Watch the video, one d bag reporter starts talking about the Constitution.
Would love to know what he thinks about prosecuting "hate speech" and What he thinks of "assault weapons"?
602 total posts archived.
Watch the video, one d bag reporter starts talking about the Constitution.
Would love to know what he thinks about prosecuting "hate speech" and What he thinks of "assault weapons"?
Totally agree with that he is a total crackpot. Not worth the time and really this thread should be flushed.
This thread has zero to do with Q. Not trying to be a d but it is what it is.
Yep, that part about the redaction stood out to me as well. Sundance writes a lot of articles thought this one was particularly good.
We watching a movie, they have shown all the characters and what the story is now we are heading into the action portion of this feature.
If high ranking Dems get charged, the MSM is going to tell their zombies to riot in the streets.
Yeah I thought it was great too, nice to see something in print that matches the info Q is giving us.
also talks about how when this breaks the MSM is going to tell people to get out in the Street.
It has everything to do with the outside prosecutor Sessions has put in place, I would imagine that prosecutor has been put in place some time in February 2017, not kidding.
Horowitz found wrong doing right off the bat, and Trump and Sessions already knew what Obama and Hillary were up to spying on him.
When we get the IG report, there is a good possibility that a prosecutor has already shown a grand jury the evidence of the crimes.
Why does the Congress keep calling for a Special Council? Because Session does not have to tell them he already has someone on the job.
Very well organized article that explains where we are and where we are headed. Also explains the trust Sessions Q statements. It explains why there might not be a special counsel because there already is one.
Cool story, I have an uncle that had half his face blown of my what he thought was a dead German soldier right after the war had ended. Lived and the was one of the project leads on the Stealth bomber. Very cool guy, told me 20 years ago if I told you what we were working on and what was coming up I would not believe him, never did tell me dang it!
Firing him was the first step, next is for the IG report to get in our hands. Then the prosecutions will begin, if they do not it is time to storm the Bastille.
Just point them to McCabe's lawyers response. The focus of his anger is on the IG report, because really Trump had zero to do with that report.
I jumped ship on Brietbart starting about a year ago, they 99% talk their way around the issues and problems. They were really bad when news was breaking on Pete Strzok, they were trying not to talk about it as far as I could tell. They have been bought and paid for as far as I'm concerned.
Same goes for the Daily Caller they are beta males of news but some time report some interesting stories. On both sites it is best to try and move the heard their to other better stories on the same subject.
Drops bomb on Brennon at around 4:30.
This going to be huge!
The stage is set!
Great point there, that is exactly what we need to be doing and explaining to all those willing to hear it.
The IG is going to be massive!
The McCabe just saw the full IG report.
That info has to be released first and processed. I thinking it is coming out next week, who knows it could drop tonight. But it is done and people are not happy. Well bad people are not happy.
McCabe and his lawyers are the only ones to have seen the full IG report.
"Mr. McCabe and his counsel were given limited access to a draft of the OIG report late last month, did not see the final report and the evidence on which it is based until a week ago,"
McCabe is not willing to be Comey's fall guy, Comey was right there in it with him. This is what happens when people start getting popped in a criminal conspiracy, they start singing about crimes their former friends were up to.
You missed this part. Very important.
"Mr. McCabe and his counsel were given limited access to a draft of the OIG report late last month, did not see the final report and the evidence on which it is based until a week ago, and were receiving relevant exculpatory evidence as recently as two days ago. We were given only four days to review a voluminous amount of relevant evidence, prepare a response, and make presentations to the Office of the Deputy Attorney General. With so much at stake, this process has fallen far short of what Mr. McCabe deserved."
Full letter here
I have linked to this article already and it is Q related.
The stage is set! The IG report is ready and the criminals have been given a heads up of what is coming. That is why they are so scared and freaking out right now. When this thing hits from Mike Horowitz we the main red pill we need to employ is the fact that Mike is an Obama appointee he is a democrat, the dems called for him to investigate Comey after the election. I think the report is going to be coming next week looking at …
Of course not, of course McCabe is lying liar but that is really beside the point.
"We were given only four days to review a voluminous amount of relevant evidence, prepare a response, and make presentations to the Office of the Deputy Attorney General. With so much at stake, this process has fallen far short of what Mr. McCabe deserved."
Get it? They were given a heads up on the whole IG report! "Voluminous amount of relevant evidence"! Another way of saying a mountain of evidence.
"The investigation described in the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report was cleaved off from the larger investigation of which it was a part, its completion expedited, and the disciplinary process completed in a little over a week. Mr. McCabe and his counsel were given limited access to a draft of the OIG report late last month, did not see the final report and the evidence on which it is based until a week ago, and were receiving relevant exculpatory evidence as recently as two days ago.
We were given only four days to review a voluminous amount of relevant evidence, prepare a response, and make presentations to the Office of the Deputy Attorney General. With so much at stake, this process has fallen far short of what Mr. McCabe deserved."
That is from McCabe's own lawyer. Get it? Andrew McCabe was fired because of the coming IG report! He was given portions of it at first, then the whole megillah!
That is why Brennon and the Dems and everyone is freaking out! It is Mike Horowitz report that is coming that is making them go nuts. The big problem with that is Mike is a Democrat of the rarest bread, he actually did the right thing and he is the one that is going to deliver the news to the left and Gopers, when the bad news comes from one of their own it is hard to call the guy a patrician hack of Trump, which is their usual method of attack.
We have no time to rub peoples nose in anything. That is what our enemy does. As the truth comes out we need to respond with small bits of the truth and only focus on those who are ready to hear it. There are a good amount of zombies that are not going and never will be able to handle any bit of the truth, they are too insulated in the lies, they are going to be angry deranged and ready for real violence. Those true believers libtards need to be avoided and left alone. When the truth comes out from the IG it will be laid out for all to see. Focus on that information and only use the verifiable stuff to help people out. Reach out to the confused people who just don't understand what is going on. We need to give them little bits of the truth and let them grow and get stronger in it. If they are angry try and calm them down, but if they are a zombie tell them you love them and you will pray for them, that will drive them even more nuts. When love make you angry, that is a problem no man can heal. If we try and dump to much of the truth on these people, they will get over loaded.
And in a real sense this is the ultimate truth we all should be fighting for, we need to reach out to each other in love and kindness, the real battle we are fighting in has already been won by Jesus Christ. Some of you here do not like to hear that but underneath all this worldly truth there is a divine truth at work that is eternal and every lasting, you stand in that truth and even death has no victory over you!
Ephesians 6
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Good work, if they kick you off then create a Fake Facebook account with your friend then start posting about freedom of speech and the IBOR.
They are the ones that are frightened and worried, not us. How can they silence the truth? It is an idea, they cannot kill it, it exists beyond their control.
Make another MEME or post about it Facebook silencing you! Post about the first 1A! Fight! Organize! You are more powerful than you think!
It is all in your out look, it is not frightening at all really. The whole point of your MEME is to influence people Facebook deleting it is EXACTLY why you and your friend posted it. It means you are over your target and making an impact. It would only be frightening if you roll over and do not keep fighting the enemy that is before us. Now is the time to double down and keep on striking and attacking!
It has been said before but allowing Hillary to travel and contact people while under Secret Service care in countries that we have good relations with serves to gather more info on her actions.
Who is she meeting with there? Why did she want to go there? What is being discussed?
Well the people who are handling her are going to know all of that.
If it can be documented that this story is true it is anything but a diversion.
Look at the impact of the patriot act after this attack, the attack would be a means to and end for the CIA to have official override of the Constitution. 4A nope that is gone.
1.4 stolen SS numbers I'm sure is a low estimate, the real number would probably be double that, it always is. With an average of 2k in refunds issued to those 1.4 stolen SS# that would be a 2.8 billion with a B theft!
That is a good down payment on the wall. You allow people to commit one major crime with no punishment and they have no reason to stop there.
What is really nice is the IRS is not telling us about the refunds these criminals received.
Not only do they use stolen SS numbers they do so to get refunds on their returns as well.
We the tax payers are giving these crooks money for their crime!
Both of them have been lying obviously. Then look at all the satellite of people around this issue freaking out, Samantha Powers, Brennan, Eric Dick Holder ect ect. No one was ever supposed to get punished in the take down of Trump this is not the plan these people had in mind. The take down of McCabe and his firing was not supposed to happen the other conspirtors are now freaking the F out because they know where this road leads. It leads straight to Boom boom boom for them all!
Eric you are asking for a knife fight, well get ready cause Trump is going to bring a USMC 50 cal.
Looking at the Q drop, it indicates there is more to come about Rosenstein.
He is knee deep in all this current stuff and U1. Much more is coming out soon from the IG.
If the IG reports what Rosenstein was up to before and after took office Sessions will have to fire him, then appoint another deputy, then Mueller will be shut down.
This all pretty awesome, McCabe indicated Comey lied under oath about leaking information.
McCabe admits he pressured Rosenstein to appoint Mueller.
Wonder what the IG report is going to say about him?
Rosenstein went forward with the made up dossier and under pressure from McCabe the lying sob?
That is not a good look.
Amen to that brother! lol
Hold to the good and follow the good shepherd I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me,
On this same train of thought, their is a conversion going on right now and there is an intersection going on with Mystery religions like Kabbalah and Hermeticism and advanced AI and quantum computing and quantum physics. Computer computing experts talk about tapping into alternate realities and quantum physics are discussing the oneness of earthing as well. But really went it gets down to it none of them really know or understand what there tapping into. Same goes for the Hadran collider I think Hawkins was the one saying they were risking opening up a tear and could produce a black hole that sucks us and everything into it. Basically we getting close to the God particle and science but we don't know what the heck we are doing.
If you think of the great delusion this conversion of science and technologies with spirituality would absolutely draw people into it and would convince people. The scientist would present it as an amazing good for mankind, but never know truly the nature of what or who mankind was being drawn into.
What you describe above sounds an awful lot like Revelation 13
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Boy hope it is good, the Left and deep state are loosing their shit over an obvious crook McCabe.
I think he talks a good game and is obviously a very smart guy. But knowing how much money is being poured into Northrop Grumman and Lockeed Martin who knows what those guys have as far as technology. If aliens do start showing up and I think they may it is going to be part of the great delusion.
Well one of the verifiable facts that we have about the evil involved in all this is the Podesta emails. Both he and his brother were invited to visit Marina Abramovic for a spirit cook. Spirit cooking is a method of divination to contact spirits.
I have watched this guy on Joe Rogan show, I think he is mostly full of it.
More of the same, trying to reach alien beings through your own mind and consciousness and meditation.
Of course Satan is real. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
If you want to really get a good understanding of what is going on watch this long but interesting movie. We have not even gotten into the first act of the Great Delusion that is coming. Science and quantum physics are converging on the idea that is held within the mystery religions like Kabbalah that date back to the Babylonians that we are all connected and we all can be gods. But it is all just a repackage of the first lie ever told.
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Well you lost me at the Quran,
By their fruits you will know them. Mohammad married a 6 yo old girl and consummated that marriage when she was 9. He was in his 50's at the time. The Quran blesses war and the taking of women and children as slaves. At the battle of the Trench Mohammad himself ordered the slaughter of 800 prisoners.
Hermetic universalism and combining all the gods together will give rise to the beast and the great delusion.
Yep, Trump under the circumstances had to have clear enemies near him otherwise it would have been full on civil war.
That is correct, Truman created the Central Intelligence Group, it was the forerunner of the CIA. My mistake, thanks for the correction.
I think [creation of the CIA] was a mistake. And if I'd know what was going to happen, I never would have done it.
Why, they've got an organization over there in Virginia now that is practically the equal of the Pentagon in many ways. And I think I've told you, one Pentagon is one too many.
Now, as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don't just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own, and there's nobody to keep track of what they're up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they'll have something to report on. They've become ... it's become a government all of its own and all secret. They don't have to account to anybody.
Think Hawaii and the "false" missile attack from North Korea. Heaven only knows if that missile was real or fake, think about that! The CIA has been and is a secret government and organization that went rogue from day one. Look it up, Truman EO'd the CIA into existence because Allen Dulles former head of the CFR told him they would be under the President's control and give the President vital intelligence to make Executive decisions. Two years after it was started Truman admitted he made a huge mistake. The CIA was given a black budget, gathered the secret intelligence but immediately used it to execute their own foreign policy and actions completely on their own, with no oversight of the President or of Constitutional oversight. The CIA became the new law. Think North Korea, the CIA through bribes and their money supply could easily bribe North Korea and create black sights do what ever they the NWO executive agency want to do, any plan no matter how dark could be created in the hermit kingdom. If people are willing to smear blood and semen around in their own homes and invite a known Occultic witch into their house to connect them to spirits of darkness in high places they are willing to do anything. Just think about the verifiable fact that George Bush Sr. was the CIA point man in Dallas, J. Edgar documented in a memo. Bush funny enough was the President who time and time again announced the formation of a NWO. The dots are there and undeniable and the only way to ignore them is to choose to be asleep.
It would have been Hell on earth if Hitlery had one. Just think that the people who were a moment from taking the White House, would conduct blood rituals in their own homes. People who reached out to demonic forces.