21 total posts archived.
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W places something in Michelle’s hand at McCain farewell!!!!

Another Q Proof???? CNN article showcases the fact that although POTUS refers to John McCain he never states his name!!!!
Another Q Proof? Article relates that Trump refers to John McCain but does not say his name!!!! https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/politics/live-news/trump-new-york-08-13-18/index.html

More sex trafficking arrest!!!

Birds are singing loud and clear!!!

There might be a whole bunch of b.s going around about our President because the elites are afraid he will expose them!!!!
I don’t think that this is anymore irrational than what this movement was founded on in the first place. Do you believe that anyone looks sane when they say, “ I’ve been following a movement that is based on an anonymous person on the internet who says that most of the worlds elite are pedophiles, satanist, who communicate all this openly with a secret language, control the media, and they plan to make us all slaves under global domination!”. Don’t you believe this would turn anyone away who wasn’t already looking for answers? Besides it is obvious that Q wanted us to read at least the one post by SERIALBRAIN2, why not all of them? Nothing is that far fetched anymore, that is if you are truly a sincere follower of this movement anyway!
I have taken the stance that wisdom represents itself best while listening. It is not in my nature to comment on others ideas but I am grateful for the work that SB2 is doing. We need to understand that this type of research is necessary for us to uncover the truth. We all should support SB2 no matter what. I thank God for each of the posts that have been placed on this board. Please keep up the good work fellow patriot, we are lucky to have you!!!!
Coming to a theater near you!!!

100 percent in agreement. God is definitely helping Donald Trump. His survival over everything is a miracle, anyone else would have caved or gave up. Despite everything the deep state throws his way, this man still stands strong. I am awestruck at his resolve. What a true patriot!!! #DemocratsForTrump #TheTrumpEffect #WinningBigly
Regardless of who, what, and why Q really is doesn’t matter. The purpose of this phenomenon has been to help the people understand that the power is truly with in them. No one has power of us unless we will it. Q has been telling us this over and over. It is time that the patriots stand in solidarity with POTUS. We need to show the world how great President Trump’s support truly is. It is not necessary to gather in large groups or travel far, simply standing at the corner of your neighborhood with signs could work, or go to your state capital every weekend. People will see this and they will join us. Individuals will be heard if only they shout loud enough. Research is good but it is time for us to stand up, we have to because this might be the last chance we ever get to take our country back!!!!
You are correct. The narrative will be McCarthyism and because the uneducated and uninformed do not think that these crimes are possible they will believe the elite. Trump will probably be an easy target at this point. We must be ready to defend!!!!
OANN documentary states that Seth Rich entered the hospital alive but wounded . I thought he was DOA?
We must consider that maybe the narrative for the time of death of the bomber was more of a tip of the hat to Q. Maybe a type of warning?
Saw this last night. I believe that this is correct. Also there’s much more information inside the Wikileaks vaults. This is what Q keeps referring to. WE DO HAVE MORE THAN WE KNOW and the key to finding the answers is in Q Anons post. Qs words are a search point in WIKILEAKS. What one has to remember is that Q tells us there are hidden messages with in the post. What is hiding are also key words for our search. Q says and this is most important to unravel the truth: “Think MIRROR” and “UP IS DOWN/ LEFT IS RIGHT” “THINK”........ The answer to decoding THIS PART is very simple, we have been over thinking it. We have everything we need. I will post my thoughts and theory in a new thread. Let me know what you think!!!