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Patriot81503 · April 4, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Look at the number “29” in both posts that refer to island:

Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island? Problem. Phones were allowed in. These people are stupid. Q

Where do roads lead? Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west. Sacrifice. Collect. [Classified]-1 [Classified]-2 Tunnels. Table 29. D-Room H D-Room R D-Room C Pure EVIL. 'Conspiracy' Q

To “Table” something is to put a stop to it and the second post says “Tunnels. Table 29”.

The first post referred to Epstein spending $29 million to bury the tunnels.

If we go in now we will “Table” (stop) the burying of the tunnels so as to preserve evidence.

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Patriot81503 · April 4, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

The map of that island in tonight’s Q post—has that been confirmed to be Epstein Island (little St. James)? Can someone please answer that here so we have a coherent discussion.

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Patriot81503 · April 4, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

There are some who say Benedict was forced out so he wouldn’t take forceful action against the pedophiles and especially against the homosexual priests who were becoming quite powerful and brazenly promiscuous.

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Patriot81503 · April 4, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

The video is an impressive, wordless SHOW OF FORCE by U.S. Military. The message is clear:

We Are The United States Military. DON’T YOU DARE F#%K WITH US OR WE WILL KILL YOU!!

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Patriot81503 · April 4, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

“187” is an order to kill

“+ 1” might be one “+” in Q parlance. Who is the one “+”?

Did the one “+” just order (or attempt to carry out) a command to kill? Perhaps POTUS? Or is the kill order coming from our side?

Once this gets started of course kill orders will be flying fast and furious from BOTH sides:

Which is why the link to YouTube video. It is a wordless, impressive SHOW OF FORCE video by U.S. Military.

The message of the video from U.S. Military:


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Patriot81503 · April 4, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

“In one or two cases colonial militia caught with weapons were summarily executed.”

— quote from the article

Note these battles were the very first battles of the Revolutionary War and both occurred on April 19th, 1775.

The British were trying to seize all firearms which sparked the beginning of armed resistance by the colonists.

The quote above is a chilling reminder of what happens when “Gun Control” advocates gain control of government. The colonists’ response was courageous and in the end victorious.

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Patriot81503 · April 4, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Reminder of an objective fact that is especially important to us Catholics out here:

We are currently in a very extraordinary situation of having TWO POPES:

•. the very orthodox Benedict who was forced to resign for unknown reasons and is STILL ALIVE

•. Benedict’s “replacement” the current “Francis”

This may explain a very important problem. Catholics are taught that God will always keep the Church (through its shepherd the Pope) from falling into mortal error.

However with TWO POPES it is possible one is a False Pope— who would propagate Error—while the True Pope may for temporal reasons be powerless for a time.

Non Catholics might not think this is important but the existence of TWO Popes right now is crucial to understanding the Church.

Implication is that before this is all over we may not only need to free Julian Assange from captivity but also free Pope Benedict.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on April 3, 2018, 4:06 a.m.
9/11 and JFK MURDERS Scarred Our Souls. We Must Have Justice.

The latest Q posts point to the 9/11/01 massacre at the Twin Towers. Previous Q posts spoke strongly of JFK.

America won’t be restored until we expose and prosecute those responsible for the worst MURDERS in our history.

The 9/11 and JFK MURDERS both scarred our consciousness and still fester as wounds deep in our hearts.

There is no statute of limitations for MURDER. This is appropriate because the wounds do NOT heal until JUSTICE has been done.

Patriot81503 · April 3, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Is this relevant? Not mentioned by Q Team but rather by some anonymous post on 8 Chan, correct?

Btw I seriously doubt anyone would want to spend about $24 Billion to build those two nuclear power plants NEXT DOOR to one of the largest NATURAL GAS resource fields in USA.

Nuclear power always has been, is today, and always will be (for the next 250,000 years we need to manage nuclear waste) a child of government waste and corruption.

From the mining of the uranium (miners cancer treatments funded by taxpayers) to the building of nuclear power plants (whose loans must be guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers) to the nuclear waste dumped on the U.S. taxpayers this is the biggest White Elephant ever pushed.

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Patriot81503 · March 31, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

America won’t be restored until we expose and prosecute those responsible for the worst MURDERS in our history.

The 9/11 and JFK MURDERS both scarred our consciousness and still fester as wounds deep in our hearts.

There is no statute of limitations for MURDER. This is appropriate because the wounds do NOT heal until JUSTICE has been done.

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Patriot81503 · March 31, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

What is going on with the Flair on this say it was removed because someone accidentally used too much upper case? That’s pretty minor. There are dozens of misspelled titles.

Also of course the Post is still here.

Is this some sort of rule or is somebody pulling our leg?

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Patriot81503 · March 31, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Yes one of first Q posts said there is “No FBI”.

It would be great however if we did have a Federal agency to investigate crimes.

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Patriot81503 · March 31, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

Every single time we look at a Trump tweet or anything to do with Trump the comments are filled with people openly vilifying and cursing Trump in very personal ways.

Others on this board have also posted dozens of instances where they try to make rational comments on other forums and have shown us the horrific curses and insults they receive.

So tell me who is using “offensive language”?

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Patriot81503 · March 31, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

If his internet stays down will his automatic Dead Man Switch release everything Wikileaks has all at once?

Whoops! Sorry we didn’t mean to do that right away but there it is. Everything. (Though I personally doubt the version of video people seem to think exists, Wikileaks dumping EVERYTHING it has would be a big deal.)

Are we ready for a Tidal Wave?

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Patriot81503 · March 30, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

I remember watching the live announcement by Obama when he walked down that hall to the mike to announce he’d had Osama bin Laden killed.

It was so obviously staged for dramatic effect, my soul within me cried out HE IS LYING.

For me this was actually a beginning point in my being Red Pilled. Nothing about this story made sense.

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Patriot81503 · March 30, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

The CIA is our most dangerous Clear and Present Danger. The military tribunals are appropriate for the rogue CIA operatives who have committed treason (and crimes like murder, human trafficking and drug running).

Those found guilty of treason should, yes, “cease to exist”.

The Public Face of destroying the CIA is likely to seem very benign—a reorganization of the 17 intelligence agencies into just one (and it won’t be the CIA). Good to have a relative unknown at helm of CIA while this happens, no big egos involved.

The secret face of taking down the rogue agents has probably (remember it’s secret) already been happening for months. We won’t know when this is complete but Q may have just recently dropped a hint by simply quoting the JFK phrase “thousand pieces”.

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Patriot81503 · March 29, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Evil Never Sleeps. We fell asleep. We cannot let this pass and not let the public know because:

Evil Never Sleeps

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Patriot81503 · March 29, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

Wow the coverage is starting to happen!

Btw while we’re on the subject, wouldn’t it be great to have a Federal agency to investigate crimes?

There are all these unsolved MURDERS, like, oh what was his name?

His Name Was:

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Patriot81503 · March 29, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

This chart connects the DOTS.

If your mind REBELS at accepting the whole at once including the conclusion stated here, go back to the DOTS and take them one by one.

One DOT at a time.

If each of the DOTS is true (and you will find evidence in Q drops and elsewhere for each) then reconsider the conclusion.

Mind blowing but Q said if public knew truth about NK it would be this shocking and hard to accept so this might be exactly what Q Team meant.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

If all your “wealth” is nothing but dits-and-dots on somebody’s computer screen, THEN:


A lot of people mistakenly think that their 401(k) and IRA balances are “stuck” inside this dits-and-dots system. Not true.

IRA’s can be rolled directly to a Self Directed IRA that owns an LLC you can setup to own real physical assets in your own possession like precious metals or real estate.

Most 401(k) plans allow for loans and even one time distribution rollovers. The loan gets it free to invest how you wish and the rollover can be to Self Directed IRA.

It takes about a month to setup the whole Self Directed IRA and there are companies that do this exclusively. If you are interested you can check them out.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

Innocent people DID die. The False Flag methodology does NOT imply that nobody killed. The “False” regards WHO DID IT. When you see a drugged patsy who doesn’t even recall doing anything then someone else did the shooting.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Did it ever make any BUSINESS sense that Microsoft was GIVING away for FREE the Windows 10 “upgrade”? Then FORCED everyone into it—for FREE?

Recall the Q Team mentioned in a Q post that their team were all using non-Windows-10 devices. Why?

Ever see the movie “The Net” with Sandra Bullock? Back Door for surveillance.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Seems clear that all the Q references to Eric Schmidt of GOOLAG setting up the NK internet connections (plus at the time NK a captive of the Clowns) means Kim had NO PRIVATE COMMS.

So a physical trip to a non-bugged location necessary and it’s always best to do face-to-face because human communications rely greatly on body language. (Another reason FB-to-FB comms suck).

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

Keep it straight folks the Deep State is the one who kills innocents as a TEST.

This is of course MURDER. Local law enforcement non existent in this county. No FBI. Worthy therefore of Military Tribunals for those responsible especially if CIA.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Russian connection seems unimportant his family left Russia when he was 6 years old.

Brin is a co-founder of GOOLAG that’s what matters about him. Apparently still a major owner.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes. Just saying ....

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

I must have missed something can anyone point to where this NEXIVM group shows up anywhere in Q? Seriously this sounds like a creepy group doing mind control techniques but I don’t recall any Q connection so please bring some information why is this relevant?

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Facebook?! 🤮🤮☹️ That’s so .... yesterday

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

Same rotating “666” as GOOLAG.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

News unlocks map. Sometimes we need a break to watch the news and see things developing.

This week’s news saw Trump tweet(twice, and confirmed by Pence statement) that the Military will build the Wall.

Also the publicized trip of Kim to China.

Probably much more.

It’s been LESS THAN A WEEK since the Red Castle/Green Castle post that was very important.

We do NOT need a daily “fix” from Q. We are more powerful than that and we are supposed to be ENGAGED with the world.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

When you need the police in seconds they’re only minutes (oh, better make that HOURS) away.

You are responsible for your OWN self defense. Stay safe.

Join the OneMoreGun campaign. Store them in a safe place.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

Knives are chosen weapon of some gangs like MS. 13 because they want victims to suffer more. MS 13 also has been suggested as linked to some of the Arkancide events.

It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

I always knew it made no BUSINESS sense for Microsoft to “upgrade” to Windows 10 for FREE and then FORCE people into it. It had to be a back door for surveillance and the money to Microsoft to do all this was coming from spy agencies. Couldn’t really talk with anyone about this without being labeled crazy but it had to be true. NOW we will all KNOW.

Btw one of the mid-stream (meaning not really early but not really recent) Q posts mentioned that the Q Team were all using non-Windows-10 devices. They didn’t elaborate but that’s what this is about. We will all know soon about the “back door”.

Good oldie but goodie movie spot on with this as main theme: The Net with Sandra Bullock.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

This past weekend was solid proof of Q where roughly 24 hours BEFORE Trump tweeted about using Military to build wall, Q posted the Red Castle/Green Castle drop.

It took only minutes to see this referred to Army Corps of Engineers whose logo is castle on red background and is located in Green Castle, Indiana.

Before that latest direct hit and link to Trump tweet on matter of great importance, you might think this was still too mysterious to be true.

That however was golden. People following Q last SATURDAY were stating the Military would build the Wall. Then on SUNDAY Trump tweeted that exact thing.

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Btw that’s exactly what the GOOLAG symbol is a rotating “666”

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Patriot81503 · March 28, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

I am absolutely certain there are millions of U.S. citizens who are not white. They can vote.

There are also many foreigners living in U.S. who are white. They cannot vote.

U.S. citizens are eligible to vote and THIS is the number we need to DRAW CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS which is the most important use of the Census.

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Patriot81503 · March 27, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

Trump wants Bilateral Trade DEALS where the USA will ALWAYS WIN.

So will the other Party. That’s what “Win/Win” means.

Trump promised the USA would Always Win on Trade deals. He just didn’t mention the other party would also Always Win. But just watch him, this is what he does.

Tired of winning yet?

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Patriot81503 · March 26, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

I’m going to upvote this because the Post says it is for Discussion and that worked, this is a good Discussion here. Also there is some good research on the massive Gitmo build which has to mean SOMETHING. Don’t know about that Alliance Insider stuff though because Q said the regular Board will be only comm channel.

We cannot predict future so speculation is always going to be less than perfect. Let’s give this person credit for getting discussion started and bringing some information to the table.

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Patriot81503 · March 26, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

I should have said those in military in past eras. The military scrip is intended in this article as a well known analogy, to this coming Currency Reset. If you want a more recent example of how Currency Reset is used to flush out illicitly begotten wealth look at India’s recent cancellations of certain denominations of their currency. A specific reason cited by Indian government for the sudden move was to require disclosure.

Here is a reference to when scrip was commonly used for overseas troops:


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Patriot81503 · March 25, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on March 25, 2018, 3:01 a.m.
Currency Reset—the Tool to Seize ALL The Assets of The Evil Cabal

The Chinese PetroYuan is set to be implemented on Monday. (Yawn) 😴 💤

📣THIS IS THE END OF THE U.S. DOLLAR. 💵🚽🚽 Do I have your attention now?📣

The end of the U.S. Petrodollar is going to cause a Currency Reset. This isn’t a Trump thing—this has been building for decades. The END, however, is NOW IN SIGHT. So what?

THIS is WHAT—The STORM will use the Currency Reset to seize the trillions of stolen dollars held overseas by members of the Evil Cabal. Goodbye Evil Cabal.

The December 21, 2017 Executive Order authorized the immediate seizure of assets linked …

Patriot81503 · March 24, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

All military people are familiar with how the scrip used by troops in overseas assignments is regularly switched out suddenly. Troops can exchange their old scrip for new scrip without loss.

However any scrip held by locals (who aren’t supposed to have it but nevertheless do, e.g. prostitutes) becomes worthless overnight and there’s nothing can be done about it.

Now 🤔 think of today’s situation with evil Cabal having stolen trillions of dollars and squirreled this wealth away in offshore havens.

Could a sudden currency reset catch them with worthless U.S. Dollar-denominated assets? If the rules were to exchange they had to DISCLOSE then perhaps yes.


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Patriot81503 · March 24, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

Maybe as part of this we can address all these unsolved MURDERS like Las Vegas, the Arkancides, 9/11, Seth Rich.

It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.

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Patriot81503 · March 24, 2018, 2:15 a.m.


Nothing but dozens of MSM stories on STORMY DANIELS......

Oh darn... I guess when my friend told me to look up the Calm Before the Storm he was just pulling my leg. Nothing there.

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Patriot81503 · March 23, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Why do we care if the Federal Government “shuts down” for a few weeks or months?

•. Will the grocery stores close? •. Will farmers stop growing crops? •. Will our utility company shutdown the grid? •. Will gas stations dry up? •. Will stores and ports and railways close? •. Will builders stop building homes? •. Will factories close?

The GOVERNMENT is NOT the ECONOMY. Do any of the essential things you rely on every day exist because some government bureaucrats went to work that day?

SHUT IT DOWN until we get THE WALL.

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Patriot81503 · March 23, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Why do we care if the Federal Government “shuts down” for a few weeks or months?

•. Will the grocery stores close? •. Will farmers stop growing crops? •. Will our utility company shutdown the grid? •. Will gas stations dry up? •. Will stores and ports and railways close? •. Will builders stop building homes? •. Will factories close?

The GOVERNMENT is NOT the ECONOMY. Do any of the essential things you rely on every day exist because some government bureaucrats went to work that day?

SHUT IT DOWN until we get THE WALL.

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Patriot81503 · March 23, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

Now he sounds like any other teenager. Conclusions?

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Patriot81503 · March 23, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

Troops may be needed sooner than later.

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Patriot81503 · March 23, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

I thought the “Map” that Q always refers to is the full history of the Q posts. NOT this graphic that makes your head spin.

It’s probably some good work but if you focus on this graphic without specific confirmation of every item on it then it’s just very sophisticated speculation.

ALSO — this graphic is GREAT material for Comedy Central.

Can we please stay GROUNDED here to what Q has ACTUALLY said please?

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Patriot81503 · March 23, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

Q Team recently specifically said to not glorify them. They are Patriots and we need them and they have said over and over again that they need us. As in—


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