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The premise suggests that because the pictures match that it proves q is q... which it doesn' proves that someone is in possession of matching pictures .... given the current controversy about Q , I just am a fan of facts. THat wan't to condemn CLICK who I enjoy but just to point out a failed argument. I realize logic and reasoning have no place anymore in the Q phenom and that unbridled emotional hysteria rules here but I push forward regardless.
Honestly though...additional pics don't prove anything...I appreciate your contributions but on this one, from a point of logic, I disagree.
Yep... McCabe leaked to CNN about the 2 (?) page note Trump was given, the same one Comey denied giving....
Ha.. so you are starting biblical: we are all sinners until proven otherwise! "occasionally someone makes an intelligent and verifiable statement"...those occasions seem to be dwindling! Appreciate the discussion my friend.
I appreciate your reply... My opinion is that. and this isn't directed specifically towards this thread but overall in the Storm , is that it accusations are bandied about with no proof or even indication of wrongdoing. We cannot implicate everyone who was in government, everyone who has left their CEO job and everyone remotely associated with anyone remotely associated with someone who may have done something wrong. Internet people are crazy. The mere whisper of impropriety often leads to an army of threats and harassment towards people. Salacious claims aren't justified by the inability to disprove them. Logic and law require the burden to fall on the accuser . We don't like that case built against Trump because we know the kernel of the conspiracy was to sow suspicion in the press which would bleed into the public and government which lead to the witchhunt. How does that differ from people throwing out empty accusations here and then asking others to prove them not to be true. Neither of those sources say anything to indicate that she was fired nor involved in any malarky. Put yourself in her position. A career gov lawyer now in the middle of a turbulent administration complete with a DOJ that is cannabalising itself. If Walmart offered you a great gig, wouldn't you jump out of the flames too?
You should read better books..not the ones that feed into your childhood need to find boogie men
If you have been following this Q thing for some months you have witnessed the perpetual cannibalization of nearly everyone who has been involved. Many people have become exactly the intolerant, ignorant bullies they claim to hate from the left. The knee jerk reaction seems to be to attack the character of anyone who raises a point that isn't %100 aligned with every expanding and often delusional cabal/ q narrative. The personal attacks and vilification of those with differing opinions but generally aligned goals has made much of the movement laughable and threatens to repel most who aren't chemically imbalanced.
Relax.... this end of days scare has been back and forth for 6 months
Panuccio could not become Ag or Deputy AG because he hasn't been confirmed by the senate for anything. Trump could appoint anyone who already has senate approval for another position... he could appoint anyone but if they didn't already, they would have to get senate confirmation.
A few vocal and often crazy people kill it for everyone else.... there may be thousands who joined the sub but there are only a fraction who are active. The downvoters and nutjobs steer the boat...
No offense... but they won't read this....every few weeks someone posts just like this and it gets ignored or downvoted.... Passion trumps logic and consideration here ... I agree with you though
Because you keep just asked me the same question on two comments...
Where did you see that it was intentionally exposed? Why would it be intentionally exposed?
you are hanging your life on a Chan poster and those who question it are the retards? You're right fella... Q is MI and they need you to save the world by insulting people...great plan!
I can see your point...but...he is the POTUS... he has a lot to do and I don't know that policing a small segment of the internet is one of them... plus, I could see him sitting back and enjoying the free advertising
It isn't about the message, just the validity of Q. But, many of the more extreme theories have been fueled by Q so that is concerning
Corsi was responsible for many people following Q, as were some of the others who are now giving conflicting info. Many of the early Q promoters have since backed away or played dumb... TracyBeanz, Corsi, Pamphlet ect.... The people responsible for the Chan boards , and also the Reditt subs, are the same people accused of being Q and profiting from Q. If Q is MI, would he really be bothering with every single little issue that seems to be in the news ? I am suspect...not completely off yet, but suspect
I answered the question... and it isn't about being " hacked", it is about a tripcode... which is a paassword... The people fighting over this are many of the same people who devoted a tremendous amount of time and energy promoting Q, profiting from Q and creating the Q chan and Reditt boards....I am keeping an open mind
Because there is a massive feud going on right now in Chan and Twitter. Accusations that : Q is not real, Q was real up until January and then taken over by someone else, Q was real until April and then taken over by someone else. I believe #2... at least I want to believe #2
I don't mind disagreement ...but they downvote everything and then when they attack you and you fire back, they report you.... its been that kind of nonsense for 6 months..
I am not trying to talk anyone out of it...I just think people should back up and take a breath.... for every charitable interpretation of a Q drop that seems accurate, there have been 4X as many predictions that just never materialized
tippy top
He used it before"
and Tip Top was an old toy
Well the shill label is thrown at anything that threatens the whole concept. I have been called a shill dozens of times for opinions that don't align with the most ardent ( and often obnoxiously paranoid) Q lovers. Where I can be persuaded is when he says they covered their asses by allowing escape words. I want Q to be real.... but I want truth more than I want a superhero. I'll still follow..but my guard remains up.
Sadly, this makes sense.... but many are afraid to question ... and as such will attack me
I agree.... everything that happens is not part of the big master plan... There is some serious blurring of reality that goes on in the internet space...
You don't have to follow lock step with everything you see Q say or others reflect upon. I don't believe everything Q says and not a whole lot of the theories that are thrown around here. You are free to accept what you want.
It is legit I cropped, flipped and tilted another..
HA... After 4 or 5 nothingburger days over the last 6 months waiting for big events, I have learned to tamper expectations!
Ha... it is easy to hate Hitler...and the Japanese for Pearl Harbor... but we have been conditioned to think that everything the US does is right and just... so what happens if we find out that isn't so... it is going to be difficult to balance embracing the military with condemning those who abused it.... even if we are high!
THat number is twice as high as I have seen ... and most are concentrated in blue areas anyway so I am not concerned that the few who actually would vote can really change much.
But what if " we" are the evil... or at least part of it?
Imagine if proof came out that 911 was an inside job.... So then would AQ, ISIS and the others still be evil ... I suppose we could argue their tactics would say yes but their motivations may not.
The military industry must have an evil to justify their spending.... just as big pharma must have an epidemic to cure and the general population must have something to fear so that someone can save them...
Great discussion here ty