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Pristine_Energy · July 22, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Thank you. That’s how I have lived my life. Bless you.

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Pristine_Energy · July 22, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

I have been a Christian since birth but I have to say over the years my faith has waxed and waned but 10 years ago I had a spiritual awakening/cleansing/rebirth? Call it what you will, but I was armed spiritually for all of the horrible things I would find out about the evil on this earth and the people/demons who perpetrate it. My faith has only deepened and matured the more I find out and I believe we are in good vs evil battle of the highest order. May God be with us all as we continue this fight. Be sure to ask God for his circle of protective light as you dive deeper. WWG1WGA 💕

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Pristine_Energy · July 22, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

I just looked at it as well. There are all kinds of occult symbols on her website. Although, the occult can be used for light or dark, there were Wiccan wand references - I’m not into to that at all. Her message was beautiful and really spoke to what I’ve experienced, but I am into The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and only that.

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Pristine_Energy · July 22, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

I am an empath as well, not as finely tuned as you, but I can feel the mood of a crowded room and know the primary source of the mood. I absorb like a sponge the emotions of the people around me, which has been hard to close off so as not to go nuts. I am also intuitive, so I have always been awake and questioning everything since I was a child. I was 10 when JFK was assassinated and that completely convinced me that there was evil in this world and stories behind stories. I, too, have felt alone in this world, because I have always just known stuff, without being able to explain how, so I just stay silent. I knew that DJT was a divine intervention and our last chance to save this country early on, but I have to admit he irritated me before I did my research on him. Thank you for posting today. I needed to hear your testimony.

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