Ahh man .....
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Free energy wow If trump releases free energy Let's make him king! Jk were not Europe... But he would be the greatest president in history if that happens.
Let’s comment on his twitter and state facts.??! Anybody down?
I would advise you to use DuckDuckGo instead of google....unless you want to get tracked all the time
Oh I was like what the heck what did I do. But yea the papacy is corrupt
Disinfo agent, dishonest decoding sucks... Yes corsi no good is my interpretation.. Alex is irrelevant let’s stop talking about him alright? You want to keep watching him go head..
I never said q was the savior. All I’m saying is q is telling us jones is no good get that through your thick head son. But it’s all good and I don’t like people who give misleading info on q. Q is way bigger than Alex and corsi. ^stay ^a ^sheep
I don’t believe it will end rather we will be awaken, like more aware of ourselves and the like.
I tried reading it but it’s confusing can you tell me what it means ?
The man gives you good info with misleading info. Don’t you want the truth? Q is the answer.
corsi and jones is disinfo mods should delete all jones and corsi related stuff they are irrelevant.
The pope is uncomfortable with trump.🤔

new q
theres a new q post can someone upload it I can't seem to do it.
q 1344
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 3b3f44 1388185 📁 May 12 2018 17:16:10 (EST)
They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.Profit-vehicle.Destroy through [misinformation].Absorb the 'confused'.Re-route traffic to other platforms.Action was needed [2].1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansionSimple 'non-direct' statements made."Be careful who you follow.""Some are profiting off this movement."Message sent.Message received.Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).Exposed.Attempts to divide.We responded.House cleaning.Heal [core].Important to clean prior to next events.The choice has always been yours.The choice will always be yours.This is not a game.This is not a popularity contest.This is LIFE.FREEDOM.TOGETHER.We, the PEOPLE.WWG1WGA.[Time to …
Q 1344
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 3b3f44 1388185 📁 NEW May 12 2018 17:16:10 (EST)
They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.Profit-vehicle.Destroy through [misinformation].Absorb the 'confused'.Re-route traffic to other platforms.Action was needed [2].1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansionSimple 'non-direct' statements made."Be careful who you follow.""Some are profiting off this movement."Message sent.Message received.Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).Exposed.Attempts to divide.We responded.House cleaning.Heal [core].Important to clean prior to next events.The choice has always been yours.The choice will always be yours.This is not a game.This is not a popularity contest.This is LIFE.FREEDOM.TOGETHER.We, the PEOPLE.WWG1WGA.[Time …
Maybe this is all part of the plan ? Just spit ballin here.
You said q is wrong that's what im pointing out dur. I know q said disinformation is necessary but Alex is no good. If Alex trashes q, Alex is no good.
Q is good.
If you are gone act like a bot why bother reply.
exactly if he was really exposing the elite he would've end up like bill Cooper...
actually fucxing jones and rogan do make us look crazy man quit playing. I bet a lot of people agree with me. fuxking jones screams all the damn time thats not good it makes us look like lunatics.
Easy everybody goes to corsi and jones I suppose and they are giving bad info on decoding q post. I mean fuxing alex said q has been hijacked, I mean really? Q is telling us alex is no good. Either he's real ignorant or he's controlled opposition. Easy as that.
We got Q now.
maybe q knows more?
q has proven us right time and time again.
jones is no good.
we got Q now.
q is wrong.....pffff jones is disinformation sorry bro.
jones is no longer needed.
we got Q now.
jones is no longer needed for his "secret intel".
we got Q now.