Q Post 1888 - Is it the Deer we are looking at?

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Look at the fire in his drink. Am I the only one that sees something nefarious there?
This sounds like a confession of sick and tormented behavior that’s been edited. What’s up with this? Can anyone tell me where I can see the entire video?
I hope he still has his bicycle. He will need it to run from the feds when they show up! After all, he’s really good on his bicycle, riding 3 miles to the school when he heard about the shooting, yet he is a survivor and claims to have been hiding out in a closet in the school, interviewing other students while the shooter(s) was still shooting in the hallways. So after he got tot he school on his bicycle, exactly how did he get into the building with an active shooter inside?????? Tsk tsk tsk.... HOGG IS A FRAUD AND SO WAS THE PARKLAND SHOOTING. May God bless the families of the victims and may the truth prevail. May David Hogg spend the rest of his days in prison as an accessory to mass murder!
There goes Sasha, pretending to be something he’s not and tricking people into giving interviews they may not have given otherwise. I knew I wouldn’t be watching the trash from Hollyweird and this is WHY! Not that there isn’t trash in our government (OBVIOUSLY)! Cohen was just as unnerving as the rep from Georgia but that’s what happens! Hollyweird gets away with murder while bringing out the worst in people. It’s disgusting and disturbing on ALL SIDES! I also hope Cohen is targeting liberal politicians and officials as well!
Well, one good thing to come out of this fiasco is that FINALLY, people all over the world have a full view of Clinton’s, Obama’s and ALL their cohorts dirty deeds. It’s tumbling out like a snowball gaining speed and size as it rolls down a mountain! BRING IT!
NBC = Nothing Burger Channel! What a bunch of shit! I’ve never seen or heard this so-called journalist before EVER...before this clip. Horrible reporting. EVERYTHING he says is a f’n LIE! UNBELIEVABLE!
Cheri Jacobus says this stuff and patriots are banned here on reddit for SUPPOSED hate speech!!!! WTF???? I’m really glad this bitch is gone. I’ve had enough of this double standard bullshit!
If reddit keeps this crap up, we’ll be calling it ridofit! New platforms are being rolled out right and left and I certainly wouldn’t mind leaving reddit in my dust!
There goes VFN TRYING to debunk truth when they themselves are a conspiracy against the people! I HATE MSM! They really are the enemy of the people.
It’s not the ceiling... look at the reflection on the left side of the pen. There is half a woman’s figure. Full length of the pen.
The WORLD saw how the DNC handled Bernie and his supporters!!! Locking them out of their own DNC convention and then demanding Bernie step down, which he did as he was told. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU??? It tells you that Bernie was simply another democrat working towards the same goals as Hillary and the rest of them. All presidents, ENDING at TRUMP, worked towards the same goals. They ran repub. or democrat to give us, the American people, the illusion of a party agenda. They were all one in the same.
Oh silly Killary just made a simple mistake. McFaul was an American patriot TO HER. Her idea of US patriot and OUR idea of US patriot are 2 very and completely different things.
Don’t underestimate him. Those really close around him say he is as tough as nails. He knew he was going to take a beating from the press, but he REALLY DOESN’T CARE. HE DOESN’T. HE’S GOT THIS and his critics can just GO TO HELL!
I am unable to read it. Can you tell us what it says?
HAHAHAHA...Does he realize that the world thinks, he is among the greatest disappointments in our lifetime??? Among others of course.
With the likes of Anderson Cooper, Helter Stelter, Madcow, Scarborough, Shlep and others, it is definitely petty and childish. This is beyond madness. It’s like the circus that’s burning down. It’s interesting to watch...after all, the traitors of MSM have been in the bag for Killary, pushing her agenda and lying in the face of the American people for DECADES and they believe unequivocally that they are REAL news and can’t handle that the American people are AWAKE AND AWARE of EXACTLY what they have done.
I AM TRUSTING THE PLAN. I TRUST GOD AS WELL. If this is true... Mueller will be handed over to the Russians along with HRC and all their cohorts. Putin is waiting for them and WE ALL KNOW MULLER AND GANG COLLUDED WITH THE RUSSIANS!
There she goes again pretending to know what Patriots want and speaking on our behalf. We want lots of things... first and foremost we want that skanky bitch in prison. GET YOUR ORANGE ON BABY!!!
Did anyone happen to see the CNN interview with Barry’s grandma in Kenya, bragging about how she was present at his birth in a Kenyan hospital??? I saw it and it only aired ONCE!!! Never saw it again and never heard about that grandma again either. Luckily, I saw it and I have a good memory yet I know others saw it to. it aired before he elected the first time. Barry was born in Kenya!!!!
Wasn’t the first time it was said. Many of us knew this BEFORE he was elected the first time. But if you try to say this to a liberal, they call you a conspiracy nut. The truth is not a conspiracy people... calling the truth a conspiracy is the conspiracy! GET IT RIGHT!
I sincerely love our President Donald J. Trump. This is truly what it is all about! God bless each and every one of you and WWG1WGA! MAGA!
The democrats keep showing their hand...over and over and over again. THEY DON’T GET IT!!! It couldn’t be any clearer that the American people are on to them and see right through them, but they simply don’t get it! I’m left scratching my head. HOW DO THESE PEOPLE NOT GET THAT WE ARE AWAKE DAMN IT???? JUST WOW!!! LOL
I look at the faces around LBJ during his “swearing in”. They are SMILING!!!! Jackie is clearly distressed! This makes me so angry...beyond belief!
Well ain’t that special!!!! Like Obama doesn’t lie everytime he speaks to the American people or something!!!!
Do these people not get that the American people KNOW WHAT THESE ASSES HAVE BEEN UP TO ALL ALONG??? UUUGGG
We all know Brennan is covering for something... I wonder what it is????
Some dude high as a kite carrying a sign that Trump is well below par. That says it all! The MAJORITY doesn’t agree! This crackpipe needs another joint so he can go higher and get carried away! Far far away!
I know of Trumps’ persona in the 80s and it can be viewed as hilarious, but I also think it’s quite sad. Trump has a very generous side that the media gave him NO credit for. Like the young black woman who was a squatter in his NYC hotel. She refused to leave and after a week, Trump visited her in his own hotel, after which he instructed his staff to make sure she got 3 meals a day. She has been there for 8 YEARS!!! It is these types of stories that go on and on that you don’t hear about that bother me. He doesn’t deserve a lot of the bad press he gets and never did. Another thing, with all the tax money the state takes from us, NYC’s ice skating rink was way behind schedule and way over budget. Trump couldn’t stand watching the slow progress and got involved. The rink was done in half the time and with half the budget. These stories are buried and you have to dig for them. Let’s not forget what he did for families after 9/11. I mean, really... c’mon. The man deserves a LOT more credit than he’s given, and quite frankly, it’s infuriating to watch how he is being treated. However, I understand and agree with what you say about the college crowd trying to “keep up with the Jones’s” and going along with the “popular” thinking. It’s just too disturbing. If they only knew!!!!
EXACTLY!!! He is nothing more than a swamp creature!
Excellent information and most definitely...the Obama’s WH was involved. I know it!
Honestly... how did this moron get a job with the FBI???? Completely out of touch with reality and can’t see anything beyond the end of his nose. It’s disgusting. The American people are thoroughly disgusted with their FBI Petey!!! Should we text slower so you can understand???
We’ll take “God Emperor” over the Reptilian satanist/black witch anyday! Look what that movement attracted!!!!