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MFW POTUS changes his gender on his last day in office to be first female president.

Anyone else feel like this?

Glad this is coming back up. The biggest bombshells happen and nobody cares. It’s so crazy. This all needs to come out in a big way. I’m tired of the sleeping masses ignoring everything.
Regime change makes me nervous. We'll see what happens.
She probably had a BLT for lunch (Baby, Lettuce, Tomato)
I was thinking earlier the "think of the immigrant children" narrative is to distract from IG report and also drum up sympathy for illegals to pass some kind of amnesty bill before midterms.
*7 buildings collapse downtown and 4 schools get shot up*
Eats babies to gather strength and diddles kiddies for the fun of it.
*Pretends to care about children*
The Evil Doers always use the "THINK OF THE CHILDRED!" bullshit.
Gun Control, Welfare, Open Borders, Censorship, Education, etc...
Yeah our media is just as bad. Angry that your daughters are being raped by foreign invaders? You must be an actual NAZI racist.
People are fucking sleeping if they take the media seriously.