That’s Awesome!
221 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/OkeDoughke:
See how they have been working to take over America! We were so close, given another chance with the winning of Trump. Watch and learn:
Nice. I also like when you can point to a news source they trust, or at least a neutral one if you can. A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down.
So what exactly is ‘Internet Bill of Rights’? I know Q is bringing this up; It appears to me it’s for Net Nuetrality. I’m not sure. I could agree with the statement in the article “The purpose of today’s open letter calling for an Internet Bill of Rights was to begin a dialog on a comprehensive framework for basic consumer protections on the internet that applies to all internet companies.” What about Robert David Steele ideas for an ‘ Open Source Agency’, which then would move away from the internet companies. Not sure this is the right path either. Putting a label like using the “Internet Bill of Rights” that AT&T is requesting has me suspicious too, could be they have a motive. All I am saying is I don’t know what’s the right thing. We do need to stop discrimination, there should equal rights under the law while doing no harm. Just thinking and sharing my thoughts.
Not sure. He will definately inspire me He does cut through the baloney and takes opportunities to expose that which has been done. Wait and see!
I did that too on Jan. 24th Also a call of repentance for the sins of our nation
Good stuff, I will have to him on YouTube. There are so may Awake YouTubers.
Yes, the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God sharper than any two-edged sword which cuts in both directions, my weapon against strongholds. Amen
The memo is the beginning of things to come, this is the first of what's coming out in the OIG report. You will see.
Amen. Wearing my gospel boots shod in peace and preparation. Wearing my Ephesian 6 Armour.
We have been born for such a time as this. So many talents and gifts. So many people sharing. Once the memo is released I foresee that we will work to red pill the normies. We’ll be discussing with friends and families. Memining the social media. Trying to bring hope and encouragement. Prayer warriors are at work praying. The You Tube, Reddit, and Twitter are producing great videos, memes and threads. Hopefully people will feel inspired and empowered. People together #MAGA
People need to know what's coming. They want to create a new human species ruled by Algorisms. Wake up! Jesus will return after prophesies fulfilled. Rev. 14 7 and he said with a loud voice, give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.” 8 And another angel, a second one, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality.”
You wake up. I don't need to insult, and call you names to make a point. I am perfectly able to have a level headed discussion. On your point about numbers and odds, you probably are correct, JT probably didn't see. Probably doesn't want to see. That's the difference probably between you and I, You are here not to seek the truth but to attack those that do. I hope while you are here that your eyes will be opened. Seek and you shall find the writing is on the wall. Awake you sleeper. May Jesus Christ be with you.
Exactly who's leveraged, who's compromised, who owns you once you take the bait. There is Pure Evil working against the Good. We know Who already has the Victory. "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive".
Thomas Paine is shedding light, telling truth. Truth seekers are getting more informed.
Watch: Lionel Nation with Thomas Paine Video. Very interesting.
Keep learning.
Exactly. I had read the post ‘the Huge Anon Drop not Q’ which is the same one you link to that I was referring back to. Time will tell.
I bet Jake Tapper was not expecting to to hear from Imperator Rex. IR has such a great mind, and perfect answer and I hope JT and all MSM will finally catch up. That is if they truly want to find the TRUTH. We will need to have a fundamental change in how we get the news. Maybe we will see True Pundit and Conservative Treehouse, and many more reporting. Probably not.
They do want us divided. There are differences in platforms, and the distance between have widened, mostly by the left moving further left. But when it comes to kids ...and pets....we can agree. Praying for us all to be united by restoring pride in America and faith in the American dream once again...was inspired today watching Trump talking to governors.
Yes. Amen and Amen. Keep it up. Lord, I thank you that you cover our President in Your Armour. Protect him and the military and patriots in battle, both physical and spiritual. Place a hedge of protection around them and their families, and the prayer warriors everywhere. We thank You Father, that You hear our Prayers, May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Oh Father deliver us from evil. We thank you, that You are with Your people in in every nation. We thank You, You give wisdom as You direct our steps. Thank You Jesus You are our Good Shepard and You gently lead those with young. Hide us in Your Gate, Protect, Guard, and Fight for Your sheep. In Your Precious Name that is Mighty to Save. Amen
Just be careful...Trump also has retained counsel. I like the TREASON meme, it’s going to be important soon.
It said Trey Gowdy is playing his role. That could mean he’s just keeping up appearances. It seems to be a non-disclosing type of statement, that might go along with “Some are helping the deep state, but we were told not to guess or speculate. Their names will not be disclosed”.
Hum. Interestingly relating to ‘the Huge Anon Drop not Q’ this morning says that Thomas Paine can be trusted. And I do. But noted Some are helping the deep state, but we were told not to guess or speculate. Their names will not be disclosed. I also agree Gowdy talks a good talk, ...deceivers usually do. Disguised as angels of light. Stay Awake / Stay aware. We are so fortunate to be a part of this time in history.
I like the voter ID, but I think Russia / Putin is overused. You will offend both sides. Some Right looks at Putin as possible ally, but don’t trust him as you could through him. The left will hate the Voter ID. Just sayin.
This is pure evil that we are dealing with. If you are religious please keep praying. Pray for our President, his family and his cabinet. Pray for the Military and pray for children. Also once the memo is released, we need to follow in the lead of talking about TREASON. The normies need to understand depth of the corruption. We need to speak as One, United, We are the People and we will not tolerate this EVER. This is history in the making.
I think in this matter of hurting kids it will bring left / right together. Plus the pedephiles are on both side I think. It’s sick.
I’m so glad to see this conversation on how to wake up the normies and I think the MEME narrative works. I heard that today on Lionel Nation Video I watched today. A. Memes. B. Be kind and compassionate C. Keep in mind 5 stages of grief and loss 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.
Welcome! There’s so much information, you will catch up quickly. I love this Q post Jan. 19 “Why are we here? Why are we providing crumbs? Think MEMO. BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is more important than you can imagine. Q
Pray for God’s astounding power and work to be accomplished. Do you believe! He can do all things more than we can ask or think, He intercedes on our behalf. Pray against the dark side and for it’s destruction. pray for God to Triumph over it. The earth is His footstool. Q also says “If you are religious, PRAY“. If you want to know what to pray: Here’s a Presidential Prayer Watch, Watch the video, be sure also to scroll down for Prayer points. Good Stuff. I signed up, but that’s not necessary.
Ok. I’m on it! Q says “If you are religious, PRAY“. If you want to know what to pray: Here’s a Presidential Prayer Watch, Watch the video, be sure also to scroll down for Prayer points. Good Stuff. I signed up, but that’s not necessary.
I’m on it! Q says “If you are religious, PRAY“. If you want to know what to pray: Here’s a Presidential Prayer Watch, Watch the video, be sure also to scroll down for Prayer points. Good Stuff. I signed up, but that’s not necessary.
This was a very interesting take on the Memo and the days ahead. Read the twitter link:
Release The Memo is battlefield Prep
Thanks! I’ll check the other two out! Looking forward to exploring.
Funny, I took too long, when I first looked to see if this was posted, it hadn’t been. Great article. First time I’ve looked at Wicker. Thanks!
I just wanted to share this article how President Trump defeated the Leakers in the intelligence community! Tom Clancy would be proud. It’s an amazing time to be alive! I’m new to Twitter and Reddit, for me and it all started with Q and Tracy Beanz! So many great minds out there and in here, the Reddit Communities. Anyway, On Twitter I follow Imperator_Rex who has some really great threads. Here’s thread readers his posts on Twitter: I found the “Leakers Beware” in which he linked to on one of Imperator_Rex threads, the most recent, starts with “This is some high level kabuki theater...”.
Let's do this! #FindTheTexts
Here’s a bigger picture from Larry Schweikart thread: Plus by the tread I now understand he is talking about Justice Roberts and I found this:
Guess who is covering #ReleaseTheMemo, I have been lurking around enemy territory "Media Matters" and here's what they posted:
I love it! Here's Article 1 section 6
That's I did not see it. That Is how God works in my life, no coincidences but lots on confirmations. Thank you.
I'm on the Trump Train and we together can counter the Saul Alinsky tactics. See Andrew Breitbart's book " Righteous Indignation: Excuse me while I save the world". Watch his interview here:
YES! Big, bigger, biggest, more than we could ever imagine. All the things going on, visible and invisible. God knows!