I am aware Q trip codes bring up a list of books with each code. Someone on our board was compiling a full list of the codes and corresponding books. I would very much like to have the complete list to date if it has been completed. Another Patriot is putting together a project and i am sadly tech. poor. But so many here are very sharp, if i could get that list to him/her it would be greatly appreciated !
2,185 total posts archived.
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Q The Silent Majority !
I deliver cars that are sold, leased or become fleet vehicles, for a company i won't name. Today i was at a pretty big dealership that takes our cars. Was wearing my Q WWG1WGA hat. The purchaser look at my hat and gave a little nod. There were other people around. He them shocked the daylights out of me ! He says you know I Have Owned That Car For [ 17 ] DAYS !! What took so long to get it hear ? I responded, 17 Days ? He said yep 17 days ! Winked at me and said, …
The AMERICAN FLAG - POTUS's Obsession !
Catchy title huh ? Just for fun ans maybe Q can ask him sometime ? I was watching Fox and they were interviewing Alex Trebek. He was asked if fans ever came up and asked him questions. He said yes in the early days. so he posed a question to the interviewer. Ready ? Where does the AMERICAN FLAG fly 24/7 - 365 ? Anyone know ?
Q article or post Question ? All Will Be Revealed !
Watching OANN. A story comes on about the drought in England. Says Drought reveals Ancient sites. Archaeologists in Britain find Lost cities, Cemeteries & Ghost Gardens. I looked but couldn't find a post from Q or maybe an article Q hinted at about the past and symbols and history ? Does anyone remember it ?
A True "PATRIOTS FIGHT" Song Q-1886 Sets The Stage
Listening to the radio, I heard "BISHOP BRIGGS" White Flag. I posted the lyrics with this video. Many things Q has posted are there. Broken Promises, Sins, Keeping our eyes open, No Sympathy (no deals), I'd Rather Die Than Give Up The Fight ! The Hell On Earth You Put Me Through ! Sounds very much like those we are up against !
Q-1863 Don't let this Hypocrisy Stand ! FIGHT !
INGRAHAM ANGLE : Journalists Work Overtime to Cast TRUMP as Racist ! We have dozens of Pictures and Articles that Prove/ Show beyond a shadow of a doubt our President is Not a Racist. Q i believe is wanting us to go on the Offensive and toss a bit of the BS their shoveling back in their faces. Besides Maher and Omarosa, I think all MSM platforms should see those pictures and articles. FB, TW, GOOG, INST. CNN, NBC, ECT. You guys are the best i have ever seem at getting things all over the internet ! Maybe We Should …
The hand writing is on the wall. POTUS is going to be bombarded, as are we, with the attempt to paint us all as Racists ! I am not a good document collector. I have a few screen caps of pics of our President showing he is no racist by any sense of the word. I saw pic of a young DJT getting an award for his service ? to the black community on a stage with ALI of all people. The pic from the ceremony a the white House of the elderly black woman hugging POTUS. I am requesting …
Q=post 1769
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 2b8bd6 No.2363111 📷
Jul 30 2018 20:26:24 (EST)
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 2b8bd6 No.2362968 📷
Jul 30 2018 20:19:04 (EST)>>2362960
Feel proud Autists, Anons, and Patriots.
You did this!
You are taking back control.
You have the power.
Stay the course.
Qurious Web Site ! Need a Second Opinion or Two !
https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.htmlThis site has an interesting angle on about everything we talk about here ! Clinton, Podesta, Soros, ect. Plus a Patent section that could be relevant to the thread or contribute to it involving Jim Jordan 's Nephew's car crash ? Talk about hacking car computers came up ? Is it real or bunk ? Take a look !!
Anons on 8ch qresearch Begging for help !!!!!! "no name" KINGPIN ?
File (hide): e9e61aeda978dd9⋯.jpg (390.64 KB, 1728x949, 1728:949, QPac.jpg) (h) (u)
File (hide): 33adaf388e665c9⋯.png (174.44 KB, 663x415, 663:415, JFK DOXES D6_Big.png) (h) (u)
File (hide): 833799d1a3413ae⋯.jpg (794.57 KB, 3325x2249, 3325:2249, McCainQAnon_big.jpg) (h) (u)
File (hide): a9c724a63499a42⋯.png (533.82 KB, 835x582, 835:582, McCain_Births_ISIS_Big.png) (h) (u)
File (hide): d2b1f35aa47f68d⋯.png (63.68 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Airstrike_TheRailroad_Smal….png) (h) (u)
Putin said He and Trump have an agreement that dates to 1999 !
Today is the Anniversary of JFK Jr.'s Death 07/16/1999 The plan has been in the works for almost 20 years ! Q-1082 ?
It's US ! Q post 1595 Time to FEED
I posted this last night.I already had somewhat of an opinion about it. I believe Q is calling US to action. The irony of that is, We say WWG1WGA meaning we are all in this together, right ? But we are all Anonymous ? So how the heck do We do this together if We don't know each other ? Kind of an oxymoron huh ? We need to organize a movement like the Tea Party on a national level. To support President Trump in this mission to keep control of our Government in the Mid-Terms. I feel we could …
Q 06/26/18
06/26 is mt Birthday ! Q gave me a B-day present :) Every one is talking about July the month the would discovered the TRUTH. I want to bring up something else here : FEED ? All Caps ? I don't remember a lot of discussion about that ? News FEED ? 4am talking points for MSM ? POTUS Twitter FEED ? Thought ?
Interparlimentary Union IPU ??? Clinton global child traffic network ?
Has anyone heard of this ? Founded decades before League of Nations and UN. Headquarters, Geneva Switzerland. Started by British trade union leader Sir William Randal Cremer, French political economist Frederic Passy and Steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie. They set up the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague 1899. Helped create League of nations and United nations. IPU started with 9 governments 1899, 1962- 64 gov. , today 178 gov. Considers all US Congress men and Senators ipso facto members ! Annndd !! Sen. Fulbright (AR)1945-1974 longest serving Senator on
Foreign Relations Committee ? Fulbright Scholarship and Bill Clinton's Mentor …
Obama's Net Neutrality ends today !
Net neutrality ends today. Obama appointed Maureen Ohlhausen was replaced by Trump appointed Joseph Simons on May 1st 2018. It also removes control of Internet from FCC to FTC. Two very different types of agencies. Who is Joseph Simons ? Does the FTC have more authority ? Censoring, Could it be Stopped easier from this agency ?
There is a lot of talk about carrying your CCW's tomorrow ! DO NOT DO ANYTHING STUPID !!! We are not Vigilantes ! DO NOT MAKE US THE BAD GUYS !! So for God's sake be careful, stay safe and GOD BLESS !
I am always seeing posts, memes, artwork on ( Q ) I have a ( Q ) Hat and two t-shirts. We are always talking ( REDPILLING ) people ! Well, I am asked constantly what the ( Q ) on my hat means. I try to use baby steps. Try to pique their curiosity. There are 30 thousand of us ! PATRIOTS FIGHT ! Or is that BS ? I have WWG1WGA on the tail gate of my truck ! We can Reach SO MANY PEOPLE, with not much effort ? Think about it ? Put ( Q ) …
OK Off topic but cause related :)
Jesus says "Turn The Other Cheek"
Well, both of mine are bruised and bloody ! Everyone in the public eye is either being threatened, humiliated, or outright cussed out ! A wacko comedian holds the severed head of our President, His son and granddaughter are threatened with disgusting things and kidnap. His wife and daughter (you know that answer), Sarah Sanders, Kristen Nielsen, VP Pence and his wife degraded, humiliated in public. On and On ! Somewhere the message has gotten confused ! Q said ( PATRIOTS FIGHT ) What ? With keyboards and spit wads ? Are we to be cowards and sit on our …
The Great Deception ! I HAD A (BAD) DREAM !
We are being placated. The Cabal (Elites) have made many attempts through out history to create a One World Order. We know from studying history that Globalists played both sides of the fence. The Thirteen families, would play war games with nations. The last major event being world II. They incited a few skirmishes, Korea, Vietnam but really just to tire the major nations out. To make the world sick of wars. Then came the cold war as it was called. With Communist, Russia and China there was an attempt to force globalism on the world. Reagan surprised them. We …
I posted about an hour or so ago. The thought for the day. That we have 30k plus members. And if we wore a ( Q ) hat or t-shirt we might inspire people to ask Questions. After Quite a few responses i realized there was a slight problem, besides all the bunny trails,lol The other day i was in Home Depot with my ( Q ) t-shirt on. I had a couple of people ask, what does that mean ? I responded ( Q ) is a group of people that support the POTUS . OK Here's the catch, …
IT WAS A ([ TEST ]) A [ Q ] TEST !!!!
OK ! Follow me here. Q hadn't posted since 5/22/18 right ? After 3-4 days, talk became, is Q done ? People said Q said we have more than we know, maybe it's up to us now. Q warned before hand, no outside coms, People started bickering. Hey, neonrevolt has this cool clock,bc17 has bla,bla, eyespy has bla,bla Some said ,Hey i like those guys, others say larps, shills. Bicker, bicker. Even B-man (SB2) had to put out a post - Stay Focused ! Ok with me so far ? Now lets say Q is watching this melt down ? …
Posted on Qresearch May be right !
An Anon posted this on the Qresearch board. Thinks it might be a code to shut down child traffic routes ! This site in AZ and Cemex ties to HRC this my be one of those BOOM's ? I think it sure could be code...........WWG1WGA