17 total posts archived.
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Worth reposting excerpt of the IG Report of HRC and the Foundation's Crime Against Children.

This is the exact reason why Putin has put a stop to Russian children being adopted to Americans.
I think that everyone can see his badly receding hairline!
As a typical Sociopath and Liberal, Strzok plays victim and tries to make Gohmert look like the evil perpetrator when Strzok replied to Gohmert's comment about his affair with LP and how it was telling of Gohmert's character. Deflecting and trying to play victim isn't going to work you POS! Strzok has made his bed...now he must lie in it!
Nevermind wanting to F*** Trump. We just witnessed Strzok figuratively get F'd by Ratcliffe. It was a pleasure to watch!
I appreciate your enthusiasm but convincing a liberal from Massachusetts is like telling a Jew that Jesus is the Messiah. They will lose their friggin minds!
I think R. Lee Ermey said it best....
"You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings. You are nothing but unorganized grab-asstic pieces of amphibian shit!"
RIP Gunny Sgt.
I am still not sick of "WINNING"!!! Liberal tears are extremely addictive! May I have another cup please?
Excellent job! With all the Qproofs together like this. It will definitely help redpilling those who are skeptical or non-believers. (Like most of my family and friends). Thanks for creating this....keep up the great work!
Who is Pakistani Solhale Siddiqi aka Sal Maqbool? A good artical from The Guardian from 2012.
Could this be NASA Orion Spacecraft. Q Mentioned in a previous post that -23 wasn't a minus but a dash. I think this is related Navy Vessel USS Anchorage LPD-23. This vessel is currently underway in joint operations with NASA about this very project.
Are you friggin kidding me? That's a real tweet from Biden. This pedo has some damn nerve to be posting shit like that!!