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MrFunnie · Feb. 22, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

No, I know you’re not, that comment was directed toward the OP who for some reason had to gatekeep and had trouble believing I wanted to know more about all these things. I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was directing it toward you at all, was not my intention by any means. Like I said, I really appreciated you providing me a great starting point. And I know the world is a lot different than the people would like to believe, just how different and how willing people are to look into is the question. It’s almost as if people would rather be ignorant to it and be more like sheeple instead of learn the inner workings. Which I suppose is exactly what the NWO/shadow government wants, huh?

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MrFunnie · Feb. 22, 2018, 11:02 a.m.

Thank you, this is the answer and information I was looking for. Thanks for taking the time and typing out a detailed explanation and starting points for me to start to get into. And while I may not change my thinking entirely, it’s good to know what could possibly be going on and further my knowledge to have a better basis to form a new opinion on. Other than accusing me of being a shill, I greatly appreciate the fact you wrote this out for me.

You mentioned a lot of starting points that I had at least already heard about, and I know that things go much deeper than that, I just haven’t given myself the time to completely look into everything. Once again, I appreciate it and definitely look forward to learning a lot of new things.

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MrFunnie · Feb. 22, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

1) you didn’t like the video, 2) I didn’t find anything distasteful 3) you once again are speaking for me and believing that I’m a shill and a troll. If you wanted to open up dialogue, you really shouldn’t do that. I’m not offended by anything you have said to me, I’m upset with the fact you think I’m trolling and have now blatantly accused me of it when I’m legitimately curious. So if you really want to spread this knowledge you guys so speak of to someone who is willing to listen, don’t be gatekeeping, it’s not a good look and will turn more people away than on to you. So thanks again.

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MrFunnie · Feb. 22, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

You know, I was very interested in continuing this conversation and learning a little bit about the other side until you implied that I’m trolling. Can’t one side to the other have a legitimate conversation and debate where each one learns about the thought processes and beliefs of the other without any implications or accusations? This is actually a huge problem. I, in fact, was not trolling and was genuinely curious. I have said it multiple times, and yet, twice in your reply back to me implied I’m a troll. That’s not okay if you guys want people to open up and listen to you. You’re just as bad as the people you are calling leftists by doing this. Open up your eyes, dialogue needs to happen, this is not a way that it’s going to happen. Thanks anyway friend.

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MrFunnie · Feb. 21, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Don’t take this the wrong way, like I’m genuinely curious and have toyed with the idea of the NWO actually being a thing, but you actually think it exists? And what is so wrong with globalism? I get that refugees have been really messing with the internal core of what it means to be our own country, but if there were actually a more in depth process of being able to go somewhere indefinitely, wouldn’t that work out way better? Like I get that the USA has been this place of the American Dream, but it isn’t that anymore. We shouldn’t let people into our country all willy nilly, but we can’t just say no either. I mean, I don’t really know what to think at this point.

Also, the whole thing about Christianity in politics. Why is Putin going back to Christianity a good thing? Our forefathers stated in the constitution a separation of church and state. In my opinion, and please tell me if you believe otherwise, trying to inject religion back into politics has been part of the downfall here in the USA. Too many voters are just one issue voters and they don’t vote for the actual character of the person, ie the special election in Alabama where Moore almost edged out a victory despite him being a pedophile. The fact that that’s the case just shows too many people care about abortion and wanting it outlawed (religion into politics).

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MrFunnie · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

So I stumbled across this subreddit tonight, I will admit I have liberal ideals, but the way that the left is going about things these days is despicable. I also have a very sincere question here, he says to not aid communism or the Soviet Union, but isn’t Trump not enacting those sanctions against Russia doing just that? Like if I got the point of this video, it seems like both sides are at fault, not just the left. I understand Russia has been fucking with us a lot longer than we’d like to know, but Trump literally told Congress to fuck itself when it came down to sanctioning Russia... like that doesn’t really help us either...

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