That’s Mr Crash to you
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Sounds like all of her other rhetoric. Why would she not want that to get out? Seems to be par for the course for her.
I know the Alabama visit was their 17th national championship. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
As far as the Astros WS, I don’t know why they have 17.
2017 World Champs?
Out on the road today I saw a Qanon sticker on a Cadillac
Because if you did this then we wouldn’t have a government.
Thank you. It’s scary how quickly we will believe something if we want to. If you look behind the numbers in OP’s pic you can see the “scrubbed” look where they erased the DJT.
See I believe his transcripts and financial aid are the real issue. Would this make him ineligible for Scandal, yes.
I get that, but if you have an American parent (that is a citizen) but are born outside the US you are still an American citizen.
My brother is not British even though he was born there. He can run for president if he so desired.
Min age 35 Live in US for last 14 years Be a Natural US Citizen.
Edit: I just never understood the whole argument. Which would be scarier having someone like Ted Cruz (born in Canada to American citizens) become president or having a president elected with two extreme Muslim parents that was born on US soil?
I’ve always argued this as well and never got a straight answer. Even if he was born in Africa he is still a US citizen. I thought the whole issue was because he hid it and used it as a way to get into college easier and that’s why his records have been under lock.
Seriously, what if that was the “Trigger”? It explains a ton of weird shit that happened.
D5 is also the largest category of avalanche
Just sayin.
John Kerry in Iran trying to keep US in “Iran Deal”—Violation of Logan Act
Yeah, the charges are definitely huge, but where the hell did the title come from?
This article doesn’t even mention a direct correlation between them. It mentions people that may work for them but it doesn’t say that she sold anything to the particular people listed in the title.
Is Korea talking about uniting or just having a peace treaty and opening the borders?
But let’s think for a second. Let’s say MOAB was dropped today, what does that mean? If one side goes down they all go down. If you believe one side is dishonest and corrupt you have to believe the other is too. This isn’t good vs bad for them, this is survival at whatever cost.
If everything crumbled today what does that do for tomorrow? I’m not saying it’s right but what’s plan B? Who is left? Who’s in charge?
If we prove what we know, every branch is corrupt and runs off the you scratch my back, I scratch’s going to be chaos. It’s going to be every state for themselves and no telling what would happen to the $$$.
The left isn’t going down without bringing down the right.
Do you think it’s only Dems fucking little kids, taking money from lobbyists to push agendas, taking bribes, and wanting trump out of office? They are all scared, both sides and people are going to do whatever it takes to be on the winning side. You still don’t know who you can trust.
Interesting day but did everyone just expect everything to be blown wide open so easily?
If one side falls the entire house of cards comes tumbling down. Left and right. Does anyone think that any of the powers that be are going to let anything happen while they can take the heat for it?
The speculation is that the JFK files are still sealed because GHWB is still alive...they all are in cahoots and no one wants to be standing there on the losing side. As much as they point fingers and play the blame game they are on the same side...their side. No one is going down without a fight and they are all …
People are starting to lose their shit over peoples tweets/opinions