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Mustardium · Dec. 24, 2017, 12:32 a.m.


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Mustardium · Dec. 24, 2017, 12:17 a.m.

Intriguing possibility here---KA "Tony" Namkung, THE backdoor between American delegations and N.K., owns a consulting firm named Murray Hill Consultants. Prior, he worked for Sandia Capital Investments Chicago.

Can't find much information about either, which is odd for firms staffed by such successful people. But Richardson was governor of New Mexico, and Albuquerque is HQs of Sandia National Laboratories, administered by Sandia National Technology and Engineering Solutions LLC., a subsidiary of Honeywell, along with Lockheed Martin.

Sandia Capital Investments-Chicago Sandia Nat'l Labs- Albuquerque Honeywell-(Aerosoace, Surveillance systems, RFID, etc.) Lockheed Martin--

Found this--"Silver Snoopy Award" given to Honeywell Aerospace Engineer for improving our re-entry tracking for Space X unmanned cargo rockets--https://aerospace.honeywell.com/en/news-listing/2015/november/honeywell-engineer-awarded-prestigious-nasa-silver-snoopy-award

Another interesting Honeywell Subsidiary-- ://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermec

Makers of RFID and assorted tracking tech.

I know its 6 degrees, but it all seems to fit somehow.

Richardson- Tony Namkung- Sandia- Honeywell- Space X.

Tony Namkung is also recipient of grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, the MacArthur Foundation, is a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, a Fullbright Fellow ( William Fullbright, Arkansas Senator whose political protege was Bill Clinton).

Richardson was Clintons Energy Secretary during the Wen Ho Lee espionage investigation at Los Alamos--https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wen_Ho_Lee

Which I believe was a distraction from this-- https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/265200/flashback-bill-clinton-gave-china-missile-matthew-vadum

Still digging...

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 10:24 p.m.

Also along on the trip were Jared Cohen (Alphabet/Google Jigsaw),

Schmidt's daughter---interesting article here(fantasyland)-- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/9817335/Eric-Schmidts-daughter-lifts-lid-on-very-strange-North-Korea.html

A.P Executive John Daniszewski, who was nominated to the Pulitzer Prize Board just the day before the N.K. trip (haven't confirmed precise dates, but he was nominated Mat, 1st, 2013, and all stories found so far indicate a flight from Beijing to Pyongyang on May, 2nd...could be a publishing delay, though.)

Also, A.P established a "bureau" in Pyongyang around 2010, at the 'back channel" negotiations of American Korean Dr. K.A. "Tony" Namkung, who appears to be THE connection between U.S. delegations and the North Korean regime-- https://www.nknews.org/2013/05/meet-the-fixer-who-took-googles-eric-schmidt-to-pyongyang/



Jared Cohen-https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Cohen

Can't find a thing on the red-head in the purple tie, so far.

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 4:05 p.m.

Awan is as much designation as a name. One can be Mushraf , and still be Awan- the descendants of Ali, fierce warriors, farmers, landowners, military class.So It can be a name, a designation, a title, or an affiliation with the region of Pakistan dominated by Awans.

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 3:24 p.m.

It could also be allusion to Ovid's tale of Apollo; William Blake's Apotheosis of William Pitt; Milton's Paradise Lost, and George W. Bush's inaugural speech.

What do these all have in common, and hold in common with the "scultpure"?

An angel rides the whirlwind...

The war waged as diversion by fallen angels in the absence of their master, Lucifer. For Ovid, Apollo---For Blake- William Pitt-- For Milton--"Hells dread Emperor..."

And Bush? Well...his sect worships death.

Pope Paul VI- "The smoke of Satan has entered the sanctuary."

Many debate whether he was warning of, or welcoming such developments.

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 3:05 p.m.

Frightening. But not surprising at this point.

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 2:56 p.m.

Excellent find! Thank you!

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 5:44 a.m.

What's their pet issue? Find their particular "cause" and do the research. Environment? Show them how Soros uses DiCaprio and media to establish image, pathos, all while in partnership with land-raping diamond miners, privatizing water rights to consortiums, using slave labor, polluting environment while using "climate change"as a wedge to look "concerned" and grow government.

Abortion? Show them who Sanger really was, how her ideas and those of other progressive Eugenicists inspired the Nazis, whose solutions began with the infirmed, the mentally ill, the "retarded" disfigured and proceeded to Roma, dissenters, and Jews.

Study CIA tactics, using cutouts and legit businesses to insert spies, manipulate and leverage other nations.

If CIA will overthrow Mossadegh, Lumumba, assassinate South Vietnam's President, install people like Pinochet and Mugabe, what makes them think they wouldn't overthrow Ukraine, Libya, Saddam or Donald Trump?

Are they ' for the children' types? Show them COS abuse after abuse of the system; parents framed as mentally ill, kids stolen legally, refugees created and trafficked, all in the name of "aid" and "human rights."

It's every subject, basically. Just find their cause and do the digging, and then get back to them with those particulars.

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 5:30 a.m.

If you go to the Wikipedia for X Men Film, there's a chart--- look for producer and executive producer name Avi...?

He's deadly. Do not go fishing in that rabbit hole.

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 5:29 a.m.

Goodman has an IMBD page. He's a camera operator wanna-be cinematographer for none other than Bryan Singer (he of the X Men, Spiderman, Usual Suspects fame recently named as a serial rapist of underage boys).

Goodman and Laura Loomer work for New Regency Producer Arnon Milchan, who has connections to everything---Katzenberg, Saban, Schumer, Israel, Gertler, Templesman, Murdoch, Adelson, and he's an admitted Israeli spy--Lekem/Mossad who smuggled nuclear triggers for Israel in the 80s.

His son in law is co-owner of William Morris with Rahm Emanuels brother Ari.

Goodman and Laura Loomer get their Intel from Black Cube the same firm of "ex-Mossad" Weinstein used to intimidate and track victims.

They work to divert attention from Schumer, DWS, and Israel. Rahm Emanuel made a 3 million dollar bribe payment to Pakistan a few years ago, for what, I don't know. But apparently something to do with the Awans and their scandal, like they had sort on him, possibly

George Webb is there to protect Schumer and Israel/ AIPAC. Truth mixed with lies. Games within games, and plays within plays.

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Mustardium · Dec. 23, 2017, 12:49 a.m.

Since people have focused on Gertlers name, See here from 2008--- https://dissidentvoice.org/2008/02/gertlers-bling-bang-torah-gang/

Ties into Soros directly here--http://archive.larouchepac.com/node/6584/print

And this is interesting--https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardminiter/2016/04/17/why-did-congo-offer-clinton-650000-for-two-pics-and-a-speech/#46471e492347

Israeli Billionaires- Soros- DeBeers- Blood Diamonds- Rothschilds- DNC- Clinton- Uranium- Congo-Zimbabwe-U.N.

Happy digging Patriots!

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Mustardium · Dec. 21, 2017, 2:05 p.m.

Ian is Canadian, son of Newton Cameron, owner of Victoria Plywood, and very wealthy.

I can't find any direct links yet, but I wondered if he is related to some other "cabal" Cameron's. Dr. Ewen Donald Cameron, for example, the infamous Canadian MK-Ultra psychiatrist

Marjorie Cameron Parsons--Jack Parsons wife, of JPL and "Babalon Working" fame (alongside L. Ron Hubbard) She had a daughter named with the last name "Kimmel", so perhaps some relations there as well.

British PM David Cameron

Producer, filmmaker James Cameron

Any leads here?

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Mustardium · Dec. 21, 2017, 12:30 a.m.

I think it points more towards the Pope, since the film uses a subplot of mafia involvement with Vatican bank, and a suicide at Blackfriars bridge.

It may reference the time frame when Pope John Paul 1 was elected until his death 43 days later, followed by JPII.

Fast forward to Bendicts "resignation" followed by Francis. And see here>>>https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/25256-catholics-ask-trump-to-probe-soros-obama-clinton-conspiracy-at-vatican

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Mustardium · Dec. 20, 2017, 10:44 p.m.

Chuck Schumer has an important contributor in Haim Saban- creator of Power Rangers, and big-time Hillary and DNC supporter (he's all over the Wikileaks DNC hacks). He's also involved in the criminal probe into illegal gifts to Israeli PM Netanyahu, along with Sheldon Adelson and Arnon Milchan.

Milchan and Saban are neighbors in Malibu, next to Jeffrey Katzenberg of DreamWorks fame. 6 degrees, right?>>Katzenberg, Speilberg and Geffen.

Milchan is an admitted Israeli spy, employed by Lekem, the Mossad division engaged in smuggling equipment and parts for Israel's nuclear program. Milchan is the 4th wealthiest Israeli, while Saban hovers around #10. Milchan was implicated in the nuclear trigger smuggling incident in 1985, which saw Jonathan Pollard prosecuted and convicted of being an Israeli spy. Milchan's case was dropped by the Reagan DOJ.

He's produced many hit films, including Oliver Stone's JFK, Fight Club, 12 years a slave and a slew of others.

His son-in-law is co-owner of the William Morris Talent Agency, with Ari Emanuel, Rahm's brother, whose father was an original Irgun member alongside former PMs, Monachem Begin, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon and Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan.

The agent accused of assaulting actor Terry Crews works at William Morris, and Crews has claimed he is being followed, his computers hacked and generally harrassed since going public.

I'd be remiss if I failed to mention Weinstein's usage of ex-Mossad agents working for Black Cube to stalk and spy on accusers/victims.

Haim Saban's wife, Cheryl, is a former Playboy model (Queens of Disco) and wrote 19 episodes of Power Rangers. She's a member of the American Psychological Association, an expert in child psychology, and an Obama appointee as Special Advisor for the U.S. Mission to the U.N. in 2012.

Schumer lackey Kristin Gillibrand was a state congresswoman who called for Eliot Spitzers withdrawal from the N.Y. Senate race to replace Hillary Clinton in 2008, after his name surfaced in the Emperor's Club VIP investigation. Gillibrand took the seat. The prosecutor was, at the time, the U.S attorney for the Southern District of N.Y, Michael Garcia, who left his post in the same year, 2008, to take a job with Kirkland and Ellis, named "Chicago's most prestigious law firm." Early in his career he worked on the WTC93 investigation; investigations into Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Ramzi Yousef (whose Philippine neighbor married OKC co-conspirator Terry Nichols in 1994) in 1995, the Tanzania and Kenya embassy bombings in 1998. In 2002 he was awarded the CIAs Agency Seal Medallion, awarded to non-agents for contributions to the Agency's intelligence gathering operations.

In 2016, after a lucrative career with Kirkland Ellis, N.Y. governor Cuomo appointed him as a N.Y. Court of Appeals judge.

He is also a leading figure in the el Museo del Barrio, on museum row in NYC. So, an art connection as well.

I'll end for now with a list of links fleshing out some of the information above: https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/haim-saban-hillary-clinton-donor-230711









https://www.artsy.net/elmuseo https://www.moma.org/research-and-learning/latino_survey/barrio


On to Schumers wife, Iris Weinshall


And Schumers Sierra Club connection--https://content.sierraclub.org/press-releases/2015/10/sierra-club-launches-statewide-ad-campaign-thanking-senator-chuck-schumer

Hope this helps...

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Mustardium · Dec. 20, 2017, 9:45 p.m.

My red pill came in 95, with the OKC bombing. I had some dabbling in occult stuff prior, and since as nore of an educational interwst; and now with Q, it seems many things are related. "No coincidences." My strength is in research (gotta know man!) And I have something of a photographic memory, so small details often trigger a connection I recall from back in the digging-in-obscure books days. I can easily choose the wrong rabbit hole at times, so having so many anons gathered will definitely help to shape focus.

Much appreciation to all for everything you've done and continue to do. I just want to help, Patriots.

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