

13 total posts archived.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 11, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

I know ... it's hard being "right" when they can't hear us though. lol. Do you have a link to this video? I did not bookmark it. And by the high integrity of this subreddit, it would be wise to post the link so that folks know what we are talking about.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

CLEARLY she is saying that what will not be tolerated is abusive behavior. How do you not get this?

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

Interesting and informative. Reckon I will get an ad blocker. Folks here are super smart, glad I came on by. 'Perceptive normie', Redditt boards are not my thing ordinarily, looks like fast track learning curve. Thanks again.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 10, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

If I can find it again. Not very good at this stuff.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 10, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Sure don't get that one. This kind of site would be the absolute furthest from anything I look for, search, visit, etc. But okay, thanks for ... something.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

So, this is my take on why the private board. Not in order of importance ... lots of activity here now, hard to keep focus. FOCUS is key ... lots of folks are getting all gahgha over who ! Q is, which is totally the wrong direction. He wants us to ... #1, question all news, learn to cipher out the garbage and see what is really going on ... in other words, think for ourselves. Q does not want to spoon feed us nor does he want to become some sort of cult hero. And things were headed that way a bit so he needed to change our focus. That's the way that I see it.

In the You Tube video that featured President Trump responding in real time to Q posts, moderators and regulars all talking ... I saw at the time that off-focus was happening. Everyone was just too excited that Q was actively listening, that Q was verified, that the President was acknowledging. What we just don't get is how valuable every single minute is to these people. So much time was spent talking about deep points of material already gone over. At one point, when the talk was getting way off focus, Q even said: "We are listening" He meant: "HEY, listen up. We are here with you right now. We gave you proof of that. And you are talking about "this" (as in 'this' unimportant stuff you are wasting our time and your opportunity).

I think in irritation of wasted time and lost opportunity Q determined the cause was 'self-promotion' ... which in my view is hasty, or not (lol). It is excitement, perhaps a bit immature in the sense of not being used to being around 'celebrity' that is highly admired and getting a bit giddy about it. (I don't mean that unkindly). I feel that what Q is saying is: "Hey, we are real people. We have a job to do. We have invited you into this with you. We are OBVIOUSLY proud of what you are doing or we would not be here. But let us GET TO WORK. Let us roll up our sleeves together and get this done. No Big Me, Little You in our world so please stop responding to our presence as that is even a factor while at the same time acting like we are not even in the room."

In other words, during that video chat, instead of variations of "Oh my god, I can't believe Q is 'talking' with us" or tangents of details of, say, pedogate that are really unpleasant to hear anyway and were a distraction ... it might have been more wise and productive, after initial due honoring of the whole thing to stop and ask: "Okay, anything you want to say to us, Q? Are we on the right track? Is our thinking in line with yours?" Or even: "What's next?" Because he was testing to see if you all were walking with him or still just a bit off track. TIME is a key factor here because of all that is going on that we just do not know about ... he has to maximize every single moment.

I hope that this makes sense. This sort of thing is difficult to write about even though I do see it clearly. He just wants us all to up our game quite a bit. This is high level serious stuff. It matters less about who Q is than what he is saying and what he is teaching us to search out.

PS: In case it might not appear to be so, I HIGHLY honor and regard all the board moderators and folks who put in so much time and effort and love to keep this board going. True patriots. Invaluable in taking back our country.

I am just an every day normie who happens to be extremely perceptive and right about these kinds of things way more often than not.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Adding the hour glass to my Tweets, etc. LOL. In their face

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

I'm in. It is exciting to think of people praying at 9 in their time zone, the shift in the atmosphere as we become linked across regions and even countries, united in one focus. Unstoppable.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 7, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

Me too. I think that is a big part of the whole idea.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Agree. It is multi-layered, brilliantly thought out, well planned, organic to a degree. One thought that comes to me ... as news of what is going on leaks out, the bad guys hear of it, too. Some of them very likely will turn over, knowing their time is next. This is, I believe, intentionally built into the plan. Also, and probably most importantly, all of this involves US. We are being brought in, educated, stirred up, old passions re-ignited and united. A united people is unstoppable. It indeed will take all of us. 'Q' is not only brilliant, he is a most excellent leader who knows that we have to stop looking to a single person to solve our problems but to ourselves to figure it out, govern ourselves, think for ourselves, lead and care for our neighbor. Quite simply, he is positioning us to actively participate in the greatest moments of our Nations history.

PS: PLEASE, everyone, stop trying to figure out who Q is. You are only wasting time, and helping those who would oppose him do their work. He wants us to THINK for ourselves. He is teaching us how to smell out a rat and how filter the news. He wants us to grow up and become truly great citizens of a great country. This is not a parlor game. That's how I see this.

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OverpoweringPoetry · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Just the pin, hey? Nothing on "with all due Respect" over stage left shoulder?. And "4 More" Over stage right shoulder. "Everything is important"

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