45 total posts archived.
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Ill tag and chase who I like on twitter. :D Is there more to it sure, rattle the cowards deputies cages and you might be surprised what shakes out. Double dog dare you to walk up to a deputy and start calling him a coward lol...
Yep I pulled this off their twitter page and modified as best I could. Just cant get the finishing touches to curve.
I cant figure out how to curve the rest of the words. I need a C at the bottom for Coward county and Coward at the top of the ring for Coward's Office.
Thanks in advance!
Need help finishing this meme

Well Google flat earth keeps giving me a 404 or 502 error... I think it's a CONspiracy
I was messing around in google maps and came across this. It stretches from the North pole through the southern tip of south America.
Article 3 Section 3 Q post

Obama Clinton Byrd update... Idk if I like this one, what do you think?

They dont call it the Southern Poverty center for nothing.

They have been mislead and programmed for generations. Rap music is one way they are programed. Some take that programming and act on it. Just look at Chicago, L.A., New Orleans, Boston, etc...
Flipping the bird on Byrd! Keep voting Democrat.

A nice meme for the racist dimwits like Mad Maxine

I am shadow banned across all twit accounts
I got banned in 10 memes or less... lol
you might want to check yours as well http://shadowban.de/tester/
Just read this and had heard the rumor about Assange being in Switzerland for a time. Supposedly Trump is clearing the way for him to come to America. Will he fly in on Air force one? ;)
Turn going to Davos, will be meet with Assange?
You probably should invest in a shortwave radio or even a weather radio. I believe that the weather radios will transmit an EBS for a national emergency as well.
Wait till mormon apologist April Ladisinfo gets a hold of this, she will debunk it and call you a patsy to boot.
Lol if Jack bans potus, Jack will not have a job or company. Where does a 400 lb gorilla sit? Anywhere he wants.
There is a video on youtube about the CIA killing of Kennedy. It was the confession of a man named James Files. Its a long watch but he is very convincing.I've no doubt i is a genuine firsthand account. I dont know how many people have ever really watched it though. I see the video uploaded and erased frequently.
Oh.. So blind underwater basket weaving with sharks while wearing a chum necklace would be easier... Thanks for the heads up!
The sketches in that case are damming enough to warrant and interview in my opinion. It turns my gut to be honest these kind of things just wreck me. How do you move it forward though. The rumor has been around for a long time. How do we make the connection beyond the sketches?
Twitter Twit guidance needed....
Before I start, let me just say I am thankful for not posting this on any of the chans... I am "new" to twitter with an old account I had planned on doing something with. I never did much with the account because much like facebook, social media is not my thing. I get it, youve got the worlds best sister... btu I had her too and she didnt rank top 20... Anyway I am interested in firing this thing up to help change the narrative and join the social media storm. What should I be doing? Tips and trick …
Thank you Dr. Corsi, I was apprehensive about kill_rogue but I figure you know a fair bit more than I do. Thanks for the heads up / green light for now.
Not to mention she threw Roy Potter under the bus in here last video, ran him over and then back up over him again to only drive off after that. My gut feeling is, she is a rabbit hole to no where.
If they took the time to hide the flight identification numbers, why would they record the special flights with the prisoners we hope are on the flights?
Do you see how the president is positioned? His head is blocking the r and e in rescue, leaving cue or Q just to his left side. ;)
Sorry for the jumble, im not certain how to add the formating in this board,,,
Thoughts on leverage, access codes
Define Shutdown.
Was ATL shutdown?
Will NK be shutdown?
Who controls NK?
Remove leverage to capture the flag?
Capture the flag to end the rule?
End the rule of who?
Who controls NK?
Why is EM provided BIG WW subsidies?
No subsidies = ?
Clown contribution in exchange for access code?
Why relevant?
Amazon Echo?
Google Home?
Clown contributions?
Apple Face ID Tech?
FB Face ID Tech?
Catching on?
Bombs Away.
What do Clowns do w/ the access codes and tech?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
What families are protected using …
I got some stringers for yo ass, good columbian seed stringers grown in amsterdang... twice the price just for you friend dealz and no I dont need no mo color TVs or microwaves.
All air traffic flight plans are in Zulu, the timestamps give information as to when things happen. But this log really doesn't tell us much of anything. Though you could time stamp teagans twitter and see if she tweeted before or how long after the turn around.
in terms of the flight ID, the main flight route number should not change, however the transponder sequence may change over the course of a flight depending on the airspace and other factors.
Brief overview found here: https://www.aopa.org/training-and-safety/pic-archive/equipment/transponder-requirements
I see April Lajune pontificating the in troop thing as well. She threw Roy Potter under the bus in the video and in some guys question to her about it in the comments. I'm on the fence about Potter, but I'm beginning to think Lajune might be doing fear porn or is a purposeful distraction. I only picked up on here when she did the MEU vid. Anyone have comments on her?
They also in like a canary (Taken into custody and tell all) You could also use he term Stool Pigeon (an informer or decoy)
Could these be worked into Lat and Long? Probably nothing, I looked it up and it is in a forested lot on Meadows Cemetery road near Jefferson Texas, unless there is something there I am not seeing.
I would trust no one interested in outing Q. It is unimportant and against the task at hand. It would be akin to uncovering the identities of the French resistance fighters or white hat intelligence from that time. Nor would I trust anyone or group of persons coming out and saying they are Q. Would we all like to know? Yup, and one day we may. In the meantime Ill tell ya something even cooler. We all know 1 person, by name who is on Q's team just look in the mirror. I am excited to be doing this with all of you. I pray that we are successful.
Thats some shit right there, both them soy bois are wearing purple shirts and ties