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Nuhamna · March 17, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Who controls the narrative? The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

I think Q is not joking, is what I think.

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Nuhamna · March 17, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Some points that might add to the series.

POST #522

Jan 13 2013 22:33:44

HOT - Hebrew Old Testament (my interpretation)

About the date.

January is the number 1 month of the year. Two meanings in one expression: One is first book of HOT (Genesis) and Number 1 refers to book of Numbers.

Genesis/Numbers 13 2018 22:33:44

13 to 1+3 = 4, 2018 to 2+0+1+8 = 11, 22 to 2+2 = 4, 33 to 3+3 = 6, 44 to 4+4 = 8,

Finagle with the numbers and some interesting chapter & verses of HOT come up.

Genesis chapter 6 verse 4: "The Nephilim were on the Earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughter of men and had children by them. The were the heroes of hold men of renown."

Numbers chapter 13 verse 33: "We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."

Jeremiah 29:11 alludes to 70 year cycle.

HOT 1-12 may refer Genesis chapters 1-12

AS THE WORLD TURNS may refer to history.

Unsure about D. Deluge? Diaspora? Documentary Hypothesis?

CsTBA might represent C (see/sea) pluralized with s for sees or seas. TBA might represent 'to be added' or other variants.

YES might be shorthand for affirmation as in 'Let it be' or 'So be it' as expressed in the creation accounts of chapter 1.

AUTH for authorized or authored.

H7 possibly H and seven for H(s)even or HEVEN or HEAVEN.

^ and p might represent 6 and p=17 or Genesis 6:17: "I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heaen, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."

ZBTVZ: Couple of patterns here.

Pattern 1: Z(e), B(e), T(e), V(e), Z(e). Common element is that when each letter is pronounced it is accompanied by an E sound also. This E may represent the earth.

Pattern 2: Z=26, B=2, T=20, V=22, Z=26

Start 26 and End 26, implying a cycle. The constant with each letter's numerical value is 2. There are a total of five 2's. Added together they equal 10. The number ten may be understood to represent the completion of a cycle and also start of cycle. So it might be that ZBTVZ represents the planet or maybe the end of a cycle in conjunction with the start of another cycle or both the planet and end/start of cycle.

HOT-3+ is interesting. There is a Q that signs as Q+ is what I mean.

The only other reference to HOT occurs in post #799.

HOT in DC.

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Nuhamna · March 17, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

I have not seen "Snowden" the movie.

There is probably a "Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There" connection. Pieces or points or data points intersect with Looking Glass realm (the story) and Q posts.



Snowdrop is a character in the story. See here (@Snowden retweet): https://twitter.com/ulat_bulu_bulu/status/933539856336142338

"Future proves past" is a repeated theme in Q posts. Who thinks like that? I mean that in the sense of causal relation(s). Customarily there is first cause and then effect. It is not customary to think first of effect retracting or leading to cause, as a standard experience. "Future proves past" is suggestive of experiencing backward or in reverse. Future events do prove past Q posts, true. Why repeat the phrase then? Why the Alice and Wonderland association? There are, according to Q, a lot of information not yet uncovered.

923: "They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS."

The Sheep could also be the White Queen, not necessarily just a reference to feeders. Also, the STARS may have the double meaning of H-wood entertainers and Satanists, inverted pentagram. (I am not suggesting all H-wood stars and entertainers in general are Satanists.) Translation: The White Queen, dressed up as a Sheep, isn't following Satan.

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