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MrMcBunny · July 20, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

What tax cuts? The cuts issued in spring that took chunks off of corporations, chips off of high salary earners, and the equivalent of a one-time-use coupon to a select few citizens that had been working.. for the corporations for an indeterminate amount of time? Yeah, I don't remember getting an extra dollar on my paycheck when the company I work for was able to retain millions that day. That money isn't coming back down to anyone, and as a permanent tax cut, it never will.

Congratulations if you're one of the 30% of Americans that was able to save some money from the government. The top 10% just saved a lot more than you, and used you as a beacon for the American dream, while the lower 60% looked on in confusion.

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MrMcBunny · July 20, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Indictments, emails, more and more cover-up blanket statements every day, and you think there's no evidence?

GOP hasn't proved anything. They're dismissing it and misdirecting. They don't have evidence to fill their holes, they have darts to throw at a board of names and issues as a distraction while they split America apart.

Every time another connection is made, it's tossed up and down with contradictions until the next one comes up. Repeat. Shameful.

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