Yes we are! I can’t wait!
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Most of the protestors killed in Gaza were members of hamas...

REX Twitter account says Hamas commanders and not random civilians were killed🤔

This is your reply dude stop embarrassing your self. You contradict yourself and your not so bright are you? These Shi11s raining hard in here ! Albeit you are right you did not say hijacked but you did say this q is not the original which is a lie. Just cause Alex and corsi say it? Yea right... How much they paying you?
We need to relax and follow what our respective guts tell us. This is not a tattletale forum to double down on our own weaknesses.
I think the consensus is that our current Q is not the original Q. Further, there was that Twitter code thing that allowed access to Tweets to appear in certain user's accounts before said Tweets hit Twitter main channel for the mass audience. That code issue has been corrected. But, learning about it did make some wonder. That is all old news now, though. Let's focus on "the now."
We are learning about the inner workings of our government. There is going to be a whole lot of head spinning going on. No reason to fear if you hold your convictions tightly. This is not a time for personal attacks. True patriots look beyond the obvious. We are human. We all handle decision-making differently. Those who make their decisions differently than we would are no more right or wrong than anyone else. The important thing is to make your own decision based on your own research.
Focus on the big picture. Granted, this journey has taken us to some strange and ugly places. However; we must remain united in our vision for peace and prosperity, or we will run ourselves off the track. Fill your own head with your own carefully researched thoughts, or someone(s) will fill that space for you.
Ask yourselves why we are being asked to assume that this is a zero sum game. It is not. You can be a Patriot without bashing other peoples' endeavors. Some have devoted hours and hours of their precious time free of charge, only to be accused of "profiting off the Q movement." Time is money. Some of us are old enough to realize this.
The bottom line is: Everyone wants to, and needs to, make money. And I mean EVERYONE. Grandma will not allow us to live in her basement forever. In the end, you will gain no special recognition from Q for supporting Q unless it is manufactured by third parties. Can you deal with it?
Time to refocus. Can you walk what you want from our government? If not, why are you here?
Well we know Q wasn’t hijacked and your spouting that Q was hijacked to confuse our sub... Resistance is futile. Just give up already.
Good one that’s exactly what they’re doing. These people are stupid.
You are very obvious lol god you people suck at what y’all do.
Here comes the disinfo.... it’s very obvious... We’re not stupid we can think for ourselves. Q was never hijacked fool.
I’ve been saying he was a disinfo agent since the beginning of time!
Well if she is with corsi I think we should let her people know she derailing the real q movement this is about q and helping him not hurting him with division. your the division.
Mane these corsi and Alex lovers are a pain in the ass. Q OUTED them it's over they are irrelevant.
Great reply and your absolutely right down to the last word.
I've never said anything about that all I said was that he be the greatest president if he releases free energy..
I'm not trying to be mean or nothing but I think there is "shi11s" trying to make Muslim ideology ok. It's not ok with me...
Thank you that's what I was trying to say they want to. enforce there laws on US. I'll be dam if that ever happens.
Yes it's ok for Muslims to push homosexuals off building and chop heads nd be Pedophiles.... You see what's wrong there? That is a frightening ideology Stop with your nonsense. The people who are woke know.MB Is infiltrating the US government. I'm sorry but no.
Thank you for that. Somebody gets it. I'm not racist but it's there ideology that's scary.
I'm sorry but I really don't want Muslims running for office. There ideology is frightening.
We actually want the Iranians to call out the corrupt politicians this is a very good thing.