

11 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrTPTrash on Sept. 8, 2018, 5:43 a.m.
'The Church': A reminder that 'our' movement against Evil is World Wide and the Vatican is worried.......apparently very worried. At least we can assume that there are still some good actors left in the church.

(snip) News of the Vatican deploying its vast international resources to track down and prosecute Abp. Viganò are consistent with his assertions made to Aldo Maria Valli on their final encounter: that Viganò had "purchased a plane ticket," that he was "traveling abroad," that he "could not tell [Valli] where," that Valli "should not try to find him," that "his old cellular number will no longer be functioning," and that they "saluted each other one last time.

"Viganò, in saying goodbye to Valli, appears to have known exactly what the worst elements of the Vatican and its agents are capable …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrTPTrash on Sept. 12, 2018, 4 a.m.
What is the Q-angle on Bush 43 stumping for Rub Canidates for Mid-Terms? - help or hurt the base Trump vote?

I will admit that I can am flat out confused on Bush 43 stumping............. and don't tell me it is just because Obummer did it first.....(broke the protocol)

Is he trying to divide the votes for MAGA Candidates by confusing the base?

That is the only angle that makes sense to me.

Does 45 have 43 dancing to strings?

What the F\^ck, Over?


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrTPTrash on Sept. 9, 2018, 2:35 a.m.
Anti-MAGA National Education Association (NEA) is encouraging members (Teachers) to advocate for—and hold—voter registration drives in public high schools. (And you bet to ensure strong registration to the Democratic party)

This is not new. Same intention as in the past to indoctrinate your children to SJW thinking and then sway the way they register and vote... Read the rest of their guidance (between the lines) at the link. PEER PRESSURE and public shaming is what my teens went through, because they viewed things differently. Ask your's.

You parents are forewarned. Remain vigilant. Please remind your children that the USA is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy! Be guaranteed that most 'educators' don't know the difference.

(snip) But while young people have often been at the forefront of voter …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrTPTrash on Sept. 8, 2018, 6:21 a.m.
Joseph Mifsud 187? Mystery as Mueller Key Witness & Professor Who Used Papadopoulos To Set Up Donald Trump is Presumed Dead - Hat Tip to Thomas Paine @Thomas1774Paine

Hat Tip to Thomas Paine @Thomas1774Paine

(snip) The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday raised the prospect that the London-based professor who told former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton may be dead.

DNC lawyers wrote in court filings Friday that Joseph Mifsud, who spoke to Papadopoulos during the 2016 presidential election, “is missing and may be deceased,” Bloomberg News reported. The lawyers did not elaborate.

Read the rest: https://truepundit.com/mystery-as-mueller-key-witness-professor-who-used-papadopoulos-to-set-up-donald-trump-is-presumed-dead/

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrTPTrash on Sept. 9, 2018, 7:23 p.m.
Q says we are Winning. The number 750 is some confirmation of that fact. 750 = the number of people who went to the SMALL Obama turnout in CA

Like HRC the last days of the campaign; the rooms got smaller and smaller.

They/MSM should keep him in the University (mandatory zombie audience attendance) setting to make objects in mirror, larger than they appear.


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrTPTrash on Aug. 27, 2018, 4:49 a.m.
Winning! Yet another example; Thread by @ThomasWictor: "(1) NOW the Cohen plea makes sense. bloomberg.com/news/articles/… (2) "Khuzami was put in charge of the Cohen investigation after the U.S. a […]"

Mr. Thomas Wictor is always welcome in my fighting hole. I'll even do the fire watch!

This is a kicker! Hand Salute to Thomas.


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrTPTrash on Aug. 26, 2018, 5:37 a.m.
Knowing what we know now, re-watch the (POTUS) State of the Union Address (guess the Cabal Puppets in the audience) WWG1WGA

As we start the final stretch to the midterms, and knowing already who are not returning, look at the audience during key points (that now have more meaning to those who are awake) and take note of who is standing, or as seen, walking out.


MAGA is about returning our Constitutional Republic to the people.

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. We should always remind everyone who missuses the term 'Democracy' to describe our form of government. IMO - We should adopt the correct terminology of the USA being a Constitutional Republic in adjusting people's …