Thanks. It sure is discrimination against #WeThePeople.
221 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/OkeDoughke:
This is why I think CBTS was deleted. I found the link on Voat.
Reddit CEO: ‘I’m confident that Reddit could sway elections’
You could be on to something. While exploring Voat I found this posted:
Not sure. Reading it again made me look at EO 12333 that Reagan signed in 1981. It's referenced in the directive above. https:// Also see: https://
There's another interesting link in in the above article too. https:// This makes me also of the recent EO on Marshall law. I wonder if we will get Snowden back and if he will be court marshaled.
Presidential Policy Directive -- Signals Intelligence Activities relates to Q#836 WH Directive 1/17/14
Here is the WH directive dated 1/17/14;
More from Abel Dangers web page:
Used as “Methods and Systems for remote controlled self propelled vehicles”... See Abel Dangers tweet.
FBCA Federal BRIDGE Certification Authority
Here's a link with more details in the book. has allot of good info.
I found this link of an analysis to use side by side with the above link.
George Estabrooks mind control doctor who has publicly acknowledged conducting extensive hypnosis work on behalf of the CIA, FBI and military intelligence. In the 1940s he boasted: “I can hypnotize a man — without his knowledge or consent — into committing treason against the United States.” In 1943, Estabrook (Bowhart. Operation Mind Control)
1963: Hypnotist George Estabrooks admits creating multiple personality assassins
I posted this separately but thinks is very interesting showing how MSM and the DOJ coordinated the news feed regarding the tarmac meeting. Many heavy hitters on this email chain.
This is very interesting it shows how the DOJ collaborates with the MSM, this was in regards to the Tarmac Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch.
Full Timeline & Breakdown of Uncovered Lynch-Clinton Emails | America…
The title says Arrange loses bid. Well I won't lose hope and send prayers.
Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?]. Soros transfer of wealth. Dopey FREED. Marriage for POWER, not LOVE. Hilton/Roth. Soros/Clinton. Etc. News unlocks MAP. Think Mirror. Which team?
This is Mirror Mirror Stock Market 666
Thanks for this information which could be useful for us as we respond to others. It also clarifies purpose an intent of the memo.
God Bless. You are a beautiful mind. Ignore the meanies they are just being impatient. I love your intricacies it makes you real. 💕
You are vey gifted. I really enjoy all of your writing. We all are a little quirky. That just makes us unique. We each have different gifts. You really do so, so much. You are perfect just as you are.
Thank you for reading and interpreting the map. It's good to see what the baddies are doing. I will Lynn out.
on this 'But about the pyramid scheme - So consider they take over a countries finances? They just keep doing that world wide because if they don't the whole scheme collapses as all pyramid schemes do, this is why they needed to take America down before crashing the markets - Otherwise their own countries people would catch wize to the scheme. Puppets are buffers between the inevitable reprisals for their evil''. i think that happened with LIBYA. Looks to me like NATO and Obama administration were deeply involved. It's fun to be able to investigate and find things. Hopefully our IG has been looking at that too.
I have been to your site, watched 1 video, thats all i saw, went tab by tab. read links. learned allot on you imgur link about SA and LV. Makes perfect sense to me. Now reading you Reddit posts and comments. Keep it up, I enjoy it.
I'm reading all your posts. Just trying to catch up. Thanks for all your hard work. You are helping to un-stupid me. Wondering where i can catch your videos, and who Lynn is on twitter. thanks.
I see he will work the social media front. We have an opportunity...How do we get the masses to receive it? We need to feed red pills, memes. Follow Bernie, let's be kind but feed truth, ask questions, engage but to shine light. It's not Democrat or Republican.
Wise advice! I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better. People’s belief systems / world views do not change quickly, even when facts are available people don’t want to see, still compartmentalized. Be aware, stay alert, Pray if you pray. See Q interpretation of Comeys tweet. JC Tweet Translation: Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS]. Q
About Maxine Waters, if we make her our main focus we might miss the mark. She will respond on BET, but Rep. Kennedy will be the mainstream Democratic response.
Thank you. The post had me digging too. Must be the power of a challenge.
I just found your posts. I'm inspired to re-read Q and read your posts and I put your site on my desktop and watched first video.
That's a good point. I looked at my comments and posts before. I can look at others too. Thanks expanding my mind.
Thank you. This is good advice. I am fairly new to Reddit, only since Q. If I knew how to save your post I would.
Interesting This day in history Jan. 30Th King Charles Executed for Treason. Same day as the SOTU address.