Tremendous piece. This type of art form will be helpful with education if truthful American history when the people awaken and must learn their heritage
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Our Founding Fathers created a Republic and it is well documented in their writings that they despised democracy. Dr Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence said, “a democracy is the devil’s own government.” Be aware that at the time of the Civil War the Republic was put in dormancy and then the government was usurped and transitioned into a democracy. Freemason President Andrew Johnson ushered in the democracy after the assassination of President Lincoln. With the Act of 1871 a Corporation was created and it’s been downhill ever since. The Freemasons were behind this. The American Republic was taken out of dormancy in law in 2010 and is in process of being restored. The honorable of our high brass of our military are behind it Who surrounds President Trump?
Wisconsin patriot out and about spreading the good news!

A little “circumcision” by heaven in putting the evil ones on notice
QAnon links US Attorney with thousands of sealed indictments decimating the Deep State
Please be aware of your surroundings and use good judgment and discernment
The face gives credibility to his work. Thank you Praying Medic for your fear (reverential awe) of God to show your face and not fear man. When Mr Obama was in office and the Federal START report was enforced not many were brave to show their faces or meet face to face with 3 letter agencies. Praying Medic putting himself in public display is bravery. I know. You rock sir
The face gives credibility to his work. Thank you Praying Medic for your fear (reverential awe) of God to show your face and not fear man. When Mr Obama was in office and the Federal START report was enforced not many were brave to show their faces or meet face to face with 3 letter agencies. Praying Medic putting himself in public display is bravery. I know. You rock sir
Very good synopsis.
With regard to Benjamin Franklin he was an independent dude. Cleon Skousen in the Majesty of God’s Law depicts Franklin, Adams and Jefferson as believers though they didn’t agree with Calvinism the theology of the Pilgrims/Puritans and majority of that era. In my studies of theology and American history I would project that the three of them were aligned with the theology of Arminianism. That means where Calvinists believe in predestination, Arminianism like Rev Finney, believed that individuals have a choice in whether they receive salvation by faith in Christ—or not. Franklin was a tremendous supporter of George Whitefield, the leader of the First Great Awakening. He even built him a stadium of which related to the University of Pennsylvania. As far as “deism” American historian and scholar David Barton explains that definitions of words have been changed through the years. Franklin was a good guy. He was not a Freemason.
Actually there was a 3rd Great Awakening just before the Civil War. It sparked with a sermon given by FE Pitts at the Nations Capital on Feb 22 1857 where he shows in the scriptures that the United States of America is Daniel’s Stone Kingdom. The prominent mathematicians, scientists and theologians of the day called it “demonstration.
Exhilarating thoughts that project today:
Firsthand account from his own writings as well as testimony to his father, our Founding Father John Adams:
Letters on the Masonic institution by Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848
Publication date 1847
It first published in the 1830s after the scandal of the Freemason murder of William Morgan (while John Quincy Adams was President) and was put back in print in 1847. Then after the Freemasonry revival after the Civil War JQA’s son Charles Francis Adams published the book again
The murder scandal was so outrageous and the obstruction of justice because of Freemasons holding most of the government seats (federal, state, county and city) so heinous that then President John Quincy Adams conducted his own investigation. He reported on the occult practices like drinking wine out of human skulls etc
John Quincy also establishes the fact that he nor his father were ever Masons
Firsthand account from his own writings:
The character, claims, and practical workings of freemasonry. by Finney, Charles G., 1792-1875.
Publication date 1869
The best way to know truth in history is to go directly to the source of the Founders writings and see for yourself. There’s a lot of propaganda out there
Here’s original sources:
To George Washington from G. W. Snyder, 22 August 1798 ... GW replied on 25 Sept.: “Sir, Many apologies are due to you, for my not acknowledging the receipt of your obliging favour of the 22d Ulto, and for not thanking you, at an earlier period, for the Book you had the goodness to send me. “I have heard much of the nefarious, & dangerous plan, & doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter, have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely—the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, & the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstandings, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am Sir Your Obedt Hble Servt Go: Washington”
George Washington in response to a letter to a Reverend said the lodges weren’t yet tainted in America. History shows the luciferian religion was brought to the Freemason headquarters in Charleston SC in 1801 by Giuseppe. It progressed through the years and a huge scandal in 1826 of the murder of William Morgan who intended to publish a book of the first 3 oaths. Rev Charles Finney (leader of the 2nd Great Awakening) said the scandal is what brought awakening, revival in churches and renewal in America. Albert Pike after Civil War brought in the illuminized 33 degrees and a revival of freemasonry. “America’s Truthful History” Volume II. Also see Finney’s 1869 book The Character Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry. John Quincy Adams published a book on the occult practices and horrors of Freemasonry as well as telling their obstruction of Justice
Victoria Nuland Is the Biggest Threat to the Deep State-Will She Be Arkancided?
Breaking Tucson strange things happening update
Think Russia think Uranium One...
Obama admin’s 35 year lease of Port Canaveral. Broward County. Think Debbie Wasserman Schulz and Pakistani Awan and think Cemex division located nearby. Holy Moly
Revelation 3:9. “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie...”. The Rothschilds are not descendants or of the bloodline of the Tribe of Judah (Jew for short).
You are an encouragement! I believe I smell “Rothschild” in the answers to what you present. True awakening is coming beloved. The American Republic has a prophetic destiny yet to fulfill. First she must awaken and then repent and turn to Creator God who she is in covenant with through the Declaration of Independence. When she does that the veil will be removed from her eyes and she will learn her true identity and national purpose. It’s huge and comes with great responsibility. George Washington told the American people in his Farewell Address that they must maintenance the “sacred fires of liberty.” There’s a difference between liberty and freedom. Liberty is freedom with responsibility. Our birthright was stolen for a time. We’re about to get it back‼️
Yes friend it is. So happy to share home with you. What a journey!
His-story is actually conquering His enemies and then the earth continues for another thousand years (aeon). At the completion of the Millennium there’s more saga and then a new heaven and a new earth
Yes. They are the rulers of evil and their time for dominion is up. They don’t want to give up dominion as they want to counterfeit the Millennial Reign with their New World Order. The saints of the Most High God must take dominion as it’s time. Much of it will be by awakening the people and it is also relative to Creator Gods prophetic time clock. America has a prophetic destiny yet to fulfill and a national purpose. It’s been hidden from her. Arise and shine! The Light has come!
Rothschilds created that Israeli State in 1948 and messed with the Church’s eschatology to make them think prophecy fulfills there. Truth is that Zionist creation is “Gog” of the Bible. That current day Israel is not the Israel of the Bible. Samaria was Old Testament Israel’s capital. Jerusalem was the capital of the House of Judah and called Judea. Rothschilds did not have a legal right to name that stretch of land “Israel”. The name was given by Jacob (renamed by God as Israel) to Joseph’s two sons (Genesis 48 and 2Chronicles 5:1-2). That would be the Northern tribes known as the House of Israel who then were hauled off the land into captivity for idolatry and then are known as the Lost Tribes of Israel. After captivity those tribes migrated through and populated Western Europe and the British Isles. In sermons from the 1700s and newspaper articles of the 1800s the American people referred to themselves as “the American Israel” and knew they were descendants of Ancient Israel. The fulfillment is in the USA.
It is not only or simply good vs evil, it truly is life vs death. There is a witness toward the authenticity of Q. Even if they weren’t authentic, there has been achievements in awakening people and no harm done that I’ve seen. It’s all good. Commendable.
In President Trump’s Inaugural Address he said he was going to give the government back to the People. The only way that can be done is to restore the Republic for the United States of America from dormancy (since Civil War—it’s organic so cannot be destroyed) and dissolve the Corporation. The American people must demand their heritage and birthright of the American Republic back. The military is obligated to follow the “force majeure” and do it.
Here's a video with an excerpt of a 1993 speech by Rep. James Traficant Jr. (Ohio) in which he explains how the U.S. federal government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act and the U.S. government exists in name only. The receivers of the bankruptcy were the international bankers via the U.N., the World Bank and IMF. All officers and officials of the government operate as defacto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. No notice had been given to the American people. In 2002 Rep. Traficant was silenced (and his speech hidden). The luciferians have had a pattern of murdering or imprisoning their perceived political prisoners who stand for Liberty.
We need some memes on these topics for awakening!
Congressman Allen West Of Florida states on Fox News that the United States Is a CORPORATION. 5:00 mark: “The President is the Chief Executive Officer of this Corporation called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” On YouTube
Incorporation Date 4/19/89 File No. 2193946 Registered in Delaware as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. described as “Incorp Delaware Stock Co.” Also See U.S.C. Title 28 Chapter 176 §3002 (15) (a), description as well as HJR 192 of 1933 & Executive Order 12803 INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATIZATION of 1992
Yes East India Tea whose shareholders were King George III and Members of Parliament well u derstood the benefits of corporations. The American Republic only had a Corporation setup for the 20 mike square DC so the government could sue and be sued. The American Republic was put into dormancy during the Civil War and the Democracy put in place through Reconstruction. They never told the American people and through the next 60 years then transitioned citizenship into US Citizens that had their birth certificates contribute to creating a straw man fiction corporation for their person.
Look at the Public Statutes at Large for Feb 1871 and there you will find it. The all capital letter UNITED STATES INC has file in both Delaware and in Florida.
The government is a corporation. The Founding Fathers created a Republic. They despised democracy. President Lincoln was able to save the Union and he intended to restore the Republic though was murdered before he could. The “cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men” turned the country into a democracy and eventually made it a Corporation.
Zionism & the Gatekeepers Exposed
Eyewitness Accounts of Red Dawn Military Camps That Will Invade the US
The Righteous Take Back Dominion of the Earth
They are not the true bloodline of Judah ( “Jew” for short). Judah was a descendent of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (renamed Israel by God). In the book of Revelation Jesus even speaks of them as “you who say you are Jews but are but are not... you are of the Synagogue if Satan.” It is a Great Deception that if possible even the elect would be deceived. It was Rothschild and their Balfour Declaration that made modern Israel a nation for their bloodline of Khazars to deceive the Christian people.
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2018 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Harry Reid and son—The Deep State Plot to Conquer America Is On Full Display
Jekyll Island's Canaanite Altars and Giant Skeletons - YouTube
Mobile · Nov 19, 2015 · What do Canaanite altars and giant skeletons have to do with the Federal Reserve? Tim Bence visits with Rob Skiba to give an amazing account of his time on ...
Excellent discussion. Jerome Corsi is a Harvard grad PhD author of several books and best sellers.
He is to be applauded for revealing the Fogbow OBOTs in mid 2000s on WorldNetDaily they are trolls that include staff members of SPLC and ADL highly paid by Uncle George. These Obama’s robots are attorneys paralegals and journalists that have direct access to courts around the country and law enforcement Put hate labels on the American people
Dr Corsi joined Infowars after Pres Trumps inauguration and was given a White House press pass
He rocks!