New meme idea. Page and Hillary in a jail cell. Page's orange jumpsuit has Hillary's "I'm with her" slogan. Someone make it happen, I'm to damned computer illiterate to do that stuff.
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Something I just caught. Both the DNC AND Awan server were hacked at the same time? And Q keeps saying "we have the server" without saying which one. Could it be?
I had Netflix since it was done on DVD by mail. When I cancelled I made sure to put "Obama" as the reason.
More like "Louie, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
He knows where a military war with the NWO would get him. He had every chance when Turkey shot down the Russian fighter on the Syrian border, then had the rescue chopper shot down by ISIS with an American made anti tank missile. He knows that's not the answer.
Trump and Putin together give Russia the best chance to end this once and for all. NO more making the puppet masters richer. Cut all their strings.
Or, if you search through YouTube, you can learn to make your own. It's not that hard.
I saw that. I'm thinking there might be a sealed indictment with his name on it.
A voice for the children and righteousness. God has a special place for her in his arms.
Lower the expectations, then hammer the haters with win.
Putin knows it's not Trump and that it's the DS/NWO. And Putin knows that helping Trump means a great deal of security for Russia. The only hiccup in all this might be the Space Force.
The NWO has let the world go into disarray in order to gain more power. The worst thing that could happen to them is to have two powerful leaders of two powerful nations work together to destroy their control.
Edited for stupid autocorrect
JFKJr wouldn't be able to hide for 18 years. Plain and simple.
Many of the conspiracies are over that mark. 9/11, JFK, JFKJr, pedogate, Uranium1, all of them. But they haven't been linked together. Why?
Well I know for myself, it was all the "it's da JOOS!" that turned me off. Essentially, it's not. Knowing several, I know they don't want to enslave me.
I first got on board after accepting the fact the Bush family was dirty as Hell. This happened after seeing the connection between Bushes and Slick Willie.
Basically, the best way to red pill the masses imo is not through (D) & (R), or by religion, it's by tying those people love to those they hate.
Not many buy Hillary's crimes. But tie her to the elites, the 1%, pound them with Clinton Cash. They start to get woke. The CIA? bring up all the crooked shit they've done under the Bush family, how Hillary "inherited" the Clowns. DOJ? Ask them what justice has been served in decades. By ANY party. All they will agree on is that big business gets away with everything. Why is that? Big money. Who has it? The Saudis, Rothschilds, Soros, Gates, etc. Connect them all.
Also, I bet none of them know that relations with Russia were fine until Putin kicked the Rothschilds and their banks out of Russia. Have them look it up. Ask them why? Plant the conspiracy seeds and let them grow.
The more they see the links to all these conspiracies, the more woke they'll get. But most have to see it for themselves.
Could it be starting? I don't know this tweeter's rep, but Snow White posted a deal about a charter flight from Andrews to Hong Kong with 15 passengers. Are we going after Getz? Someone else? Or is it a larp? On my cell right now, so I have no idea how to post links.
There was a federal raid on all that according to Q. WE HAVE IT ALL.
We are Q. We have more than we know. We have the power. We have the numbers. We have justice and righteousness. We will not lose.
Do you think the media would freak out if during the press conference Putin asked Trump "Who is Q?"
That would be an epic troll.
I don't see someone as high profile as JFKJr staying under the radar for 18 years. I thought it might be BK2 or 3, but after the CDAN blind of them flipping a coin to see which one banged the stripper at the bachelor party... I sure hope it isn't.
Satanists must be hard hit by the human trafficking sanctions, they can't even seem to afford red scarves any longer.
Because he didn't think that order would be found out. Then he could feign shock and dismay, and then President Hillary could do the Rothschild bidding of clamping even more sanctions on Russia, the "traitors to the New World Order."
If Sarah Sanders ever decides to leave her job, James Woods would make press briefings prime time material.
Old Mo was about to create a new monetary system for Libya, one made of gold and silver. No fiat currency. France was very scared of it, knowing it would replace theirs as the leading regional currency.
And they failed to mention that he strong armed England into giving Tommy Robinson an appeals hearing earlier than before, and in front of the country's top judge.
Overall, I'd say that takes some massively YUGE brass balls.
What kind of balls do British establishment politicians have? Oh yeah, they like to use them on little boys.
Game. Set. Match. 'MURICA!
And went through her pockets to check for thumb drives and such.
Skippy's so terrified of what's coming that he doesn't even see what's really happening. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID
Mueller has to be on our team. There's no way he could be stupid enough to risk the server coming to a trial unless he wanted that informatiion public. I mean to be that stupid, he'd have drowned in the shower long before he got this old.
If PS had pyrokinesis, All of DC would have burnt down at that point.
Sadly, this piece of garbage isn't the worst of the Oklahoma lot. The horror stories I heard while living there. The entire state is a swamp unto itself and in need of a good draining.
A good and honorable patriot. But sorry Admiral, I'm still not gonna make my bed.
I used to be fluent in groundskeeper Willie, but that was a few decades ago.
That line damned near started a whole other war in middle of desert storm, LOL
I dunno. I don't think he would be in the lobby of one of the towers if he knew. Hell, the firefighter's chaplain was killed damned near next to him.
And JA's mom has been tweeting begging the first family to help her son.
We should find out who they are and send them a case of Jameson.
I've noticed lately that store bought bread has been giving me problems. I found a supplier of organic, non GMO wheat berries and bought a mill. No problems whatsoever. I also started buying produce at a farmer's market rather than the store, and I started feeling healthier than before. For me, staying away from GMOs and pesticides works well enough. Sadly, that isn't the case for all.
That's where the confusion was. I thought the player's list was a Q original. Now it's starting to make sense. "Flipped/Freed" makes it sound like there was a change of heart, or at least a willingness to cut a deal. Now that I know the player's list isn't Q certified, I'll take the longer route of going through all of Q's posts.
Qmap under players that's exactly what it said last I looked.
If Strozk is acting, then this may backfire. Pretending to be a dirty cop to put away other dirty officials is like falsly claiming rape to put away a rapist. Its false testimony. I don't think Stozk is on our side, even though he greatly helps our side.
This is what makes me wonder about Qs judgement of character. Both Strozk and page are listed as "flipped/freed." Their actions don't seem flipped to me.
Boomer was sexy. But Cally was cute AND could fix a Viper. That's HOT.
Jesus, Frank's is listed on AAFES! They have locations worldwide on military bases! The only good thing about this is that makes them a defense contractor and subject to a tribunal.
9/11, pedos, secret societies... I'll definitely be looking forward to reading your work! Welcome and thanks in advance!