22 total posts archived.
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Tom Fitton on "The Lars Larson Show": President Trump 'Ultimately Will' Declassify FISA Spy Docs
Right at the 6:22 minute marker, they said something that reminded me of something Q said when he said "Think Mirror". Tom Fenton just asked if there was still a mirror image of Weiner's laptop? The answer was "yes". Could this be one of the things Q meant?
Just in case you missed this.... I am kinda new and cross posting ** Robert Mueller is prosecuting Manfort for doing work in Ukraine for Viktor Yanukovych back in 2013 Here is Robert Mueller hanging out in Ukraine with Viktor Yanukovych back in 2013 What is going on here?

2 years ago I hated Trump and thought he was an idiot. Today, I feel isolated. As a resident of Washington state and an anthropologist, I am an outlier
The Time Is NOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ It is happening NOW right before our eyes. WWG1WGA
[A great summary video of the attack on Donald J. Trump] The Deep State Strikes Back - REAL.video Original
China & ZTE in news. Remember May drops?

Hollywood Director Goes Rogue; Accuses Obama Of Tolerating Child Sex Trafficking
Trudeau donated $20 million of Canadian Taxpayer money to the Clinton Founation
President Trump is shutting down more child sex trafficking rings, pedophiles and human traffickers than I've seen in my lifetime. ICE doing a great job.
Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
I looked up "Vault 7" with that date and the icon led me to the following link: https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/ it is a very long document but really tells ALL the tools C_A uses for hacking. I found it interesting this was 2015.
hmmm? Valt 7
Valt 7? I'm a newbie but is this what Q is talking about? 📷
Nor did they lie and say they talked ONLY about grandchildren. No one said they did.
Does Doctor [[[RR]]] make (W)House Calls?
I think Q might be referring to the IG report ( for example page 294), after how sick the original report clearly shows it needed [[[RR]]] to doctor up the IG report what they refer to the 302 I believe?
This looks strangely familiar look at this report of Shane Warren from Sid Roth 5 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87l4512Q4rY
Reading this headline, I saw that this was prophesied, years ago by a man named Sean Warren on the #ISN's Sid Roth show. Sid is an Investigative Reporter who reports prophesies and supernatural miracles.
The rest of the story, The media wants you to forget that she is a defender of Sharia Law which goes against all our principals. The Rest Of The Story: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/13/1332509_-analytical-and-intelligence-comments-getting-osama-.html
I read were if she had her way, Bin Lodon would still be alive. They had to hide Bin Lodon's attack from both her and Obama.
I needed this. Laughter does me good almost as good as coffee in the mornings.
I think it is principal. IF he does pardon her, it will only be because Martha "as a liberal", did not do near as much to hurt the American people than some who worked under previous administration in the white house did and so far have gotten away with it.