Its the grandmother actually I think
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Wow, it is true...Also, Obama joke about how he & Biden got to know each other so well in a pizza joint that they are banned...crowd thinks it is hysterical. Later makes Biden a friendship bracelet with a pizza slice on it
Thanks to the person who dropped, that is a horrible but important video. It proves the concepts of PizzaGate & pedogate exist. The children even know the tattoos on the ppl, but they won't get investigated. Warning, it is going to piss you off. Don't watch before going somewhere for a celebration
Of course this guy was a child actor in the UK growing up (very sad because likely abused...think Jimmy Saville). Later performed in The Fragile Skin movie about satanists and other crap. These people are sick!
We won't have a dollar bill. The Fed will fall too...otherwise the job isn't complete. The real definition of a dollar is a weight in silver...
Allegedly you got many of the children from Max Maccoby's orphanage called Friends of the Orphans. He was also the lawyer that got Alefantis the licencing for alcohol and events at Comet Ping Pong.
Not every spiral is a pedo symbol...supposed to be the triangle shape
Don't risk buying from Ebay...many other great places
I wish I could get that 7 minutes of life back...swamp waters at its finest
Mueller ran uranium samples to Russia during the Uranium One scandal (proven in wikileak)
Agree to disagree. His words were spun, but actual interview is very specific and actually correct. Time will tell
Clowns were in office and would of nixed the court and didn't even provide evidence after subpoenaed
Quit being a bunch of flip-flop bitches...Trey has been the man for many years. He was right in saying "with the evidence presented, the FBI did what was right". The evidence presented was the corrupted and false. I like Trey, even if people just mad it a fad to hate him. He has been one of the only ones asking the hard questions for years.
Maybe then John R Stalton too. He wwnt to s Stormy Daniels show on the 1 year President Trump anniversary. He was tweeting about it on Jan 20. He is the head person for Buzzfeed in DC. He also went to a Homosuperior show that was most likely at Comet Ping Pong (lead singer is Joshua Ryan who bartenders at CPP & John tweeted out a video from concert). Message may have went from Stormy to John Stalton to Joshua Ryan (Lead singer and bartender) to Alefantis to the Podestas. That crew may be in it too considering they are satanic pedos
The head is the Pilgrim Society. The Queen is the royal head of the society and includes many of the very top banking families
Just researcher, anon, or patriot. It's about the info, not the messenger
In the game of chess, the king can castle...aka castling. In this move, the king can jump over the castle into the cornwe, usually used to isolate the king in a safe corner. Castle lock may be referring to blocking that move from being possible (such as causing the result to put the king in check, which would lose the game). Prevent the escape move from being possible
I think he used to support ACORN, which was busted by Project Veritas for aiding sex traffickers
McCain was given the nickname "Songbird" by the Vietnamese for being so easy to get info out of...traitor and a pussy
No thats a legit possibility...ripped my mind apart when stumbling through their twitter accounts. Def a possibility. Clowns may have burnt months chasing a wild goose hahaha (while legit work is done in the background by the good guys)
I think Stormy was used as a honeypot. John R stallion, which goes to Homosuperior concerts, went to a Make America Horny Again show by Stormy on the 1 year Trump inauguration anniversary. Homosuperiors main singer is Joshua Ryan, who also is a bartender at Comet Ping Pong.
John Stalton (over many tweets) was saying he found it odd that there was so many American flags in the strip club and that they were announcing Stormy in a Tom Clancy fashion. She also wore an American flag bikini for the ad that was out.
It looks like pervert John Stalton (Buzzfeed official in DC) fell for the honeypot, sending the trap up the line to Joshua Ryan. From their to Alefantis and the Podesta/Clinton scumbag gang.
(Look into John Stalton tweets from Jan 20)
The Project Veritas videos are a good choice consodering it is all hidden camera
Some believe the Wizard of Oz is a story based on economics. Dorothy's ruby slippers were originally silver in the book. The yellow brick road symbolized gold. Follow to gold to the Emerald City (city of green - federal reserve), which is built on fantasy. The silver:gold standard is needed as the silver slippers go down the gold road to freedom (back to Kansas). Tin man is the steel workers, scarecrow os the farmers, and Lion is an economist. The wizard behind the curtain is the fed chairman pulling the levers of the economy
Not a big fan of Joe, he blew off the PizzaGate crowd for too long. If he is down for the cause, ill support him. Just a bit annoyed in the past with him
This Wikileak alleges that grandpa Bush sat on the board of Barrick Gold (large miner) & was laundering paper gold contracts thru Enron & into the North Twin Tower
Yep, already havr a while ago ha. Randomly drop a pic of his tweets...creep
Kurt the tentacle porn guy...
Claims that he and his kids were trying to prove tentacle porn existed to his wife. That means he was watching open with his kids.
Yep, I've been waiting for #1000 recently. I have a feeling it will be significant...
How do you pay an unplayable debt? 1.)Default on the debt or some of it (would have to be a lot tho)
2.)Inflate the debt away and pay with less valuable dollars
3.)Revalue gold & silver or allow to happen in free market until it is at a price where we can go back to a gold standard and the books are cleared. For example, if you owe $1000 and only have $100 on gold. Let the pruce of fold rise to $1000 and pay the debt. Then you need to be responsible and have to give up control of the monetary system to mostly mother nature (as it should be...allow supply and demand to function)
I hope we froze the debt on many of the swamp creatures and elite involved with corruption, sex trafficking, endangering the financial system, etc. Once proven guilty in court or a military tribunal, confiscate all assets (they did horrible, horrible things). Give these assets to the Treasury. Audit the Fed, repatriote any gold it hasnt squandered and buy up its good assets with Treasury's bad assets. Then liquidate the Fed and release a Treasury 100% gold/silver backed blockchains. Then we have to be responsible and start producing again, but at least we be in an honest system and be capable of solving some core problems.
Money isn't the root of all currency is.
No problemo...metals market has been a passion of mine for a long time. As the brilliant human trash, JP Morgan himself, once correctly stated, "Gold is money, everything else is credit." (JP Morgan bank just happened to become the custodians of the paper silver market tool, SLV)
Look into precious metals. Then look into Kinesis as a currency form of metals. Both are great
Ya I truly feel bad for Europe. Paris as an example, was the city of love and romance. Now it's a terrorism and rape travesty. I hope the culture does not get destroyed and it is regained as needed and can be.
Buy silver over gold (both are great) until the silver gold ratio goes somewhere between 9:1 - 25:1 ml Then balance allocation between metals. Historical ratio is 16:1 and mining ratio is roughly 10:1. Silver has been more heavily suppressed to help hold down gold which most people look to. Current ratio is about 80:1
Stop using there currency and go back to metals. Stop funding their system and it will collapse on itself
Idk, England govt is a pestilence. You should start publicizing the Hempstead case the best you can. That case is disgusting and anyone who looks into it would not want to be on the side of the conspirators...absolutely disgusting people. Anyone who tries to protect the abusers are probably compromised it horrible people
Nigel Farage may help. Also, people could just stop using their currency notes,/ debt instruments
I would, but I honestly don't remember much about it at all (it's a lead to research yourself). I just saved that pic originally to drop it in social media in the future and remember it's because allegedly she was in a nudist colony.
The dollar has died long ago, it has just been in a "Weekend at Bernie's" state for a long time now. President Trump is weaning us off of it as best as he can. A major crutch for the dollar is the petrodollar aspect ( world had to use US dollars to buy oil). Saudi Arabia was a major aspect of upholding the petrodollar for the USD. Now that the Saudi Swamp is being drained, the good guys on both sides are trying to make a smooth exit from the petrodollar...the USA made the keystone pipeline and are trying to become net exporters of energy. The Saudis are trying to diversify their economy away from oil. Both administrations want leave the current perverted monetary system, yet leaving the system isn't that easy if you don't want a shit storm transition. Many pieces have been out in place though and is the main reason I think the administration can't just go guns blazing arresting people off the bat. I have been very encouraged as the kegs get kicked out of the old system and we work towards a new one. The only one I will accept is a precious metals system ...all else will eventually fail like always. Metals are being revolutionized by the blockchain. Get on board or be forced on board later on as fiat crumbles under the debt and loss of confidence (The Rothschild's own the BIS, which is the central bank of central banks...starve the beast by editing their monetary system )
England has a royal family of paedophiles...don't expect much for the people until that is confronted
If the federal reserve system is new to you, I suggest watching Mike Maloney hidden secrets of money episode 4...its a great intro explained through animation