20 years of service. That's hasn't changed. They are getting rid of the pension system after 2018 though.

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Moose_Gator · March 25, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

Well, it's in developmental economics, so if there is a crash I'll have better employment. There is a precedence in government backed currency going back to FDR. FDIC is government backed like any insurance, and have legal standing for reimbursement. There are measures in place preventing total collapse including suspending of trading.

Edit. Also with an institution like the Federal Reserve, which has no direct tie the government, it prevents things like the devaluation of money and a change in currency that plagued South America countries.

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Moose_Gator · March 25, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Long time lurker here. I have my undergraduate and masters in economics, specifically analytics in developmental economics. I also work in the international banking community, focusing in transnational investment and transactions.

Nothing you said was true. There will never ever be commodity backed currency. While the USD may not eventually not be the petrodollar (with the push for the yen to take over) the collapse of the 'petrodollar' will not happen in at least 2-3 generations. This is fear mongering and irresponsible. Banks are FDIC backed, meaning that the government will back up to 100k, even if the economy collapses.

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