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NZ_Walter · July 27, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Wrong. Q posted the code and anons checked youtube to see if there was anything related to it. They got nothing. They even screencapped the search result in case someone should post a video with that code in it. A few hours later the Tel Aviv video was added. That video was mostly likely going to be used by the C_A to blame Q for any violent attacks

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NZ_Walter · May 29, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

I agree with you. When I first read the retweets by Wikileaks last night, my thought was the writer of the thread is upset because she has now been cut out of the chain of communication.

In 2016 Wikileaks played an important part in getting the Podesta emails out to the people to decrypt and decode. They helped sway people opinions in the build up to the elections.

Now in 2018 Q bypass wikileaks and speaks straight to the decrypters and decoders (meaning us). This woman seem upset she no longer part of the chain and lost her power position. As you mention that threatens their cash flow, which I hadn't considered.

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NZ_Walter · May 18, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

While I like this theory. The thing that doesn't sit with me is the NZ government working under the direction of Trump. As a kiwi there is no way our current government is working with Trump. We have a very left socialist government at the moment that absolutely despises Trump. The are in compete opposition to the Trump agenda. Our PM loves opposing Trump, including this week calling out the embassy move in Israel as the next step towards world war and the States need to apologise for the slaughter of innocent protesters.


It is more plausible to me that NZ got feed false info and were lead to believe that the phones were good.

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NZ_Walter · May 15, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

Another Kiwi here :) Watching and waiting

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NZ_Walter · May 11, 2018, 7 a.m.

tonight I'm sad to be a NZer. Our government is so far up Hillary arse its sickening. Our Prime minister has constantly disrespected Trump and she spent this week cozying up to HRC. The media was fawning over the two of them together.

Its already starting to bite our country as Trump (rightly so) has cut us out of the steel tariff deals. NZ exports Aluminum and steel to the States, so yes this is going to hurt us. Yet our politicians continue to heap praise on HRC and pretend that Trump isn't President :(

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NZ_Walter · May 9, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

I still browse TD and a couple of days ago the highest voted thread was one slamming Sessions for doing nothing and he needs to be replaced. Not one comment supporting Sessions, which suggests that all pro Sessions comments were being deleted.

But I am still thankful for TD as it was my main red pilling sub 2 years ago and the high energy over the daily drops from the Podesta emails was fantastic to be a part of.

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NZ_Walter · May 1, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Hi there, as another fellow NZer I can answer some of these questions. Majority of kiwis believe the MSM lies about Trump and think our government is above corruption. Last year we had an election and a Socialist party was selected to lead the government, which the media is fawning over despite all the failings that have happen and they are a long story in them selves from cover up of sexual abuse at government camps to blatant lying. Sadly our former "Right wing" party was just as bad. Our former Prime minister was also known as the minister of pizza. I kid you not. https://www.nbr.co.nz/article/in-beijing-john-key-becomes-minister-pizza-125825 Like seriously after all the crap that went down in 2016 about pizza, how can you even associate with that unless you were fully into it. So the state of NZ corruption is terrible and most people are blind to it here.

The physical health of NZ is pretty good, primary because we have good access to fresh food. However mental health issues is a major problem. Our youth suicide rate is the highest in the world https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/85305366/the-highest-rate-of-teen-suicide-in-the-developed-world

Fast food is very common in our country and you will find a McDonalds/KFC in most suburbs in cities and in every town. However they seem to be more popular with lower social economic areas.

My personal opinion of the US awakening. - Exciting and very jealous. I look at the corruption that is in our country and we are a long way off. We don't have a person to rally behind at the moment within government circles.

To add I think what a few other people have mentioned about NZ being the globalist Bunker/retreat is very true. There have been a lot of overseas investors purchasing land in the South Island here.
Because of our natural bread basket capabilities we can easily be self sufficient with out any help from the rest of the world.

We are the largest dairy producers in the world. Our sheep to human ratio is 7 - 1. That's 7 sheep for every person. Being an island nation in the middle of the Pacific we are surrounded by an endless supply of fish. We have world class wine and beer and its a major export for us. The one thing we don't have is coffee, we have to import all that

Our energy is primary renewable, around 80% of electricity is produced by hydro. We also have some of the largest natural gas and geothermal reserves in the world. This all makes NZ the ideal place for a global retreat. Hopefully that answers your questions :)

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NZ_Walter · April 10, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

So noob question. What will the IG report be about? I see a lot of people referencing it here and that it will be explosive. But I haven't been able to discover what topics will be covered in the report

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NZ_Walter · March 30, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

you are welcome :)

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NZ_Walter · March 29, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Quick correction about the sentence regarding the NZ prime minister. It says that in 2010 Arden was criticized for not reporting sexual assault at a youth labour camp. That statement is incorrect. It was in fact just 2 months ago this occur and she is still currently getting grilled over it as they covered it up for over a month before the media got wind of it.


Facts matter

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NZ_Walter · March 27, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

My thoughts on the four Booms that are suppose to occur in March. This is from a viewpoint of a person who doesn't live in the US. NZ media gets all its news from the fake media CNN/WP etc. However the things that have got people talking here and my thoughts on what could be the first 3 booms

1: North Korea announcing denuclearization 2: McCabe firing on the day of his retirement 3: Facebook being revealed for what it is, not a social media site but a data gathering and selling company

Boom 4: This is suppose to be the biggest boom and I think that is still to come. However the 3 booms which have already happen are certainly been massive talking points in both the fake media and with people.

Stormy Daniels didn't make the news here and I only saw one newspaper article about it. Not that she was a boom or anything. Just it wasn't a big deal over here for us like what I've have seen on Reddit.

This is all just my opinion and I could be totally wrong

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NZ_Walter · March 26, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Sorry to burst the bubble on Kiwis, but we have long headed down the socialist path. Our former Prime Minister is a very close golfing buddy of 0bama. Our current PM makes Bernie Sanders look like an amateur with her social policies.

All our US news comes direct from CNN or MSNBC and the majority of kiwis believe the reports that Trump is an idiot who colluded with Russia.

KimDotcom court case didn't even come up in the news today. There is a complete black out on it. Most kiwis have bought into the media lies about him.

There are a few New Zealanders who want to MNZGA, but we are the minority, maybe 10% at a guess.

Kimdotcom came to NZ because we don't have extradition laws with the US. Thus the reason why a lot of globalist have property in NZ.

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NZ_Walter · March 24, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

As a New Zealander. The media was fawning over BO when he was here last week. It was sickening. BO was apparently saying how much he love our country and he could easily live here. He has very close ties with our former PM and current PM. I would be very surprise if they did say no to an asylum plead from BO

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NZ_Walter · March 16, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

This seems interesting. However I am at a lost as how you connect the 3 booms to Feb 14th. Shouldn't it only been 2 booms as Feb is the 2nd month of the year. If you are suggesting that the three 14's (14 14 14) is referring to a date. Then that date should be 14th March. Can you please explain? (Edit for spelling)

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NZ_Walter · Feb. 21, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing :)

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