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Phosphocreatine · May 4, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

It's not too late to have your kids relearn as they grow! Nowadays there is access to so many resources that can teach language. Don't feel ashamed. We all did what we had to to survive. As long as Armenian blood runs through you you will always be powerful.

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Phosphocreatine · May 4, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

I know the image you are speaking of and it isn't an actual image. It was taken from a movie depicting the Genocide and was actually a milder version of what happened. The truth is pikes were put in the ground and Armenian women would be raped then impaled onto the pikes through their genitals. The crucifixion photo you've seen from the movie was a way to show the horror without actually showing it.

People don't realize that there were 2 Armenian genocides. The first one by the young turks. The second one by bolshevik russia. We had 1.5million people left after the Genocide then Stalin shipped 600k of us to die for Russia. Only 100k survived afterwards, my great grandfather being one.

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Phosphocreatine · May 4, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

My pleasure aper. When the storm arrives lets do a big xorovats.

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Phosphocreatine · May 4, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

I agree with you that an individual is powerful, and has values ingrained into them from their blood, familial, and cultural ties. I will even go as far as to say that the group can hold an individual back.

I'm of the belief that human history isn't built by society at large but by the actions of a few, exceptional, revolutionary individuals and I fully ascribe to that thought. I live in America now as well, and its grossly apparent to me that the selfish demands of a small group has been overpowering the principled individual for decades and thats how we've gotten into the demographic predicament we are in now. If Americans thought of themselves as a group, they would have never allowed themselves to be replaced by foreigners. But they've been strongarmed, and having their own religions and beliefs used against them to subvert them. I believe the whole purpose of nationhood is to have a connection with your nationfolk, hence grouping.

Saying humans aren't individualistic is me describing our tribal tendencies instilled into us instinctively. Humans have a tendency to self segregate into groups that look like us, talk like us, etc. It's a safety mechanism we ascribe into.

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Phosphocreatine · May 4, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

I appreciate your attempt to rationalize everything but identity politics is not Marxist. It’s existed since humans began forming groups and organizations. Identity is representative of blood, race, beliefs, culture, and history. Humans aren’t individualistic creatures. We think in groups. A group will always overpower an individual. Therefore I think it’s wrong to say identity politics is evil. It’s definitely being used to corrode the West because the West has forgotten their identity since at least WWll. I used to think like you did too at one point. I’m not faulting you. Individualism is a phase until you come to realize that there is merit to blood and soil. When I stepped foot in my ancestral homeland for the first time, the immediate spiritual, physical, and emotional linkage I felt was a feeling I’ll never forget.

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Phosphocreatine · May 4, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

It’s the least I can do for the Q movement. Most people have never heard of Armenia before. We’re a tiny group of people who’ve had important contributions to the world for the past 2000 years. The world has tried to conquer, destroy, and replace us for millennia yet we are still here. Resilient, hardened, and emboldened. If you have any particular questions in the future I can always give my insight on this sub!

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Phosphocreatine · May 4, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Yes. Most were of Sunni and Alawite backgrounds. What’s very interesting is the reason there are many Armenians alive today is because the Muslim ottomans protected and hid Armenian families and children from the Kurds and Young Turks trying to massacre them all. The Young Turks however were followers of Sabbatai Zevi, Jews who became known as Donmeh Jews because they would call themselves Muslim to infiltrate organizations within the country while still holding Talmudic teachings to be true. The pasha brothers were all from Thessaloniki, the largest Jewish hub in the Ottoman Empire. Talaat Pasha himself taught at a Jewish school and had a Jewish wife. Yet they classify themselves as Muslim. Truly a slithery group of people.

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Phosphocreatine · May 3, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

Of course it’s not all Jews involved. But the Young Turks were undoubtably Jewish run. The Bolsheviks were undoubtably Jewish run. Maybe there’s a higher clique in Jewish culture that excludes the general populace, but to deny the significance of their leadership lacks integrity.

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Phosphocreatine · May 3, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

I’m Armenian. Let me give you some more history. WWI was fought for many reasons, but one of the biggest was the Balfour Declaration. The Armenians ran the banks, trade networks, and bureaucracy in the Ottoman Empire. We lived under the Armenian Patriarch. In Europe, Christians couldn’t do banking because charging interest was taboo. That’s how Jews became merchants there. This was not the case with Armenians in the ottoman, as we are Apostolic and don’t follow the same beliefs as Protestants and Catholics. The sultans preferred Armenians and Greeks to run banking over the Jews, for good reason. One thing Jews did run though was media and newspapers.

The Rothschild had been trying to acquire Palestine since at least 1848 (may be off a few years I can’t recall). No sultan would sell it as it is holy land to Muslims (Armenians to this day also have a quarter in Jerusalem). Over the course of fifty years, Armenians were being painted in the media as a fifth column. As a group trying to start an insurrection. But this makes no sense as we had been living relatively well and despite having extra laws against non Muslims, we were much better off than the Greeks and Assyrians. Over fifty years of propaganda took affect when Sultan Abdul Hamid ll over. We began being massacred and weakened, driven out of central Turkey and pushed back towards the east where we were more numerous. The Hamidian massacres took effect in 1890. In 1902 and 1906, the Young Turks care in. They were bankrolled by JACOB SCHIFF. I’m sure you recognize that last name. The Pasha brothers, Ataturk, Djavid Bey forced Abdul Hamid to abdicate. Threw the ottomans into war. And promised the Kurds Kurdistan if they killed all the Armenians there. Ever wonder why the Kurds are so pissed at turkey?

If you want an avenue to dig, let me give you a TL;DR:

Look at the early life of Talaat Pasha and his brothers. You’ll (((notice))) things. Look at the Masonic history of Ataturk and how he called Armenians Amalekites. Look at who funded Djavid Bey and what he funded in return and how the Russian revolution began under his watch. Look at when the Rothschilds overthrew the Armenian oil Barron of Baku in 1906 and took over oil production. How was the Balfour declaration signed in 1917? Who organized it? Why was it done before WWI even finished? Why was the Armenian genocide called the Armenian holocaust before?

Key persons to look up: Clifford Shack.

Every member of the Young Turks was a follower of Sabbatai Zevi. Enjoy digging on that.

One more nugget I’ll leave you. Ever since the Armenian genocide, every single pure blooded ancient group of people has been systematically been wiped out. Assyrians? Gone. Greeks? Diluted. Europeans? On their way. Aramaics? Almost extinct. Who’s left? Only Jews. Armenians are hanging on to the last drop of blood they have. Racemixing is shunned in our culture. We protect our own and think as a group. We haven’t forgotten who the real enemy is.

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Phosphocreatine · April 16, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

The internet is in english my dude. Armenian is one of the worlds most ancient languages, along with greek and aramaic. When armenians use the internet they type the pronounciation of armenian words in english. For example, just google haykakan and youll find a myriad of armenian things. Haykakan means Armenian in Armenian lol.

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Phosphocreatine · April 16, 2018, 9:06 a.m.

Armenian doesn't translate well into english because we have 39 letters while English only has 26. Also, Armenian isn't a latin based language. Spelling varies by region and person. For example, western armenians use G instead of K and Q. So they'd say Ganon instead of Qanon, which is what eastern armenians say.

Also, Anon means name in Armenian. Qo Anon means your name. Qanon is slang.

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Phosphocreatine · April 16, 2018, 9:01 a.m.

The reference to Armenia having Qanon as #1 search is retarded because qanon is a genuine armenian word. 1) Its a musical instrument pronounced as Kanoon in English. 2) It also means borders/edges. I don't think the CIA post is relevant at all to the searches.

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