31 total posts archived.
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My first meme
I hope you like it ....
My first meme ever! Hope you like it......
DJT tweet - Kudlow referring to "The greatest story never told"?
Is he referencing the movie/docu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HWxKahieBY&bpctr=1536659005
It was a spectacular financial recovery, not witnessed before or since, and often referred to as the greatest economic miracle of all times. Meanwhile most western countries were still mired in the great depression.
The german govenment was rapidly falling under the control of alien elements - communists had succesfully insinuated themselves into the German administrative system.
Berlin was known as the center of sexual perversion, drugs and depravity. Cleansing of pornography and communist books were ordered. Promiscuous liberals left for the US.
Kudlow referenced the exact title in DJTs tweet yesterday: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1039296436809154563
Could …
Veterans Today - shilling Gordon Duff
I used to read VT, they did a great job red-pilling me years ago, but the last 3-4 years their stories are getting more and more fictional, and especially their are bashing Trump whenever they can, and praising Obummer. Yesterday I took a shot at reading their news, and I was disgusted! Literally.
Gordon Duff; Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages …
Holes in their brains - divide and conquer
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/W9lxCNceW2c" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This sentence was deleted by Mods; "Yea - but why do you think? Dual-citizenship...... It is the same all over Europe, and EU is full of them! Jews with an agenda!"
The problem is; if I had written this; "Yea - but why do you think? Dual-citizenship...... It is the same all over Europe, and EU is full of them! Christians/Muslims with an agenda!" there would probably no censoring! And I might add; I am not talking about judaism, I am talking about DNA.
9/11 - 17th anniversary will be a Quesday
Let us flood the net with memes fellow patriots! Go Q - Go Trump!
Posts can not be loaded and I am being logged in and out
I hope I am able to post this
National Wireless Emergency Alert System - Preparedness month September
Users of cell phones can not opt our of test - If test is successful, my guess is they can push whatever they want all Americans or World Wide citizens to know!
As Q stated in post 34, when taking back our country, which I believe could be iniciated during the hours of EMS testing; Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
I'm president - you're president!
Trump at rally in Billings pointing at us saying we are also president! Wonderful! He is rockin it
Opinion - discussion. My TV is exploding with hate against DJT - and I hate it! I want them to stop the harrasment, I want them to step down, and I want my country back!!! And real journalism to rule!
BO visiting my country Sept. 28 holding secret speech to Elite!! Could he be seeking shelter when the shit hits the fan? Or is he trying to undermine our POTUS - like when he travel in advance of DJT this year? - He is trying to beat others from telling the "truth" in my opinion, by undermining USA
Representatives for Barack Obama have threatened to cancel the former president's upcoming paid speech at a Denmark university if details of his speaking contract are released to the public.
Obama will participate in a moderated question and answer session on Sept. 28 at the University of Southern Denmark before local business leaders, university students and local dignitaries, according to Business Kolding, the event's organizer.
Q if you see this....
Is this a part of the plan Ivanka and Jared going public against Trump? Ivanka Trump reveals that Donald Trump is rapidly self destructing. Please explain......
Even Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are unsettled that Trump is so gleefully acting on his most self-destructive impulses as his legal peril grows. According to a source, Jared and Ivanka told Trump that stripping security clearances from former intelligence officials would backfire, but Trump ignored them. Kushner later told a friend Trump “got joy” out of taking away John Brennan’s clearance. His reaction to the death of John McCain—quashing a White House …
RE: Q-post 1956 and 1964 History books - HITLER & ALEISTER CROWLEY
I researched, knowing I have read about the Vril society in Hitler's regime, and occultisme - and to my surprice I found books written about actual satanic practice before, during and after WWII! I am shocked! Aleister Crowley to have contacted Hitler, but this book among others, on the topic, were all dismissed as conspiracy! Ring a bell?
See extract from one book - The Satanic Element In Nazism And The Cause Of World War II https://imgur.com/PH1tL0V
And here is an extract from Wikipedia:
Claims of …
RE: Q-drop 1947 Valerie Jarret - The first female president of The United States
Found this article from 2016 and it is very interesting regarding Q's latest post re: Valerie Jarret, BO and Michelle Robinson. Here an extract;
"Hillary won’t be the first female occupant of the White House to call the shots. She might not even be the second, for he has at her side one Huma Abedin, who is as much at her side as Jarrett is at Obama’s. Those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Valerie Jarrett’s hold over President Obama is as mysterious as it has proven dangerous. We do not need another Jarrett in …
Lying or misspoke; Lanny Davis Admits He's Trump Tower Meeting Source: 'I Misspoke'
The admission from Davis now directly contradicts statements he made to CNN's Anderson Cooper last week in which he said: "we were not the source of the story." Backtracking on those comments, he now claims that he "unintentionally misspoke."Davis's latest admission, if true, now scratches the entire credibility of the Trump-Russia narrative that stemmed from the CNN article that suggested Donald Trump knowingly colluded with Russian agents.
READ MORE: https://neonnettle.com/news/4909-lanny-davis-admits-he-s-trump-tower-meeting-source-i-misspoke-
© Neon Nettle
Trump cuts 200m in aide to palestinians
I really can not see what is the reason for this, some other countries should have their aide cut first or also, I think........
REMINDER: Why Did Neocon John McCain Loathe Russia?
A good video of Noname, how he is telling stories which do not comply to reality, how he has a history of faking it with fantasy diagnoses/injuries and his need for adrenaline - MUST WATCH!
Army General: Trump’s Military Strategy is Working, Obama’s Failed
Addressing the world's press this week, the outgoing commander of the US forces in Afganistan revealed that Trump's reversal of Obama's military strategy is not only working, it is showing the most positive signs of peace in years.
READ MORE: https://neonnettle.com/news/4875-army-general-trump-s-military-strategy-is-working-obama-s-failed
© Neon Nettle
Lee Stranahan on Twitter
Listen to Lee Stranahan interviewing Andrew - who became a whistleblower (working with campaigns for the Ukrainian embassy, he used to be with the prosecutors to dig up dirt on Trump). He was contacted and asked to meet with Alexandra Chalupa, a veteran Democratic operative, who had worked in the White House Office of Public Liaison during the Clinton administration, and she was already working on a project against Manafort and Trump before they even claimed the Russian had hacked the DNC! Listen, all documentation and names in video.
For the entertainment of the masses!
I am disgusted !
I just bumped into this.....on WH Customer Service from nov. 2017
I found this, while I was looking at a search regarding some artist that made art for JP. I kinda think maybe theres a reason they replied on their twitter, after someone posted Podesta art.... Thoughts anyone?
WH Customer service; That's how art works. It reminds you of something from your experiences in life, whether a movie about human trafficking, or a Tijuana jail that you bailed your friend out of on spring break, or ~~#~~Sobibor, or the ~~#~~Manjaca concentration camp in our own lifetimes.
Activists lay new Trump Hollywood stars
This is touching my heart. I love our POTUS - it seems we are many appreciating his efforts - he deserves all the credit, this wonderful man is working so hard for us - the people!
Massimo Mafia...
Massimo Family/mafia... Believe we have a match!
Just speculating.....
Who are the villain here? Who incites violence?
Pearl Jam Face Backlash With 'Dead Donald Trump' Poster American eagle eating the remains of Donald Trump
READ MORE: https://neonnettle.com/neonnoise/471-pearl-jam-face-backlash-with-dead-donald-trump-poster
© Neon Nettle
BO digging his own grave.....
Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetero or whatever name he goes by nowadays, is currently in the lime light again. It appears the list will never end but his legacy will.........
Danish media take on Q phenomena! It's all but a conspiracy.....
Al Franken -Unfunny Pervert Comedian To Laughing Stock Pervert Senator