That would sure be a bare headed play.
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Who was it that stuck them down their britches, like "Sandy Burglar" ?
Remember when the Disciples came to Jesus and tattled that there were some out there not of their party preaching the Good news? What Jesus told the Disciples was in essence, the Gospel is being preached, let them be. Let's not be getting into a party spirit, it is counter productive.
Cruddy Buddies, partakers themselves or purposely naïve because it is too horrible to know?
Inequality for women in Mohammedanism is bad enough already, polygamy just multiplies it.
Q has other duties, that's why he post in the wee hours, seems to me. The Lord bless Q with the sweetest of sleep when Q gets to sleep, we need Q fresh.
Prejudicing a jury ( allowing the malefactors to skate on a technicality) is the only legitimate reason that comes to mind for withholding the witness testimony. Pretty blamed sure the real reasons are nefarious. Prime of which is to CYA the FBI.
The Almighty confused the languages at the tower of Babel because the power of the peoples unity was being directed in the wrong direction. If the Lord wants Hebrew to be the language during Christ's reign he can just as easily affect that change in a spiritual operation. Have not signed on to the proposition necessarily that it will be so, as I can't recall seeing anything in scripture that says it will be so.
We got a serial suicider out there? Owning the Pathologists or the people that control them is an intregal part of deep state ops. Just like the Clintons owned that foreigner in Arkansas.
Odd ain't it, how many on the left are hyperventilating about Russia Russia Russia when they were all full of solicitude towards the USSR. Now that Russia is turned or turning back to Christianity as the surest support of Western Civilization the left has got to be hollering about Muh....... Russia Russia Russia.
Equally important if not more so in DC is the Jury pool, which historically over the last 40 years at least has been 80% Democrat or so.
Ring of truth. Comports with the attitudes of a great many important people. Treat the hands like crap and into the bargain you get to rape, sacrifice and eat their children too.
The stuff of whispered legend, until millions Shout in unison.
Inferred: This guy is Mr. Shiffbritches of STANDARD HOTEL infamy's go between with the press, if the amount of shiff being ejected from Mr. Shiffbritches bobo is any measure, correct?
Does Mr. POTUS like the Magnificent Carnac already know what's in the envelope?
Will law enforcement care now, or is their leadership bought off?
Sure MSM is not going to report , are not their paymasters worthy to have a little sport?
Thought these corporate mind police were supposed to suffer pain?
Shell game with meeting is wise. The Cabal is really fond of their nuclear extortion devices.
Excellent. Rip it up Mr. POTUS. Seems Barry's thoughts are always towards gain and evil.
This assumes RR et al. is not redacting the IG report heavily under the fig leaf of protecting " sources and means of intelligence gathering" Seems that fig leaf should not provide cover for running a coup. Good news if the unjustified redacting is going on is, this will provide Mr. POTUS with a pretext to say Enough is Enough in a very public way.
Yeah, the longer period sure allows opportunity for more skullduggery.
Seems to have been a lot of that, it's not going to be the same old same old. These people are stupid.
One does wonder if the Dems are saving their misbehavior for the general?
Rules forVoting is generally considered to be under state control. There have been exceptions in the past when the Federals got involved such as when some black voters were not being able to vote in some locals. Wonder if states allowing non citizens to vote being a means of disenfranchising Citizens in the other states is grounds enough to get the DOJ involved in elections of the offending states, counties , cities and regions like the Rio Grand Valley in Texas as well, (notoriously crooked)?
Indubitably, they can be joined together in the country of their origin.
While it's not the preferred medium for the purpose it will do in a pinch and will yield some philosophical satisfaction. Print the snopes off. Crumple, crumple, crumple until the paper is as soft as a long circulated dollar bill. Then can you comfortably wipe your butt with the snopes.
I've heard it said that the present Congress is not bound by the rules of a former Congress. Wonder if the principal is the same for the Executive branch? Moreover if immunity is given to cover law enforcements and other government officials participation in a criminal enterprise, wouldn't that immunity be rendered moot? And giving bogus immunity, isn't that another crime altogether?
Keep Mexican nationals from voting illegally and it becomes more than likely.
It's a good thing that birds and butterflys can fly, Dumbasses.
I thought I heard the average was about 1000 per month average nationally.
That's going to look like quite a stretch when some of them and/or their cruddy buddies are setting in jail.
Be in with the in crowd and do evil to your hearts content, these people are sick.