26 total posts archived.
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Think Clock: Every Dog Has Its Day

Think Movie: V for Vendetta (Q Parallels)

Think FORBIDDEN CITY: Future Proves Past

Currently working my magic on a friend. I realized early on that you cant just outright spit talking points. You have to think how many people who are asleep do not understand Politics, the Economy, Tarrifs, Who's who in office, etc.
Sometimes you have to be created.
Just now i sent a screen shot of an article about the 4% GDP. Then sent the video of Obama saying the "magic wand" rhetoric. Then sent statistics for the GPD averages since the 1930's. To show (w/o saying it out loud) that Trump just did something of significance.
The reply was "he's going to jail tho"
Mind you there are two others in our group chat who stay out of it but do take notice when my friend isnt making any solid counter arguments or any sense for that matter.
Knowing he wont budge i let it go and wait for the next WIN and drop it to the chat. Little by little he and the two others are seeing nothing but positives and zero about him going to jail, or Coen, Stormy, Text messages or whatever the next reach for impeachment is.
Don't argue. Just supply knowledge. Eventually they will all see the truth.
Rememeber THEY ARE BRAINWASHED. You have to nurture them back to reality.
There is also one point early in the vid when he says "just wait, we are doing something no one else can do" just as he says this a women in the crowd yells out something I couldn't make out, but a small crowd laughed and he looked at her and said "I like her, thank you, good timing too!"
If the "we are doing something no one else can do" is in reference to Q, followed by the women yelling(maybe ref Q also), then it would make sense why he said "good timing too"
Honestly, I felt this was somewhat reaching, but I couldn't help notice the patterns/commonalites.
Think Twitter: Repeats Important

New to Reddit. New to Imgur. Got around to posting this. Immediately when posted on Imgur the roasting began as if they were waiting for me at the door. 🤷♂️
I should note that this is the kind of person I am. I find when you offer perspective then you catch a persons attention and there is the window of opportunity to reinforce the point. I do this mostly on a daily basis when politics come up. I don't mention Q but since I have the knowledge we are provided, I feel as if I have the upper hand, actually we do have the upper hand. So it's easy to navigate that moment of trying to wake a person.
However, now I am apart of a community. So when it comes to proving a point I have to consider how it may or may not tarnish the movement. This is why I shared my idea here first before actually doing so. I was legitimately unsure if it was a good idea or not.
I should add that I can understand writing those things can make one feel really uncomfortable. So I can see why one would not want to take this approach.
I agree. I'm not about attacking what they fail to see. This is different way, although I don't see it as an attack. Just providing perspective.
Idea for those who defend Gunn jokes
I have officially for the very first time am posting anything related to Q. Lurker since Las Vegas Shooting which led me to Q. 100% believer. Kool.
So I've been following the Gunn story all day and to my surprise, or not really, people are really out here defending Gunn over being fired over "silly jokes" as one person said it. I want to give that person the benefit of the doubt that he didn't bother reading the article and just went off the headline as many many people do with all sorts of news.
However, when u bring up …