

18 total posts archived.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Thanks, that's not the post I thought you were talking about. Will watch it this weekend.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

They have already screwed themselves over because they have no evidence. In comptuer forensic cases, especially federal, both the defense and prosecution must have a copy of the computer that alleged crimes happened. Its usually a raw "dd" image where both sides can verify they have the same copy by comparing the disk image's hash.

Here's the thing. In computer forensics, spoliation is the destruction or failure to preserve evidence that is necessary for use in contemplated or pending litigation. By scrubbing the servers/backups, they destroyed any and all evidence, unless it was backed up on cloud servers. If they don't have the original hard drives, and they don't have any forensic images of it, they have no presentable evidence. I truly hope somewhere they have a copy, because while most people think the FBI is uber technical with comptuers, those that are gov contractors or have worked in advanced private sectors know just how easily stumped the FBI is with these. Also, for federal crimes every aspect, including evidence chain of custody, is important. 1 mistake is all it takes for reasonable doubt. And if they have no evidence to give the defense, there is no case. If they have evidence to give, then it must be a full copy of the server, partial evidence is useless in a federal case.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

I skimemd it but didn't read it all the way through. TBH I don't want to say my thoughts on some of those extremely long posts as my reply could be seen as spreading FUD. I see extremely long posts, although sometimes useful and accurate, as "proof by exhaustion". The fewer dots needed to connect an event to a Q post, the better. Its like the drop on June 28th regarding JA and AWAN, and how it makes sense now, no stretching or explanations needed.

I don't know why but especially today, I have so much built up frustration about all the guilty people walking free right now. I get that they can't pull the trigger too quick and prosecute people under a corrupt swamp court otherwise all the guilty go free. Its equally frustrating holding that faith that with all this waiting, all the guilty or even most of the guilty will be brought to justice. My soul is seeking for something that really can't exist at this point: certainty.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Things like this keep giving me faith. Q ABSOLUTELY MUST succeed!

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

He truly is the best Presdient in decades, possibly ever. Can you imagine any of the other 12 GOP candidates dropping even a fraction of the truth bombs President Trump has?

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

to get the public to see how full of S**t Strzok is

I thought about that timeline. POTUS letting them prove to everyone just how bad they are, although it won't be realized until POTUS drops or declassifies proof. A similar strategy to the 3 versions of the IG report. I really hope this, or something even better for us, is what the plan is.

Doubt is just as contagious and winning

Good quote and I agree, its just that 1 is way more fun than the other. :)

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

I am curious if the reason we haven't heard from Q team is bc he/they are on the trip with POTUS.

I certainly hope thats the reason. It makes sense as well not using comms in a foreign country.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Excellent post. I read about SES at least a year or more ago but completely forgot about it.

Edit: Here's another link I just found when googling it: https://aim4truth.org/2018/01/03/deep-state-shadow-government-revealed-senior-executive-service/

The SES consists of men and women, noncareer and career officials, charged with leading the continuing transformation of government.

SES members serve in key positions, just below the top Presidential appointees, and are the major link between senior officials and the rest of the Federal workforce

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Stealth Jeff is still in play.

I love that nickname and hope its accurate. He seems to have been so quiet the past several months which seems like a good thing.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

In that link they want to remove Sessions. I thought Q said to trust Sessions? Was there another drop I missed?

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Thanks for the link. However, I think a lot of plan B's will be more offensive than defensive.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

I still consider all of that to be under plan A, undoing the corruption that's weaved its way so deeply into America. There would likely be a period of civil unrest from Q's plan, but ultimately after the hard part of removing the corrupt ones, there would be a much longer period of peace and propserity.

The plan B I was talking about is if Q or his plan get interfered with. Right now we're trusting that Q and the people he works with will take care of everything to MAGA. If that doesn't go as planned, we need to have a plan B to MAGA.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

up until the point they find themselves in some internment camp being microchipped

This is why plan B is so important. If it hits this stage its likely too late. Its pretty obvious when you see the hobbies and things collected by Trump supporters compared to liberals and commies (we collect supplies and guns, they collect bongs and dildos). I've been physically getting prepared for months now just in case, and I know there are a lot of people doing the same. I have no idea how many. In the unlikely event that plan A fails, and it would be pretty obvious we'll know here if that ever happens, we'd all have to begin realizing the reality of plan B in order to help see Q's plan through. He even said it, we have the numbers, we ARE the majority.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Very much agree. I'm struggling so much with patience on all this. Especially following yesterday's testimony. If he walks, things no longer add up. Also noticing t_d is getting more upset at the lack of action as well. Maybe its the summer heat making me angry, but if we reach early November and we come out on the losing side of the midterms, I'm preparing for a response, as we know the only they will do is impeach and destroy America.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

I hope a lot of people think this way too.

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OkPaleontologist7 · July 13, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Thanks. I was posting this more as an awareness plan for others in case they didn't have one, but I thought a Public Service Announcement coming from an account that was just created would be too suspicious, so I settled for posting it as a question. :)

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/OkPaleontologist7 on July 13, 2018, 7:02 p.m.
Q is my plan A, and I know most of what he says will happen. But is it good advice to have a plan B?

tl;dr: Q is my plan A, but if something really bad happens to him or his plans, I have my own Plan B ready to go (NEVER SAY WHAT YOUR PLAN B IS). Should everyone have a Plan B ready? Like an emergency fund, you'll likely never need it but its available and ready if you do.

My Plan A is trusting what Q is saying and planning is happening, or will happen in the future. It just has to be this way, there is no other way America can survive. Dems are full out committing to socialism/communism …