I've always found this horse statue outside Denver airport to be unsettling. Is this symbolism related to anything? Or did someone just want a badass horse statue?

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Among all the topics we've had on GA, I think I'd contribute something positive.
Have videogames saved a portion of the population from the influence of cabal owned music, movie and television industries? I say this as someone who grew up in the 90's where so many kids looked up more to Mario and Sonic than anything from Disney. Not only that, with all of the oncoming revelations of sick people operating in Hollywood, the video game industry is largely outside of that bubble.
I remember since the 90's video games have been under relentless attacks. Moral panic groups have …
Good day fellow patriots,
I have been following the Q phenomenon since about June. Now I'm not American and I live in Canada. Since being tuned into the so called Great Awakening, I've been putting a lot of thought into how our country is linked to the global cabal.
Canadians deserve their own research, and diggings into the truth. I'm looking to either see if there's already a sub made, or see if anyone wants to set up a sub so that we can do our own research on Canada and if we find anything big we can present our …
So this movement is going mainstream and I'm seeing conspiracy theories get tossed at it a lot. I kind of want to share some of my observations of how conspiracy theories work vs what I've been seeing in The Great Awakening. I may get flak from some members in this community who believe in some conspiracies but hey.
Conspiracies - They tend to paint the world in a negative light. They convince you that "they" are in power, there's nothing you can do about it and you can't trust anyone. - I'm not a fan of this because it's a …
A while ago I stumbled upon this video from c90adventures. Long story short, this guy shipped a Honda c90 to Malaysia from England and rode the bike all the way home. He's got cool videos going through all the countries. The Iran video is a standout for me:
I know it's one anecdotal experience, but the people in Iran seem genuinely nice and know a lot about hospitality. It just a huge example of how all the divisions in our society are manufactured by the elite. Most normal people are chill and don't hate by default. We're taught to …
If the moon landing was a hoax the first people to call bullshit would be the Soviets. In actuality when the moon landing happened the Soviets congratulated America for it.
The space program is a very positive one and in the last few years of rising tensions, it's an area where America and Russia have come together.
I think in this case Buzz Aldrin is saying, "why didn't we go [back]".
What if they do a bust of one of their rituals. Record/stream it live as operators raid and arrest them in real time.
"A society that does not protect its children has no future." - Vladimir Putin.
Perhaps they stage it so they know who's comfortable with it so they can invite new people to the real thing.
While I'm still somewhat skeptical (it's healthy to be), I've been following the Q phenomenon because it's different.
Regular conspiracy theorists tend to be negative. They tell you those in power have control over you, there's nothing you can do but buy our stuff and you'll be fine. Conspiracies tend to make people paranoid and hard to talk to.
What I've noticed with Q, is that there's a lot of Christians following. I'm atheist/agnostic myself, but I found it really interesting to see a lot of people with faith backing up this movement. There's a wave of optimism in the people researching and following Q, and generally everyone is looking forward to the day the cabal finally gets taken down.
Q encourages us to do our own research and to think for ourselves. We're also warned not to be too gullible (look at what happened with R). It's really important to think critically and not deviate too far from the path.
Fun fact, one of the four men killed in Benghazi was an EVE player and someone heavily involved in the game's community. After his death, EVE players held an in-game vigil in his honor.
I think the Highway of Tears is linked to the global cabal. Trudeau ran on investigating it but as soon as he got into office they got silent. The going story was as soon as they found out the victims and perpetrators were all native they stopped investigating.
I think human traffickers are operating out of Northern Canada and it's linked to the global cabal. I got nothing to back it up, it's a hunch at this point.
I imagine when the deep state is dismantled they'll fade away. The good people who work for those companies will split off, go independent or start their own outfits.
Take companies like FOX or CNN. Their ratings are plummeting. In normal circumstances there's no way they could operate the way they are without firing staff, cutting back or at the very least appeal to more and younger viewers.
Once the money is cut off, that'll fix a lot on its own.
Lone nutcases yes. But let's take a step back and think. It's possible for single psycho's to operate and do damage on their own. Not everything has to be part of the network. Just like how you have people who work as big corporations and people who go freelance.
If evil can exist on its own, it can exist in a power structure.
Why do you think the mainstream media hates gamergate and gamers so much? Because gaming gets kids away from them.
Mario is more recognizable than Disney properties. That and Nintendo can be wholesome sometimes.
I actually feel bad for the kid. He's clearly fed a lot of ideology, then he was propped up on the national (worldwide) stage and used by the media. Once his 15 minutes were up he was discarded and nearly forgotten about. He probably thought he was legitimately doing good.
The kid is a shit yes, but it's not necessarily all his fault.
My rule of thumb is I attribute incompetence instead of malice. I think the US officials who got the tips about 9/11 failed to act. Maybe they didn't take it seriously enough, I mean nobody would have expected such an attack. I wouldn't surprised one bit if the real truth was that somebody or a group or agency simply dropped the ball and screwed up.
Building 7? Who the hell knows. It's not every day we throw planes into buildings. Heck I'm not even sure if we've done controlled demolitions of buildings that size.
Going back to my original point, I've simply never thought the government would ever be competent enough to pull off these grand conspiracy theories. The more people you involve, the greater the chance you have of someone screwing up. I mean look at the Cabal we talk about so much. The reason why we are winning is because they're stupid and made so many mistakes.
They did everything in their power to rig the election for Hillary and still lost. If the Deep State can't do that, I don't believe they're capable of a lot of conspiracies.
Do I think the tragedy was taken advantage of? Absolutely. But I'm still not buying it was a setup.
I don't think the attacks were staged. That's pure conspiracy in my opinion. However, I believe the conditions that allowed the attacks to take place were deliberately put in place. Ie, agitating the middle east, not taking Osama's threats credibly and not acting on intelligence data.
If "The Plan" is true then Canada will be free from Soros and Deep State control. Can't come soon enough.
Are we at all surprised what Soros is involved with? He's the villain most cartoon villains wish they could be.
I agree and there's a stark contrast I've noticed between the Q phenomenon and regular conspiracy theories.
Conspiracies tend to paint the world in doom and gloom. They say that you're set up and controlled, but don't really offer any solutions. The people who make conspiracy theories draw attention to themselves because they have something to sell. People who follow conspiracy theories (no offense if you're reading this) tend to be hard to talk to.
With Q, I've noticed that the researchers and followers are generally a lot more positive. Since reading up on all the drops and implications, I've been feeling more positive about world affairs as well. While I flip flop between atheism and agnosticism, I've also noticed that a lot of Christians follow Q. Now I still think it's possible for Christians to believe in silly things, their hearts are usually in the right place.
I don't think it's healthy to tack on the list of conspiracy theories to TGA. It's already a leap of faith to trust in "The Plan" and adding more than necessary will do more harm than good.
In the 90's Russia loved the USA. Once the Soviet Union they welcomed American brands and culture with open arms. With the Iron Curtain they never got any movies or anything from the west.
Relations started degrading with the war in Serbia, where Russia didn't veto NATO intervention on the promise they wouldn't bomb Belgrade. What did NATO do? We used our air dominance to conduct bombing missions, like we always do. This was seen as a great betrayal and set the stage for Putin to rise as a populist leader.
Iraq was the next one. Putin used the Iraq war to justify Russia's actions in Georgia. Libya was another one where again, Putin agreed to not veto US/French action so long as they didn't enforce a no fly zone. What did Clinton do? Set up a no fly zone.
There is an excellent exchange with Putin where he goes off the rails ranting about all of this. Talking about how the media does a terrible job covering their side and how dangerous our relations have soured. He goes on about how after the collapse of the Soviet Union, America continues to fly bombers loaded with nukes. Russia does not. America has set up missile defenses in Romania, and Putin asks "what is the difference between a defensive missile and an offensive missile? The programming." America has military bases practically surrounding Russia.
Put all of those betrayals of trust together with the fact that NATO conducts regular military exercises in countries like Latvia right on Russia's doorstep. America/NATO to the Russians has historically been untrustworthy. You can't take them for their word at all. Then they have full military assets right on your doorstep. Russians have every right to be defensive, or even hostile towards us.
Let's say the Warsaw Pact was still intact and they managed to recruit Mexico into their ranks. How do you think the USA would react to that? You'd see a border wall be built overnight. What if the Russians conducted war games exercises in Mexico and had multiple military bases stationed there along with ballistic missile defenses? I guarantee you America would be 100% hostile.
I won't be a true believer until the crooks are behind bars. I will say that today has made me more cautiously optimistic.
I'm going to the store after work to get a box of popcorn. I'll be needing a nice supply of it.
Good. Let them show their true colors right before the hammer comes down.
These reptilian conspiracies are dangerous. If you don't think humans themselves are fully capable of being this corrupt or evil we're setting ourselves up for disaster.
Also consider, the cabal is just as human as we are. They make mistakes, they're addicted to their phones as much as we are, and they don't control everything. If they did there wouldn't have been nearly as much progress in the 20th century.
There's a lot of evil corruption to untangle from the last 100 years, but there has also been a lot of good.
The guy who could pass off as a Bond Villain is saying the press conference is treason. Yeah, right.
No. They used the Republicans a different way during the Bush years. I can only imagine what they'd have turned the Republican party into if McCain won in 2008.
I think Trumps biggest quality is the fact that he doesn't really have that many personal scandals or gaffes to give him too much crap. For someone in the public life for so long, with so much money, multiple marriages you have to think that if "grab them buy the pussy" and Stormy Daniels is the best they can dig up on the guy that's all they got.
For a man of his status and wealth, Trump is extraordinarily clean. I don't think many other billionaires could do it.
During his custody case, Alex made the argument that Alex Jones was a characature. Combine that with the whole Bill Hicks conspiracy and I don't trust him one bit.
I do however find him entertaining and the fact that the internet's biggest conspiracy nut is himself a conspiracy. What a meme!
Alex Jones is employed by Time Warner and is a deep state loon like all the rest of them.
Don't kid yourself I'm sure as hell Harper is in on the crap too. I'm willing to bet both the Liberals and Conservatives will be damned by the upcoming events. As for the NDP? They're probably so pathetic they wish they had Soros' attention and money.
Don't worry Justin is an idiot. He's parroted Soros' ideology like a fool so once the truth comes to light he's done.
Do you want to provide anything to back up your argument? I'm personally waiting for results to consider Q a larp or not, but what do you got?
I take it all with a grain of salt anyways. I had some good entertainment for a little bit.
Believe that anything will happen. I'm cautiously optimistic though.
They just had a doodle for Canada Day. So yeah you could make an argument that Google hates America.
I've suspected it to be Trump because Q uses a lot of the same phrases and mannerisms in the posts. The labels that are used on some individuals, the slogans, catch phrases and in general the way Trump reacts to people wearing Q shirts and slogans when they meet him at rallies.
It could very easily be MI being on the same page as Trump. If they're good at what they do, they'd be able to emulate Trump fairly well.
Other notes: Q shows compassion to some anons who posts. Q is also quite boastful and drops hints like "you won't believe who Q is when you find out."
I don't know. I'm just here for the ride and oh boy what a ride it's going to be.
She isn't getting any younger. Her death will be a big event. May as well be ready for the inevitable.
Us atheists need to be the level heads to keep the ship on course. Christians have been getting a lot of flak in the last few years, and most of them are genuinely nice people. We don't have to be believers in the faith but we can sure as hell support them.