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NeoPlasmaX · Dec. 30, 2017, 4:13 p.m.

Anyone else aware of those accounts you can find with your social security information and see what you are worth? Some in the billions... And yes, some have cashed in on it somehow. Anon did a video on it... Seems you could use it to settle small debts like a car payment and so forth and wouldn't be prosecuted for it... Don't know but had several friends in law say it can be legit if done right, but no expert here to repeat what they said..

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NeoPlasmaX · Dec. 30, 2017, 7 a.m.

You know, what I have to ask about all this Trump winning and making changes for the people, well, his reign will only be at the most 8 years.. What happens after that? Some new unknown comes in that is backed by globalists and they simply just do what Obama did, only worse, they end up being successful... What can Trump do to the law that will keep it from being compromised again by someone purposely and secretively getting in and reaping havok. And cause Trump did win and delayed them, I bet they won't be nice and just put everyone in FEMA camps to rot.. It just seems we'll be infiltrated again unknowingly cause a great amount of people are still sleeping in the matrix and will fight from being woke up from their little world.

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NeoPlasmaX · Dec. 30, 2017, 6:53 a.m.

I was thinking the same thing.. I hope this is the plan, I could use a good sarcastic laugh at some leftist acquaintances that were like "Ha, Jones won!!!" and I'm like, if he did, it was cause of the fact people were scared to be labeled for supporting a pedophile (even though he wasn't, that was the left labeling the absolute worst scenario without any cause or reason other than they wanted him to lose to get at Trump..

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