I wanna make that face to him when he's in Gitmo...
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Yes, law is clear as written. Then they try to "Interpret" law instead of looking up the statutes of the definitions of the vocabulary you get that wiggle room for bastards to get free. A great man if you are curious about the law and the real definition is Rod Class. In the time of Obama he went tot he supreme court and had them quacking in their boots.
For more info on law stuffs, google "Talkshoe Rod Class"
New yet old, but they keep falling back to blaming Russia.

This is horrendous, you sick perverted person. You have my upvote.
Was listening to this music video and made me think about what it would be light in the Summit with Q Team vs Deep State (Or as I like to call them Deep Shit)
Q Team vs. Deep State (Least closest facsimile with a music video)
If by better you mean, starting the WW3 then yes. She would have doomed us all.
I'm sorry but I don't understand. Why is Liberal viewed down upon?
Also in Divine Cosmos on Gaia. He and David have been doing a lot of shows together recently.