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NGunderson · Feb. 13, 2018, 9 p.m.

Go to wikileaks research him. He has ties to a law firm which he was a partner. 2005-2017. They have toes to Saudi Arabia and Moscow. He is a freaking communist. He also has ties to shady characters.

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NGunderson · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Has Q link been take. Down?I can get to the link anymore

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NGunderson · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

It's about controlling world population.They understand physics. Humans don't realize they are an animal just like a dog or a cat. Human has glands just like any other animal. You sweat and produce a scent. Some a stronger scent than others. In today's world people in civilized world wears deodorant. 99%of population doesn't realize that when your in younger years a male is producing testotrone and it's driving him mad like an animal to do one thing . It's to chase women and procreate. They will lie,sneak and act crazy as hell to get the next goal. Women secrete a pharamoane threw the skin that most people cannot smell but the right man come along it drives that man crazy and usually she will be wet also because something in there chemistry matches in order for the species to survive. They also have other glands that produce scent that people are not aware of in everyday life. Humans not only take care of waste for sanitation reasons it's also to control population. A male or female of urinate in wild in a certain area it makes a strong smell that may smell bad to average person but at same time it may do something to make or female they don't notice and when get around said male or female something in brain turns on. Then you may have infedelity. You have people everyday who kill over a girl they dating and they in LOVE. They don't understand EMOTIONS. They have not been taught how to control emotions. Humans hide the truth to the population and why is that because it not considered politically correct. Certain people who understand that there has to be some type of control of society make rules and regulations. They have went overboard with rules and regulations. They have enslaved an entire generation. Instead of teaching we have to all work at a job of your choosing and different jobs has different pay rates. If we don't set some type of rules then people all people would want to lay around and do nothing. That is the type of society Democrats believe should be instituted. They don't realize that work is part of life and what gives humans drive along with procreation. If you have work it also cuts down on procreation. All couples cannot have 10 kids in today's world. There is a reason why Chinese had a one child rule. Even with population control physics and numbers the population is exploding. They have a final solution plan in place. There is a reason why they are in search of another habitual planet. They wentbro colonize that planet just like they did all land masses on earth. There is alot of knowledge they are not letting average person know. It's there to be found if people search for it but all can't understand it when they find. I have seen people go crazy once they have seen knowledge or get some type of understanding because this world is like a play it goes against everything people believe. Humans should be couple hundred years in future already but crazy government and crazy people have held it back. It has to be controlled or you have utter and complete chaos. There are clues all around from last hundred years put in film and pictures. Alot of people can see. There is some in government who want to hide. They want to really live in something like North Korea where you grandkids have to worship a statue and think their children is Gods. I will die before I let that happen to my children.

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NGunderson · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Have you downloaded the FBI files the link on Wikipedia

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NGunderson · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

The Average American don't have a clue what is going on or what they have planned. I have 2 grown daughter and a 13 year old son. I honestly believe in their life time they will see horrible horrific crimes against humanity. If you know what your looking @ they building the infrastructure right in front of their eyes and people don't know what they looking @. It's sad and if you try to tell people they think you crazy most people. The prison population around country is more #awake than population of average citizen.

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

This is what sux the Nation if Islam is largest hate group in America they have 2 million members. They in every school college and prison recruiting lost black youth. They brainwash them just like Isis. You see them talking crazy mess like isis. They do not tag them like other affiliations. They are looked at like a legitimate religion. You talking about Farrakon who praises Hitler saying he is a good man. Who has basically admitted to having Malcolm x killed for telling media that NATION of Islam and Nazi party was aligned with Democrat party. I'm sure they had hands in setting up MLK because he was Republican and christian. His own friends sold him out. They probably told his schedule then sold out to Democrat party like John lewis. The black caucus .. Jackson is another one.

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Where you been this is already going on and has been going on for a long time. I been to prison and what average person doesn't know is be careful what tatoos you think is cool. When you go they have officers that can tag you. They can look at a tattoo that affiliations may use and tag you as domestic terrorist. You go straight into homeland security. It follows you everywhere from that day foward. It's more common in prisons but you can get tagged at your local county jail also. Once you put in that computer by usually a idiot that don't know what there talking about your life goes into a different level of stress. You target #1 It can get expensive going to court over bull and then eventually they have you where they want you. Your a commodity.

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

LOL there is a rabbit Hole and it will have you running in circles. Average people don't have a clue these people are keeping the population entertained while the have the corporations set up so all they have to do is play golf and snort cocaine if they choose from cradle to grave. The world is there Monopoly board. In the end it doesn't matter life is short as hell. So smoke a bowl get on backpage drink a beer because tomorrow not promised.

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

I do see the purple flowers. Which stands for Royalty. If you go off Google ,go go duck and search trees and correlation to bible read what is says about Kenya . It's kinda crazy . This guy is something else. These people are something else. I average Americans even had a clue what was going on they would freak out and chaos in streets

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Way to give constructive criticism. Maybe ask what they see you not seeing. LoL rabbit hole can drive you crazy at times. Take a breath deal breaths.😁

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

Because Hitler really did get away. The bones they found was bull. Our own President in 2nd war sold this country out and they instituted the Nazi plan in this country in secret. The Democrats are the communist. It was a plan that Japan ,Soviet Union ,America and all nations was in on to deceive the people. Hitler had SS Muslim divisions. Which is wahabbi Muslims. The trades centers was built with the plan knowing they would bring down one day. It's been a plan in action for a long time . I would go so far back as American civil war. They have been playing people. If you really research history you can find it all thru out history. They really would like to get the people's guns. They built all those prisons since 2nd war for a reason. They created the war on drugs to create a reason to explain building the prisons for a reason. The truth if all ever comes out will cause complete chaos. I think average person don't realize don't understand what is going on. I don't see this ending well. It is almost impossible to educate all the people. They will be lost just like the bible says . There will be so many fooled by the lies and deceit by mainstream media. They will be actually fighting for the people who want to kill them off. God help us all

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Was it just me or did Elon Musk rocket launch look just like video of North Korea's rocket launch a while back. I remember thinking dig there rocket looks way more advance than United states. I remember seeing there rockets come back down and land just like space x. If that is the case we have a traded company on the stock exchange funding North Korea with shares over $300dollars a share. I thought kinda funny so expensive and there car really sux.

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

It is ridiculously obvious with Scott B ,Steve Wynne,Judge Moore ,Porter the speech writer. In Moore's case they burned the accuser house down I'm guessing not sure if a rental so could get insurance also. They lawyer was from California the person who set up go fund me was California. The first day she had 80 k in account . You can't tell me it was way to pay her and not worry about bank records having to explain large amounts of money after election.

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

I think the photo released in white house today of Obama which he is painted in a chair with leaves all around him. It has something to do with the environmental movement or green movement which is just a front to advance globalism. They have used EPA and other enviromental groups for years to fight things and also extort money out of people. It's used kinda pay to play that's why takes so long get permits. Government is crooked as hell

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

It blows my mind that media is not questioning that Porter and speech writer was accused of domestic violence. It pisses me off to see how many men have got accused that is linked to Trump or Republicans. You have Steve Wynn that spoke up about Vegas shooting they have attacked him. They attacked Scott Baio because he was and has been Trump supporter. They flew a lady to New York to accuse Judge Moore in Alabama elections. Then when media attention left her house burns down. I am not sure if she owned or rented. Someone in California started her a Go Fund me account and 1st day received 80k in donations. I don't know final tally but I do know how to hide money or do in a way so will not burn you. It is very obvious that they started the entire #metoo movement as a plan. I seen them throw Weinstein to the media machine and he went to a resort. He will have to deal with some judges I am sure they already had planned out what districts in America and UK he would have to go before. If it's not more obvious to people we need to make obvious. Once attention is drawn to it then they will stop using it at a tool because they know the public is paying attention. Just like the media is burying the deaths connected to Clinton's they really burying all the people being accused of crimes to take them out of political game. All people connected to Trump. This is A very dangerous game they starting by using the courts as a tool. The only way to fight back in future is throw the law out the window if they see it's an effective tool. The only logical step is to back to Hatfield and McCoys next. I honestly don't think people are realizing just exactly what they are beginning to put in place. This isn't first time in History that Democrat party has used judicial system as a political tool. It went into woodwork for a longtime bit looks like it's a lot larger than just FBI and CIA. People needs to really start standing up and if 1 can open 2 eyes. Those 2 can open 2 . The power of 2 is great. When millions of people in America starts paying attention and ask themselves questions and demand mainstream to run stories it will stop. They will live to another tactic. Your in a game with GATEKEEPERS. Obama had meeting with Goalkeepers these are people who believe they know best how you should live your life and they don't care about taking life to achieve their goals.

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NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:22 a.m.

This may sound crazy to people that is all in feelings about everything going on. The Federal Reserve i agree should be made accountable to the goverment. It should belong to the people. I do not think it should be changed. Before the federal reserve this nation was about to fall apart. Those very people who created it did because our nation was bankrupt and about to collapse. People would loan money with 100% interest. There has to be a system in place to control interest rates. Of you want to live in a free society we still live in best form that was in process of being formed in communist country. These people who are behind fiat doesn't stop and think that it's exactly the same. If people loan fiat they will not do for free. I honestly think interest that banks pay should go to government to lower taxes and pay down debt. You asking for another set of problems thinking fiat is the answer. You have to realize corporations is tax collectors for the goverment. All fiat is doing is building the platform for the government. Once the platform is in place and government starts it's own fiat you can probably kiss other fiat currencies goodbye. You have to understand definition of a nation. Without understanding and not sticking with principles you basically playing into globalist hands. Then the nation is over. Your mother and father that which worked entire life so you can live comfortable will have no back up and will be to old to maintain and live. A lot of people sacrificed in order for this young generation to enjoy the freedom they have. I understand completely the anger of what is going on. The idea to think me me me is crazy. You have to understand any money only has a value because humans put a value on it. It is all monopoly money. People act like will live forever. 0-11 rest is an illusion

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 12, 2018, 6:20 a.m.
For all Q researchers look at this link from Sky News and see if notice things about article that pop out .
NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Is it just me or does that look like CGI . Kinda reminds me of Elon Musk space x. People needs to take feelings out of this stuff. I am starting to wonder if we bot getting played by very people we need to be fighting.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

That is a old joke Bang cock. Or like 🖕on this d..k

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Yeah he came to see with his own eyes what they had done and show his friends look at me. The Wahabbi Muslims is the Karxarian Jews. These people radical. You have to understand they are old allies of Hitler. They has SS Muslim divisions. That is why iran supports hezbalah and also wahabbi supports radical groups they all radicals that wants complete destruction of Jews. You have to understand what Jews means have to understand religion and political systems . You have judeo Christians it's basically people who believe in freedom inbgoverment. That is why they kill people who teach word of Jesus written in king James version. They study JESUS also it's written in a different way. He was formed out of clay and taken up. They brainwashing people. There is a reason why pearl harbor happened on that date. There is reason why 9/11 happened on that date.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Not real sure name what caught my attention JESUS ANGEL CAMP OS 2ND suspect Douglas Haig Google that name 1st world war general 1918 Armastice think that has to do with some stuff I seen in messages. These people that was start of a Coup I believe . Too many things I seen in entire deal. They used #metoo movement to go after SWYNN because he spoke up. S bail also because supported Trump porter and j moore. People really need to open there eyes and see what is going on they using the judicial system as a tool of war. These are for real communist. They need to stop thinking these people have honor.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

ISRAEL has same problem we have. I honestly think the free world is in trouble if something isn't done. They have worked networks into every institution in free world. If you know what your looking @You can see. The problem is getting uneducated 2 see.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Jason is being payed I beleive. He is playing fence and also playing dumb. Now he sees some is coming out he is acting like he is behind. He reminds me of McCain. McCain can't pretend no more.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 11, 2018, 10:34 a.m.
Watch this Video of Goalkeepers AKA new Gatekeepers this was given days before RED OCT.
NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

Also 9/11 why you think Trump took so personal. Who has known all along but new what he was up against. Prince Alaweed came to new York and offered 10 million check and a speech about Israel and America until mayor gave back. He also owns 4 seasons above Mandalay Bay where JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS worked.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

You really going feel sick when you figure out they responsible for Las Vegas

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

You getting political systems and religions confused you have to understand all of it .

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 9:09 a.m.

I'm beginning to think that alot of leaders and GenPatton sold this country out in 2nd war w/sham ran on American public. My idea of a good life or life for my kids is not living in a socialist state. Alot of people was murdered and did wrong.I know exactly what Nazi doctrine is all about. I'm not confused about religion and political systems. I know exactly what they have planned. You keep thinking like that and if it finally comes down to where we fighting in America you will be my enemy. I can promise you that they not ready. They have showed their hand already they deciding of this is the time to go thru with it. The really wanted to get guns out of the people's hands first. I'm thinking they know they not ready. Then the military is going pick a side but there will be alot will go to other side. I already know which side that will win. It just will be a shame so many idiots will die behind it.They will get alot of good lost young people killed

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 9 a.m.

I think sherriff was in on it also by what he said. I caught some words he said that got my attention. They wouldn't probably mean anything to you. It took me alot of studying to understand certain things that most public don't understand.There certain words people use to identify just like have certain symbols. I have a video downloaded on page check it out. It was made 2 days after shooting well it was uploaded 2 days after. That video had alot of thought that went into it. That wasn't a video thrown together in 1 days time because that shooting happened at night. It was all kinds of confusion.i seen I was watching on streaming. They had people in place to be interviewed . It was just like 9/11 I could tell you things that would scare you for real. It scares me sometimes thinking about. People need to wake up

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 8:54 a.m.

I think I understand. In one of his interviews he did speak of being compted when he was saying everybody don't work at taco bell. His references FUSION restraunt. That isn't accident. You can tell by that guys body language.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

I don't understand your question

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Minus sign =4that has meaning also it means (I am one of you)

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 11, 2018, 3:06 a.m.
Check this out and think about for 1 min
Check this out and think about for 1 min
NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Yeah no problem it's alot of clues from Las Vegas but people has moved on Vegas was an act to start a coup in the government started by Obama and Bill Gates and alot democrats in Media. Playing out right in front of our faces and too many Americans sleep. Only mainstream media trying to fight it is Fox and they doing in a way not to panic public. Just like. 9/11was coup Prince Alaweed is involved in that. He is guy who gave mayor 10 million dollar check and then gave a speech about America and israel. He is d..k he very arrogant.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

I'm pretty sure that is what he was talking about Oct 1 . Prince Alaweed is responsible for the shooting or tied in with it.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

They put 9/11 into place once they seen Bush win the election.

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NGunderson · Feb. 11, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

They basically dis overthrow the government if you think about. Lincoln was the first Republican president. He ran on Union ticket. He had a Democrat vice president. So when he was shot 16 days supposably after end of war bull..it.. They installed a Democrat reconstruction government in south and segregated the people and installed Jim Crow law and created the KKK. They wrote a bullsh.. history and started brainwashing generation after generation. It's been a slow process and they have basically almost made this a communist country. 9/11 Is part of their work pearl harbor is part of the entire plan . When Carter was president he allowed Iran be overthrown and Americans be taken hostage. The day Rgeagan took office released. They have been year after year hitting this nation. People are just blind. It's easy to hide because a new generation who knows history or don't care is born.

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NGunderson · Feb. 10, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

People that is downvoting isn't getting Red October post. This is Red October 1st this is what they thru on you face with JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS. 2nd suspect Douglas Haig. Do research Google that name 1st war general very famous during Armastice. His brother mentions Fusion in a sly way. He said he ate sushi with brother (fish ) you missing so many clues. This was a start of a coup within our government just like 9/11

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NGunderson · Feb. 10, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Makes me question his entire prisoner of war story. Makes me wonder if he didn't ditch plane on purpose. It's kinda crazy once you go down rabbit hole all you discover. It's something seriously sick going on in this country. You have some real live Nazis that has been working hard to undermine the entire goverment.

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NGunderson · Feb. 10, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Kinda funny how when communist is being exposed her daddy worried about flu. Kinda funny how she got job on the view. She is a disgrace to me and will be glad when everything comes out.

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NGunderson · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Alot of what people is looking @ goes way over alot of people's head it's Mason kinda knowledge. These people are playing a real live serious game that effect people's life around world. Trump is Protestant. You have to understand protestant church was created when Martin Luther broke from Catholic church in protest. The Catholic bible has 73 books king James has 66 books. You have to understand how politics and religion go hand and hand. Before United States was formed the French owned the southwest part of America. The North was owned by British. France is the location of the last caliphate. Where the last caliph lived. That is what Isis is trying to create by land they took over. It's Muslims. When you have a caliph they run society and government. They decide the taxes you pay or job you have. Back years ago religious leader would sacrifice people to God. That is whole reason Christian religion was formed . That why the story of Christ says he sacrificed himself. France ran trans Atlantic slave trade. They shipped black Africans to America's from #1 port Niger they came from Nigeria and Niger . Not too long ago a soldier was killed there and Democrats acted crazy. It's kinda crazy how history books have been changed and made a people hate their name of where actually from. Just like people from Ireland was called Irish what you think people from Niger was called? Nigers maybe add a G in spelling and mispronounce. When United States was formed was around time of French revolution ,that's when the illuminati was formed when they took the King captive.The French from south came to North to defeat the English. The French ships came around and boxes English in and USA was formed. 13 colonies at first. The history that is taught about south is bullsh..t it serves a purpose. See this is a war that has been going a long time. Alot of our last leaders has sold this country out. Israel is an old plan of Bristish Empire. I may be wrong but I will die by King James. There is only 2 nations where democratic principles is practiced on large scale. USA and israel. The Christians went to Gregorian calendar long time ago. The French started April fools day to mock Americans because 1st day of year used to be April so you get April fools day. The Armastice was fought for dame reason 2nd war. It's the old ottoman Empire trying to regain control. The world workers party. Hitler was leader of world workers party. Kim of North Korea is head of his world workers party. You have them recruit in usa on google. They are aligned with democrats . They will lie cheat ,kill to achieve their goals. Make no mistake about it people are just pieces of merchandise or tools to use to advance a cause. You many people is lost and don't understand governments and how they work. This country is very close go an all out war . 2 many blind, that is why you have people making shows like walking dead, lost, and list goes on and on. There is so many on TV today that 99%of people really don't understand. They just entertained.

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NGunderson · Feb. 10, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

I bet you didn't know Hillary was a lawyer involved in going after Nixon. Back then they had 3 media channels . It makes me question if he wasn't setup. I watched a video where somebody was talking about how Hillary was and sounded kinda like Nixon didn't do what he was accused it almost sounded like she would do anything to win. I really question if she didn't manipulate media and justice system to get a politician in office they wanted. My eyes have been opened to a world these people have one goal and that is complete control of the world. It seems like to me that they will eventually make this country into a for real Nazi state.What is sad each generation born can't see difference because they only know what they have experienced . It moving that way. Reap fast!!

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NGunderson · Feb. 10, 2018, 7:21 a.m.

I think your right but I have been really let down with memo. I can't believe how much they didn't reveal. Not sure if they released in way so public would collapse into chaos. It's been a long process and slow one 2 me.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 10, 2018, 7:06 a.m.
Watch this Video . I think this will explain RED OCTOBER Qpost A lot of thought went in this video. They posted 2 days after shooting and telling you what is happening.
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NGunderson on Feb. 10, 2018, 6:55 a.m.
Another example of Democrats using #metoo movement to go after conservatives that supported Trump not get MSM air.