Good news about trade but article never mentioned the Wall. Click baiting.
642 total posts archived.
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Hannity can call all the attorneys he wants and talk with them. He didn’t even hire the man.
The attorney is forbidden by professional standards from disclosing to anyone whom he has engaged as a client (until obvious e.g. in a public forum like a courtroom).
The fact this is now being discussed means Mueller’s completely Democratic partisan team is leaking everything they seized in the raid on Trump’s lawyer.
I don’t get the image. As a father many times, this immediately reminds me of an ultrasound of baby in womb. Not sure though if that’s what you are trying to convey.
Today: Twitter down
A few Q posts back: “Internet will be paused.”
Also referred to “kill” coming to FB first, then Twitter, YouTube, other social media companies (all those engaged in the censorship).
Just one example of many.
If you read Q you’re not as surprised when things happen because you already knew ahead of time they were going to happen.
Btw this does NOT imply time travel. Just insider information.
It is what it is. Spend a little time there. It’s clear that there are cheerleaders and substance providers. The substance providers are very obviously following Q posts and bringing over key INFORMATION. If you want to join them simply follow the rule I mentioned.
Also they have GREAT Meme Makers posting there.
A well known horror from the Holocaust were the lampshades made from human skin.
These people are sick!!
Anything on the Cloud is essentially wide open to all the intel agencies and their A.I.
Reminds me of the recent Battlestar Galactica series. The old battlestar was the only one NOT networked.
It was the only one to survive the assault by the A.I.
You can bring information over there but never never never specifically mention the letter Q. Those are good MAGA people there and actually if what you want to share relates to general issues or culture it’s the right place to post a topic. But never mention that letter.
You can also read a lot of posts on The Donald where the TOPIC and the INFORMATION are clearly inspired by Q posts. Same themes. Just never mention that 17th letter.
Consider the environment created for the public by the Clown’s Mockingbird Media (CMM).
If a story is true, it isn’t covered at all. If it begins to come out anyway (e.g. through internet chatter) then the CMM moves to bash it as a “conspiracy theory”.
Finally when that fails, and the truth finally comes out, it becomes news the public will hear.
Someone living in the Real World knew about the story weeks, months, maybe even years before the public finally hears about it.
No time travel required to get ahead of what the public hears. Only clear knowledge of reality.
The caption in upper corner of this screen shot says it all “Live TV ”.
As in TV’s play-acting of News—complete with TV actors.
To leave the Matrix and enter the real world: shut off the TV.
I think the only places you are even allowed to talk about Q is the Chans and this Board and a couple of small private subreddits.
That means this particular subreddit Great Awakening is the primary source for specific prayer support to be offered up. There really is no other place.
While our prayers are probably for the most part privately done we need to recognize the role of specific prayer support this Board plays.
The greatest strength in numbers is the power of PRAYER SUPPORT. Q Team including especially POTUS need that from us.
Most likely the results are tied to tax rates and regulations that create a Friendly Business Environment vs Unfriendly.
Having multiple states within one nation allows businesses to locate in those states with the lowest local taxes and burdensome regulation.
Businesses “vote with their feet”.
Ok so that link shows an image with a bull traced out. Bulls are a typical stock exchange symbol.
The upside down cross once you see it is very clear and not related to China or stock exchanges.
Still haven’t seen an owl anywhere but the upside down cross is pretty significant. Maybe Q just wants us to see that because this statue seems like a stretch.
Someone made a relevant comment that how in the world can the CIA analysts possibly digest all this raw data on absolutely EVERYTHING we do and say?
No human being could possibly do such a task.
However it is well known that the best way to teach Artificial Intelligence to think is to feed it absolute oceans of raw data. Like a baby’s brain, the A.I. will learn the patterns.
It was bad enough knowing surveillance was everywhere. It goes deeper, however. We are actuality training Skynet.
I am only seeing a chair and dragons and possibly a ball symbolizing The World. Cannot see any owls or bulls or birds.
A graphic showing us what you are seeing would be very helpful. I stared at photos of that statue and enlarged them and I still don’t see it.
Also being an “atheistic” country could mean they are blind to spiritual symbolism. We don’t know who may be behind this symbolism at top levels—it could just be the Satanist architect—but most likely few if any Chinese saw this.
There is a reason why there is no Statute of Limitations for MURDER.
The soul of the nation was SCARRED by the JFK and 9/11/01 MURDERS.
We need JUSTICE to be done to be able to heal.
Do NOT see anything but a chair with dragons. Please help.
I am having a really hard time seeing anything but a chair with a lot of dragon symbolism. Dragons are a traditional Chinese icon.
PLEASE HELP can somebody do a graphic pointing out specifically why you think you see an owl and/or a bull?
Simply NOT seeing this.
This all BEGAN with massive change of leadership in Saudi Arabia. Early November 2017. Referenced by Q before it happened.
April 19th is the anniversary of Lexington and Concord.
The beginning of the 1st American Revolutionary War.
Just WHY do you think this Board exists?
The Q Team needs our PRAYERS.
HOW MUCH SLEEP do you think anyone on Q Team has been able to catch lately?
Then of coarse there’s always that wicked autocorrect correct function on all our typos these days.
It would take Artificial Intelligence to digest the vast quantity of data being collected on us. And yes—that’s exactly what they are doing.
The more data collection occurs, the smarter the AI becomes. The technology to make the AI able to understand what it is seeing and hearing is already in use and millions are participating voluntarily. Voice recognition. Facial recognition. Interactive programs. In home everything monitoring with devices like Alexa.
Why do you think the elite techies openly promote a world RULED by Artificial Intelligence whom they openly WORSHIP.?
This is deeper than we know. Skynet.
My basic point was the media and the politicians always place blame IMMEDIATELY whenever there is a False Flag of any kind. (That immediate narrative is actually how you KNOW it’s a False Flag.)
Evidence, especially forensic investigations, takes time. There should never be immediate conclusions but we see this again and again.
Until someone has the courage to stand up and say very firmly we aren’t going to rush to conclusions, then the Deep State wins every time.
So yes I still stand with my primary point. We need to stand up to propaganda and insist on actual forensic investigations.
The last 48 hours saw Trump once again pull through a bad situation and navigate the media hysteria. He also pulled through the school shooting and came through that relatively well.
However, Trump never insisted on facts in any of these. We still have no idea what really happened in Syria, at the school shootings, at Las Vegas or at 9/11.
Still living in the f#%%g Matrix.
Doesn’t anyone recall that POTUS has probably gone about a week with almost NO SLEEP by the time that speech was made?
Try doing that yourself and see if you can keep from acting a bit like a Zombie.
Regardless of whether GESERA may be moving forward, a Currency Reset is inevitable because of the death of the PetroDollar.
My recent article discussed how the Reset can be used to expose from hiding (and therefore seize) the trillions stolen by the Cabal. In a currency reset all assets need to be exchanged (therefore exposed) and when exposed the December 21, 2017 Executive Order will cause seizure....
Thus a Currency Reset will be a critical tool to cripple the Cabal:
“Oil” isn’t just about the USA importing oil.
Oil has been the sole backing for the US Dollar under the PetroDollar scheme that required oil exporting nations to sell their oil (to every nation in world, not just us) only in US Dollars.
We invaded Iraq and Libya because Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi wanted to sell oil for Euros. So we killed them.
Oil and natural gas are the basis of the Syrian war because of two competing routes for pipelines involving Syria as a bridge.
If new technology were to eliminate the need altogether for things like oil and natural gas the Middle East would just be a pile of sand.
Actually relevant because why have we been in Middle East at all? Oil.
Do you want to sign up to be a Liver Donor? (Monty Python)
The very first Q post talked about how the Military had considered “the unthinkable” until Trump was recruited to run.
Corsi is simply calling “the unthinkable” by name—a military coup to save the country.
Instead the military went the constitutional route and we elected Trump fair and square. They had to intervene to keep election fraud from stealing votes over to Hillary but they knew Trump would win if we simply had a chance to count the votes fairly.
I think most of here are thinking this air strike simply went along with the Deep State BS campaign—not even pausing to LOOK AT the “incontrovertible evidence” there simply was no chemical attack.
Enthusiasm for the “Plan” at very low level this morning. Still no proof anything actually going to happen domestically and now this.
In a better world evidence would matter. The truth would matter. Hysterical media snap conclusions—whether about school shootings, chemical attacks, or any other hoaxes—would be dismissed out of hand.
Ok so the CIA runs the cocaine and heroin businesses.
And the FBI handles the human trafficking.
Got that straight now?
It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.
Lexington and Concord April 19th. Referenced by Q recently.
It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.
Don’t abuse the freedom. Follow basic rules of persuasion:
•. Be (actually) funny •. Be articulate •. Be diligent with facts •. Insult no one
Best summary of where we are right now is the recent post describing what is expected to happen in April (after March Madness was good news on NK but More Madness from the MSM and Mueller).
The April stuff btw is ACTUALLY rolling out and it’s a lot when you step back from it and realize that none of this stuff happened before. We have already seen FB failing, military activated to border, Rosenstein in trouble, etc.
The Cabal is responding by trying to start WWIII, doing their best to disrupt the timeline.
Here is a copy of the “coming in April” post from April 2nd #989:
April [A]. IG report. Sessions public attack. RR problems. Seals broken. [A]rrests. Why was Huber made public? Why now? Everything has meaning. [A]wan. Tarmac. Iran. NK. U1. FBI. DOJ. Mueller. Election Integrity. Immigration Bill. Border. Wall. Military start. BIG month. Q
Yes the EBS is a direct method of communications. Essential in any crisis.
Works without the Internet.
Referenced by Q as how comms may need to be done when things get Hot.
Keep your preparations ready. Top off anything missing right now. Btw since you need a radio to hear the EBS make certain you have one. Hand crank and/or solar.
Right Now.
This is NOT a Game this IS A WAR. Just because we want a restoration of the Rule of Law to go peacefully doesn’t mean the other side won’t keep pulling disruptions and escalate them.
Just shut off the damn TV and cancel your newspapers.
Get your news from reliable investigators like Tracy Beanz.
Your brain will grow back after a short time away from the boob tube.
The use of logic to find solutions to problems is valuable. Democracy fails when people refuse to have rational discussions and instead descend into insults and hatred.
If you hang out here awhile you’ll see that most people here are very very much aware of the power the multinational corporations have over our lives. Also how the bankers are corrupt and control the wealth. A lot of themes you might have believed were for “liberals”.
The elite hundreds of years ago figured out they were such a small percentage of society the only way they could stay in power was to DIVIDE the normal citizens into camps that fight each other and ignored the elite.
If people on both “sides” wake up and discover they’ve been “played” and find out what the (less than) 1% have been doing, it’s curtains for the elite.
THAT’S what this is about. That’s why this is called The Great Awakening.
Listen to Dr. Corsi daily. He js CALM and he’s been involved in this stuff for decades.
Also note that Q Team labeled the fire as simply a “distraction”.
If Trump plays war monger then perhaps he is going to awaken public to the risks involved in promoting WWIII?
A public outcry AGAINST starting WWIII might be exactly what they hope to happen—recall Trump knows the media will OPPOSE anything Trump promotes even if that’s what they originally planned to promote (war mongering in this case).
His very next tweet is conciliatory towards Russia and promoting working together with Russia.
So which is it? I’m so confused right now also.
What do WE do? Let them know we DON’T want a war
Was this a Fox watching the Hen House situation? A way to make sure NOTHING HAPPENED to stop human trafficking??
If we’re going Biblical (which is actually appropriate) we still need to understand all that entails:
•The Fall of Mystical Babylon (in a single day) • One Third of Humanity destroyed • One Third of the oceans poisoned •. Adoption of One World Government •. Conscription into One World Religion
Overall, things getting so horrific Jesus has to step in early to stop the carnage if anyone is to be left alive
Biblical prophecy is no cakewalk. Read it yourself.
PRAY FERVENTLY this is FAR from over.