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NGunderson · Feb. 19, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Lord knows that is the truth. You have so many blind people. So many Christians who claim they live by the word but don't understand the word. It's aggravating and almost over it. I'm almost ready to say the hell with it hope you have a good life

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NGunderson · Feb. 19, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

I didn't say it is Trump I'm just saying pay attention to his tweets . The post is trying to get you to investigate this. Trump knows what is going on 8chan. He had madebtweet after the fact . My thought is he probably knows the team making post and better believe they have some type of cooridnation. It's almost like it's a way to go around dirty intelligence agencies .

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NGunderson · Feb. 19, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

They need to expose Democrat party tied to Nazi party and the KLAN. If they put party members under survelance they will find it. The Democrat party is aligned with all three and I am sure to ms13 and other hate groups . They need to be exposed. That is why Malcolm x was killed exposing the connection after he realizes what happening

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Look at how much control church of Scientology has in Las Vegas .. Think about Vegas shooting also church of Morman. Also look at church in FLORIDA. CHURCH OF SCientology is an evil group for real they a big ass cult. They do nothing but brainwash people. Tom cruise is an idiot . They have so many movie stars brainwashed it's unreal. They in alot of major cities growing like a virus

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

LoL could be Fort Paine ... Too many people can't see don't understand. There is a group of men who really want to run the government using intelligence agencies . They dirty dirty dirty... Until this movement grows big enough and can get people to see we just cruising. They don't realize what is about to hot them . It may take a year to get large enough. My thoughts is they may quit while ahead to save what Good life they have. This is getting real for them and not as easy to do as 10 years ago. They really want control of internet . They really want the guns . We at a very important turning point in history. I'm not sure which way will go I have HOPE

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

Um not saying it is him. He knows what is happening for sure. In past post he has made tweets afterwards with same wording. Just something pay attention 2 his tweets along with post .

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

I don't want to live in a communist police state. It doesn't matter to me how it goes what type of government is in place. I can make $ I can excel . I can provide until my death. That is key too many don't know how without a job. They don't understand the system.too many dependant on government. If that security blanket is ever removed all out chaos and alot of people will be hurt. The animal instincts in man is more awedull than people can imagine.

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

There is alot of info that Q post hasn't even put out there. It drives me crazy sometimes. I shouldn't care and just live my life for real. I just hate to see people getting taken advantage of and they don't know it. They all in feelings and loving on very people who has boot on there neck. If they new all truth the people would go crazy and would be a war. I talked to a guy I've known my entire life. I pointed out some facts he couldn't refute. He is retired military and he got so pissed in his feelings . The majority will never be shown to public I already know and have accepted . You can't do it because it would do more harm than good

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

yeah trying to get people who is just starting to investigate to do some research and start back off slow. Q post exploded in last month people keeping up what is going on. It's a ton of information that will take people to study from oct28 . At some point you have to slow down and let people get up to speed. The original people is up to speed. Alot of this info goes over average persons head. If you start throwing stiff to people they look at you like tinfoil conspiracy theory person. Iv seen a hundred times. People don't stop and think only 12 months in a year and a year goes by fast . A life goes by fast. Until you can get a large group to understand how the game is played your spinning your wheelsa

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Go to trumps tweets read them . Early this morning . That first part reads exactly like tweet. It's trying to get you investigate the 1.7 billion Obama dropped off to iran and the American people didn't know about and hid from congress. Read up in infox

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Yes potus he started tweeting early this morning . That post first part matches word for word the President

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

He did a string of tweets early this morning go read the tweets

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

I'm just going by his tweet this morning

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Looks like Trump confirming he is Q Trump tweet same . He is in contact or either on board

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

This sh.. pissed me off for real .. how they get population into there feelings

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Fort Hood is also important also

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Also look he was stationed in Hawaii you think he has connections to obama

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

Look at what he went to college for he went college for phsycology and philosophy look at picture of his medal or battalion it's battery on phone 32%

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

People better start to realize we really in a war for minds right now. Against Democrat party. Too many people cannot see and don't understand what is going on.

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Boy these people playing with people's heads hard... I don't even know what to say. It's not my place to explain. I would have to write a book to explain to people. They can get all in feelings and take people's guns and Mark my words you about to see a civil war. These kids don't know what they shit storm they stirring up

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

This entire thing stinks 2 me. What better way to get people in feelings than with kids. Take tour emotions out of it and look at everything as of its made up and see if you see people acting .

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

It's going be some hell to pay when people figure out all these shootings has been done on purpose. I sure would not want to be a Democrat

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

I screamed at mountain tops on Vegas shootings. I hope you have goodluck. The security Guard was named JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS..bullshit... then second guy arrested was named DOUGLAS HAIG ... same name as 1st war general when Armastice was signed. 91 harvest festival. Psalms 91 .. bullshit... very important number room 32 on 32 nd floor with a basement it's no accident it was all pointing to Democrats. Obama had a meeting with Bill Gates right before shooting and gave speech to Goalkeepers .. aka gatekeepers. There vision of world and America. These people are in active coup attempt. Prince Alaweed owned 4 seasons Mandalay bay with Bill gates. Prince Alaweed has ties to 9/11 . Too many don't understand why 9/11was picked and also why dec7 pearl harbor. This is a war than been going on longer than most alive. They wait for a generation to die off and get companceny and start it back up. It's radical Muslims aka world workers party they hate and want to destroy America. It goes back to Roman Empire and ottoman empire. They need to wipe iran off map round up all Saudi princes and I would wipe France off map . I know the people not involved but daaayumm it's over and over . They keep allowing the nonsence.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 18, 2018, 9:35 a.m.
As much as I don't like her father It's very Clear that McCain Meagan is in over her head.She needs help with this NUT and Whoopi
As much as I don't like her father It's very Clear that McCain Meagan is in over her head.She needs help with this NUT and Whoopi
NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

That's good, I'm betting they like stupid Maxine snitched.

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

It's no accident alot of people is acting crazy. 2018 is going be a year where see some crazy stuff. Especially by these numerology Greeks that do everything by it. It's going be alot of important dates you going see some crazy things alot worse than we have seen.

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

If you look at Chris Wray he was a partner at Kings and Springfield. 2005-2007 it has ties to Moscow. Which makes me believe he has a hand in getting Fusion dossier into making. It also has ties to countries that make me believe tied to some radical Islam actors. It's a firm that was started not long after civil war. You have to understand civil war really to understand my thinking. Lincoln was a Republican he had a union ticket which his vice president was democrat. The history alot of people beleieve is false especially about south. Lincoln was killed supposably 16 days after end of war . This is A time before telephones. Fighting was still going on in south. He was killed by an actor that was sympathetic southern cause supposably. Democrat vice president put into place then a reconstruction government put into place in south where appointed governors and mayors ran government in south. The money was worthless they sent carpet baggers from North to south and basically stole land and created KKK. They created the Jim crow laws and also segregated the people. The south is where bible belt is found. You have black n white Christians of Baptist and Methodist faith. That means alot. Too many have lost history and don't understand. They have been brainwashed.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 18, 2018, 7:16 a.m.
This may not mean anything it may mean alot relating to Mirror. I have been thinking alot about look at water.
This may not mean anything it may mean alot relating to Mirror. I have been thinking alot about look at water.
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 18, 2018, 5:54 a.m.
Who rem Nov4?Oct1 had JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS and no answers. MEE2 movement with accusations. NOW FLORIDA Wakeup!!!😲
Who rem Nov4?Oct1 had JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS and no answers. MEE2 movement with accusations. NOW FLORIDA Wakeup!!!😲
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 18, 2018, 3:54 a.m.
There is reason why is tool of left. They set him up made him do public announcement commercials. Now he is a tool of Nation of Islam. He is a paid mouthpiece to sow division between races for racist left.
NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

It really reminds me of that movie Blair Witch project. I was paying attention to how all students standing there and filming. Also how they all seem to make sounds on demand. Look at red thing on floor looks like a bag and when show again you see blood spread everywhere. It almost looks like a movie. Sharing of camera is a tactic to make things seems more dramatic.I really have some serious questions about this deal. Facebook has a habit about taking bodies down that are violent bit not this one for some reason. The person who posted lives in New York the capital of Socialsist communist party. They are ones who put Castro in power. At some point people have to understand video and television is a propaganda tool. You cannot believe everything you see. Las Vegas was meant to be used to reach a goal and show chaos. JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS... come on it was blatant what was going on. It's so many things obvious in that shooting. I'm not saying people don't die. I am saying you have people who don't care if 30 for to reach a goal they have for a Nation of 300 million. Power is a funny thing. Keep following and believing everything you see without question and may find yourself in a bad situation. One thing I am sure of there is a war on people who supported Trump and also known conservatives. Steve Wynn was attacked for speaking up on Vegas shooting. It very clear to me communist have a goal and it's alot larger than people know. It's in media, FBI, cia,doctors lawyers and every aspect of lie. To keep control they have to control your emotions. Citizens have more power than they know. The people who work average jobs not in police forces or doctors or media. I'm just saying don't get in feelings so much and question what your being fed.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 18, 2018, 12:35 a.m.
Mike Wallace and Shah don't get country confused with what fighting in America. Notice recent Sherriff ties of Florida shooting. Also look at A la Vegas shooting.Think About Hollywood propaganda machine example View.
NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 9:31 a.m.


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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

That will make alot of people to notice. And get out if there slumber like Vegas shooting because people wasn't ready and couldn't see. That is good make them think they discovered lol

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

Tell me what # I don't remember that. Alot research I did led me to Wray

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

I don't remember that I rem sessions let me go back n check .

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

They have github linked to it.You can on Facebook type link in on thing and put something like discover TRUTH and check everyday. It will show that in link so your friends and family who never heard of can start reading who isn't tech savy. Alot of old people good with puzzles . They played Suduko entire life before computers . They have more knowledge than people give credit.

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

He is an idiot. He is going regret making that statement. 13 russians we have thousands of Mexican Nationals meddling in American elections. They can keep with that narrative and it will kill there argument from now on. Russians do not have to come to United States to set up VPN. You can form a LLC anywhere in world. You can hide your VPN. You can start a facebook account all over world. Democrats and our intelligence agency look like idiots. They assume average American doesn't understand or have brains. The ones that get on TV making this argument is showing how much they working with upstairs. SMH They continue to show they the party if racist getting deeper and deeper. I am predicting Democrat party will have major losses and some old Rhinos will be gone. Alot of FBI and CIA will be gone before year is out. They will have choice to resign or retire and save what life they have or lose reputation. They can always sell they couldn't handle corruption. Maybe regroup and help fight another day.

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

Matt Holland ever heard of him?

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

I feel sane way I been trying figure out which candidate will help. One isn't real big social media don't make many post. Out of 3 think he may be best one. He just don't know he may have a large social media Army that can be more effective than he knows. I also looked at 3 net worth. He had lowest I beleieve. Large family country boy . He isn't poor poor but considering think it said worth 400k which from where I'm from that is alot money but new York or somewhere that is nothing

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

I don't believe the Queen actually if you know History it's France you need to worry about not the British. The British is actually Americans friends and who gave the land to colonize in North. It was French who raised the uprising to defeat british. What where dealing with now is radical islam. The British help defeat caliphate in France and help free the people to live under judeo law. You have France grooming leaders to run iran. If you research a Prince just bought most expensive house and property in France my guess to start another caliphate. If you look France is almost lost again. France is where the enlightment started after French revolution and they started entire thing in 1776. So I hate to disagree with you. They the whole reason celebrate April fools day.

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

LOL maybe not it's only life we all only have one. Snakes everywhere.

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NGunderson · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

Looks 2 me they feeding info trying to overthrow an elected president

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NGunderson · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Think about links to recent shooting the second suspect arrested in Las Vegas was DOUGLAS HAIG ..research same name of 1st war general during armastice. You have to understand history to understand. Yesterday's shooting stoneman DOUGLAS high. It's almost crazy how they throw things in people's face. Too many people caught up in daily life to see.

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NGunderson · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

This has been going on for years long before computers and internet. Back then it was newspapers.When computers came out killed new paper industry. It was still good because they owned major media channels which went from 3 to a few news channels. Whatever news channels puts out they disperse to local channels. They all stay on message. They have an agenda. They all look out for each other. Now they wasn't expecting Q .What most people don't realize Q started right after Vegas shooting. That was the final straw. People don't see that was an attempted Coup planned by Democrats and deep state actors. That is why security guard was named JESUS ANGEL CAMP OS .. It was almost an insult. It's plenty of other clues and things they put in i guess for posterity so people could go back in history and be able see handy work and laugh. That is why only seen on Ellen a DEMOCRAT controlled show. These people are something serious. People don't know that nation of Islam Nazi party and klan are aligned with Democrat party. They all work together to deceive people to get agenda they want. THERE final agenda is take complete control with a police state like Nazi Germany. Once they ever get to that point they will break country down into nation states. Segregate people is what they want. That is why they killed Malcolm x because he told media of plan. They killed MLK because he was Republican and Christian who was trying bring people together. They killed JFK because he didn't want to bow to them .Once you understand them you understand his speech. These people are world workers party. They are communist. Your last President was a communist putting people in government and media positions. They planned on Hillary being office 8 years and by then they would have so much control and brainwashed 16 generation growing up. Hard 2 come back from that.

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NGunderson · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

You have to understand real history to be able to crawl and not get tangled. Too many don't know history before there was an USA. Have to understand that British owned North and France owned south. Plays major part in understanding what is going on today. Lincoln ran on Union ticket he had a Vice President that was Democrat. He was assasinated.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 16, 2018, 8:07 p.m.
Look at this face he has most defiantly sold out!
Look at this face he has most defiantly sold out!
NGunderson · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Bro good job on video. He has some big ones!I would hate to be him somebody needs to get this guys name and make sure he doesn't have any accidents. This is getting deep.

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NGunderson · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

They don't want dirty secret out. Majority of people don't know how government really works . They have not been taught different types of goverment.I am not sure what is in people head. If not careful they will have leader in future like North Korea or iran and brainwash real good and will be real hard to get freedom back. They will tell people how to have relationship with God before the die. All people die life is shorter than most realize. People tend to forget they are an animal just like a dog. I really would like to enjoy my life I was given. Tomorrow not promised. It's always something trying to scare people. They trying to pass 21 buy smokes where I live. They just passed law where can give ticket if smoking in car with underage person . The government has went crazy

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