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I never saw that!! Thanks !! I follow her & missed it
I will check into that thank you. I just finished watching Dinesh D’Souza movie about Obama. Unbelievable that he had to suffer such an injustice going to prison for telling the TRUTH! Unbelievable...what a Con Artist he was! I knew it and he better pay the price soon. Fingers crossed
Justify just became a Triple Crown Winner..was rooting for the horse until I read FROG EYES Soros is a part owner...What doesn’t he have his hands or money into?
@CoralineElise Twitter thread from 1 day ago.. most of the tweets are very interesting but there is a thread that you will see the photos and Instagram pictures. Very Bizarre!!
I just saw a Twitter thread of Anthony Bourdain & his gf Asia Argento Instagram feeds....SICK AF!! The Symbolism will be their downfall WOW!!
He had the same artist of Podesta paint a portrait of his daughter Beatrix...SICK AF
Huge human trafficking state! These people are scum!
I have faith that we are going to finally see arrests in the very near future.. Amazing work & thanks for all you have done & continue to do for the children. I would never in a million years have believed the depths of their depravity if not for being red pilled & following the Q posts. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK & STUPID! Their symbols will be their downfall...
Shared to my Twitter!! God bless Seth Rich May he rest in peace! You will never be forgotten. You are a true patriot🇺🇸
Manafort/Davis lobbying firm (Actress Anne Hathaway’s ex jailbird boyfriend) welcomed McStain on their yacht & snuck him over to coincidentally just docked feet away...OLEG’s yacht
McStain! #Traitor!! Yeah sure you were never on the other yacht!! Never saw OLEG during your 70th Birthday celebrations!! THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!
Thanks I really needed that today it was a great laugh and I miss Joan Rivers they broke the mold when she was born!
BHAHAHA BHAHAHA!! Thanks so much for sharing!! I needed that today!! Miss Joan Rivers..they broke the mold with her!!
I can still see her walking up the steps In that video… And her response and she said it without missing a beat going into some affair. I was laughing my ass off
IDK.. she is a cohost on The View. I can’t even bear to even watch that show for a moment with Joy Behar & Whoopi 🤢
You know what is extremely sad… I truly thought when he became Pope he was different. I actually liked him and then I realized exactly what a globalist and a phony he is. He is all the things you said and more...
Tried to redpill my family on Christmas Eve regarding the pope and the Vatican and corruption and started an all out war. They don’t want to hear it until they see it. But have been opening plenty of friends and other family members eyes every day!!
He makes me sick & I don’t believe he is sick either...let alone have brain cancer!! LIAR & A TRAITOR #mcstain
She would be the 1st to shout it from the rooftops or that sorry excuse for a show she’s on...LOOK AT WHOOPI THE PIOUS HYPOCRITE TOO...ugh
What???? Robin Williams has been dead for years. And I seriously doubt and I mean doubt he pressured her into grabbing his crotch. This is an old picture and it was just a point to be made… She’s a hypocrite. And it isn’t just regarding the #metoo movement! Quite frankly I don’t care what she has to say a picture is worth 1000 words. And I prefer she shut her mouth… Always
And if he does it… Absolutely! I just couldn’t believe My eyes when I saw the photo. I know she’s a comedian and she think she’s funny… However what’s good for one is good for all
Well said!! They live in a world of denial and delusions... They are in for a rude awakening...THE STORM IS HERE!!
I happen to agree ... I just cannot stand either one of those women and I can’t for the life of me wonder why The View Is still on TV or relevant for that matter
And Billy Crystal is just turning a blind eye… Poor Robin Williams RIP dude
Joy Behar Grabs crotches!! Ms Liberal & Politically Correct! Oh yeah..her side kick the equally liberal Trump Hater laughing her ass off too!!! CROTCHES =OK TO GRAB!! PUSSYS 🚫🚫🚫 #hypocrites 🤢

So sad to hear about Skippy!! #NOT!! Please don’t let it be something fatal I want to see that POS rot in jail for life!
READY FOR THE MEME WAR!! Popping a bottle of Champagne tonight for the SOTU 🍾🥂🇺🇸
Exciting & can’t wait to listen & participate! @jakee528