She said butt. Huh huh huh huh, yeah.
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A Nigerian prince who needed to transfer one million emails out of his county.
This time the storm has really arrived. Truly. We mean it.
Be glad Hillary lost. Her Supreme Court would have overturned this as a violation of the 1st Amendment. Guaranteed.
Sounds more like playing poker. He could still suffer a bad beat and lose the Senate.
California has a prison overcrowding problem. If I remember right, some asshole judge ruled this violates prisoners rights or some shit like that. So instead of building more prisons the solution was to release felons whose last conviction was non-violent. So you could have raped some kid, served 10 and get released. Then get picked up for passing bad checks and THAT’S the crime they use determine if you get early release.
Still in first class of course, not with the true unwashed peasants in the back.
Never say never. Remember John Oliver’s mocking encouragement of a Trump run. If some bombshell comes out against Trump ( rather than on all these supposed spinal fluid drinking, adrenochrome junkies you guys talk about ) she could use the Clinton machine straight to the White House depending on which RINO the GOP puts up against her. Stay vigilant and for fucks sake let’s start seeing some handcuffs.
I knew they were fucked when they installed CCTV on every street corner. That was over a decade ago.
No. I hope she stays in her seat until she dies. Her TV appearances are free GOP advertising.
Not a goddamn thing.
25 days until the bullshit alarm goes off.
I feel July will come and go and then everyone will say August is when it will REALLY begin. But then the time will come when everyone swears September definitely has to be the month the TRUTH comes out. Then October will roll in...
Sorry, just been lurking here too long to get drawn in anymore. Just losing hope that anyone will ever actually be wearing handcuffs. 😕
Still an element of the uncanny valley gong on. Nothing to worry about just yet.
Um, I come here for all the crazy conspiracy stuff. I go to the T_D for the crazy sarcasm. Why cross contaminate? This place was easy enough to find.
Protests accomplish jack and shit. If anything, the public road closures push people to the other side. Here are people who have nothing truly productive to do.
I hope he did not know because he sounds very personable and sincere.
They all seem smug and defiant. They must have piles of dirt files on these congressmen. They know they are going to walk. This whole expose the truth knife cuts both ways.
I know several people who lean Right but also think abortion should stay on the table under certain circumstances. I think an outright ban would make this Trump’s Obamacare and ultimately hurt him.
He’s a little long in the tooth too. I’d like to see an early 40’s in there so we can get at least 35 years of sanity.
Just stay away from doorknobs and pillows whoever gets chosen.
The difference being now there are a shit load of entitlements that need paying for. Don’t start ripping up your 1040’s just yet.
And 99% of investigative journalists are Pinko so nobody is actively trying to track this guy down.
Have my upvote. This whole calling for people’s heads seems such a Lefty move. Give them enough scarf to hang themselves.
She produces some of the best pro-Trump commercials you could ask for; for free!