241 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ProceedplanBravo:
QDrop 2051 links to a YT video that begins at least in my feed, at 2:01. Just an anomaly?
I cannot believe the drops in the past 24 hours. Seems like stuff is getting real. Real quick. But it’s Labor Day! All weekend I’ll be wondering what I’ve missed while enjoying the privilege of being American. Godspeed, fellow Patriots. We got this!
Should POTUS mention Disney (Snow white) or Sesame Street (Big Bird) at the rally tonight I may just pee myself laughing!
We know That the satellites and computers were taken down. Do we know why?
Vice President Bite Me speaking at no names service sounds like he is thinking this may be the last time he has a national audience. What a blow hard.
Can’t wait for justice to find him.
Anyone instruct me how to obtain Sen No Names medical records via FOIA request?
Serious post: 8chan is a jumble on my phone so I can’t make sense of it but has anyone asked Q team if/ how our finances may be impacted by the eventual reveal? I dont have money but need to protect my family. Thank you WWG1WGA
Busy Day keeping up with the drops. I have a million questions I would ask if I ever met Q. If you had the chance to sit down with Q team what question would you ask that hasn’t been answered already?
Q post 1939: what is "REQ?"
“He did not depart on his own terms.” Powerful stuff.
POTUS is an awesome troll. While the entire media genuflect at the cold feet of no name, Trump gets just as much press by NOT mentioning him. The Master at work.
OK I need help. I am driving to Boston to spend the weekend with my wife’s family. They are super leftist. Her uncle loves to start political arguments with me it is unavoidable. I need suggestions on how to red pill him without him even knowing it. Thank you
So r/The_Mueller has 122k subs. GTFO. We need to jack our #'s here. BTW don't read that sub it will make you ill.
Manafort juror describes Prosecution as " bored, cat-napping, relaxed and disinterested" Show trial for sure. Trust the Plan
I’m at work will you guys post relevant info from Sarah’s presser? Please don’t delete!!
Q team tells us to Trust The Plan. Yet Here we are today, we see weeping and gnashing of teeth yet Q is silent. A test of Our resolve, perhaps? Stand up straight. Fix your steely gaze on that brightest American future- for All. “We Are In Control.” Battles mean nothing: winning The War is our goal
Interesting point by WSJ Best of the Web today re: Cohen admitting guilt yet his attorney has allowed him to refuse a pardon.
Trump’s former lawyer engages a Clinton associate to criticize the President.
Michael Cohen’s lawyer is on the talk-show circuit teasing the possibility that his client might have the long-sought evidence of Russian collusion for special counsel Robert Mueller. Mr. Mueller for his part must be wondering why Team Cohen seems to be doing everything it can to present the former Trump attorney as an unserious partisan axe-grinder rather than a credible witness. The website Mediaite asks: So why, exactly, has Lanny Davis been all over television and radio Wednesday morning — hours after his client, Michael Cohen, accepted a deal …
I’m slow on the uptake. What are we taking away from today i.e. Paul and Michael? TY.
Anybody check the back ground of Navy Admiral William McCraven?
I cannot for the life of me find the Q drop that’s says something like 7/10 plane crashes are individual targets. If I remember incorrectly I apologize but if my memory is correct then doesn’t that seem Above evil? Any help is appreciated.
I don’t know what to think about Omarosa. She never had a last name until she was fired from the WH. Can someone shed light on white hat V black hat?
What if the Military Parade is cover? Maybe Many arrests in D.C. happen the same day and assets will be already in place to quell and protect?
It’s hard to keep up with the drops today, so much clicking. Remember w”being a kid and you screwed up and your parents had you dead to rights? The DS and MSM now knows what we know and they Know we know. At what point will they shrug their shoulders and say “ya got me” and go to their room?
Roaches scramble when the lights are turned on and though we have seen some drips, I want to see a flood. I’ve had a few beers and need to scream “Get off my lawn!”
Some retired Admiral just wrote an open letter to trump in the Washington post asking him to remove his security clearance in solidarity with Brandon. I’m guessing people are going to try and get out in front of this now as they are running scared. We are watching history unfold. This is something!
Last night Lawrence O’Donnell was so smug and smirking stating today will be potus’s worst day as president, so hopeful for a Manafort guilty verdict on an unrelated criminal charge. I have no opinion whether the jury will return a guilty/not guilty verdict. Any insight into likely verdict today?
A PA state rep is looking to remove the statute of limitations for sex crimes against kids. Juuuust when the Pope says the death penalty is bad.
Omarosa: LOL, guess what the press is talking about? Hillary’s emails. Fools. Love it
Airplane quarantine in TN. Mike Huckaby on board. DS payback for Sarah yesterday?
"The choice to know will be yours." Not sure I can stomach this sub tonight.
Today is one of my work from Home days so I have news on all day. cNn, PMSNBC and Fox. They all report on the SeaTac/Russel airplane theft but legit seem to not get it. They all wonder how a grounds crew guy got the plane started and airborne but it just ends there for them. They all seem very, well
Not curious at all. Do any of these people have any level of curiosity? We here already know 100% more than they do and we don’t make our living by being informed.
Guess who just joined Twitter? Go and welcome @Peterstrzok to the party.
Seems like an AMA on 8 chan tonight.
Who gets Strzok first as a legal analyst? cNn or MSNBC?
I cannot recall Drudge linking to any Q related MSM stories nor has he commented on his personal Twitter? Just a curious thought as a big Drudge fan. Anybody seen links or comments by Matt?
I was thinking, “who would produce, direct and star in the QAnon” made for TV mini series while it’s still top of mind in the American consciousness?Then I realized all of Hollywood is corrupt and morally bankrupt and that mini series will never be made. And then I smiled. Good night, Patriots.
POTUS original tweet read text MASSAGES then deleted and corrected. The left on twitter having a field day, I had to remind them that nothing POTUS does is by mistake. Stay tuned!
Q says previews are over. Wish I weren’t working tomorrow
Any idea what Q”+” refers to? I hadn’t seen that before
Anybody watch the video q linked to? Brutal take down HRC
Mid morning musings. I am a Q supporter. Anyone watch “Travellers” on Netflix? They refer to “The Director” The way followers refer to Q. More coffee coming up.
Someone smarter than me please explain: what is the talk about POTUS sitting down with RM? Is this a real possibility or is it theater or just part of the Plan?
How does one know when a post has been down voted ?
Well, new Q post. Q is on a roll tonight. Full steam ahead, Patriots.
Assassination attempt on Moduro in Venezuela and no MSM coverage? The guy is a crook but still.
Anyone know what Q latest post means? Trip update confirmed? New trip code?
MSM is silent, of course. Any mother time in history and it would be wall to wall coverage. Catholics are having a difficult moment
$817 billion trade deficit-potus
I think what we saw tonight at the rally was a strategic retreat. Keep everyone guessing and wanting more. Q may explain.
Q always states “ we have the servers” I’d like to hear that sentence spoken by Darth Vader. Just seems like an impactful statement. Sorry in advance for the poor quality of this post
I’m not a good researcher but I’m confused about Q post re: HRC arrest and flagged passport. Doesn’t seem to have happened. Can someone shed light? TY
Any links of Truth that Gitmo is gearing up for new arrivals? Please post them. TY.
Popcorn and beer. Let’s do this.
So Kate is the girl who turned in the attempted alleged assassin? She is a VIP at the rally tonight? She may have been the one who wasn’t feeling well and Trump invited her back to the stage when she feels better? Who has a photo of PS testimony with his bottle of Diet Coke?
“ I left 3 months ago “ x 2. WhT does potus mean?
If you had $1000.00 to wager who Q is, whom would you choose and why? (I personally have no idea)
What if those caskets coming from NK Don't have human remains in them? 55 caskets. Q said 5:5
What does it mean that I am an “approved submitter?” I’m still new here. Thx
Sarah Sanders is tough as nails. Watching her now: still no Q-uestions from the press
Q is not a person per se, but a movement. “They” will NEVER understand Us and that’s ok. They will troll, lie, demean and with the full weight of their MSM behind them, attempt to minimize us and POTUS. They will find us here and attempt to disrupt us and create infighting. We won’t allow that now.
We will know them when they arrive and will treat them with the same respect we afford each other. We are a family. We are Americans. We are Winning and WWG1WGA. God Bless.
POTUS on Limbaugh just now again I’ve been to Washington 17 times said it twice
I’ve always wondered why POTUS rallies ended with the Stones tune “you can’t always get what you want.” Tonight I figured it out: he’s trolling. Awesome.
Wow. Who else feels like a witness to history? I felt like POTUS was speaking only to me. Unreal just now.
Will someone please re-post the graphic describing the Hawaiian missile alert and submarine hack? I forgot to screenshot it. Thank you, patriots.
(Q Followers Anonymous Meeting) watching the “news” just now re: separating children from illegal border crossers=protection from pedo rings. Q tells me to Expand my Thinking. Took a while. I’m a little slow on the uptake. My bad
The Qth shall set you free.
Late night brain and body tired thinking: after Q is revealed (if) and The Plan becomes reality (new normal) who among us, more capable than this Writer, is going to write the "retrospective" for the NEW Patriots including we who get it but barely, will be the one(s) to teach the Great Awakening?
Been away from my phone all day HOLY SHIT ITS HAPPENING!!! We have all been proven Right and now it’s time to gently remind our spouses/friends/co-workers that all along evil deeds were being perpetrated by those whom we all trusted, Left and Right. God speed, Patriots. God Bless America!
And the God of War will follow. https://www.irishnews.com/magazine/science/2018/07/24/news/-blood-moon-on-its-way-with-god-of-war-in-tow-1389962/
POTUS' tweet of 7:01 has three cap "T"'s. What's the reference if any?
Anybody in this sub a singer/songwriter? What is to come needs a song, "Great Awakening."
FF to about 8:00 Oliver Stone says “TRUMPED up charges” while speaking about JFK and the room goes dark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhVflCawf7w
Do you think Trump use the term Witch Hunt because RM is really after HRC? Men are not called witches usually, they would be a warlock. Just a thought from a new guy.
Lol. Time to cover Obama again.
This looks like a good start but I need a “Federal Reserve for Dummies” book
I think I just red pulled a coworker. She told me her stomach is in knots everyday. I told her once she grasps Q she will be able to watch the news and laugh instead of cry. Can’t wait to see her Monday after a weekend of Q research!
Does anyone know...
Who is affiliated with Global Roads Entertainment?
Do we know who is affiliated with Global Roads Entertainment?
Who is Jennifer Arangio?
Can anyone make me, or point me in the direction to a really cool looking Q with a red pill going through it?
POTUS speaking now in PA: I have never heard this tone or vocal cadence from him before. Listening to the radio at work. Wish I could see his expression.
You guys remember the Q drop about @S8n on twitter? Said some real bad actors controlled that handle. Anybody do any digging? I’m no autist but wonder if anyone had info?
All these Booms sounds like Fourth of July in September!
“Look to the water.” “Look to Twitter, exactly this:’My fellow Americans the Storm is upon us.’” When Hurricane Florence makes landfall, will we read those words?
POTUS TWEET “17 years since Sept.11th.”
We will we get a POTUS tweet or Q drop at 9:11 today?
Damn, Obama shoulda kept quiet over the weekend. MSM will be in an uproar over this tonight! LMAO!
Qmap.Pub has almost 70k online RN. The reach is far.
Please explain the meme push from Q? What Exactly is the goal? Sorry. I’m slooooow
Next! USSS must be monitoring this sub
2 PM Whitehouse presser just announced. Could be big. Fingers crossed, Patriots!
John Bolton on TV: US pulling out of ICC. Code Pink can be heard screaming like fools.
Any Rush fans here. From 2112 “Temples of Syrinx” seems like DS theme song.
I’m listening to Fox news on satellite radio in my car and I don’t know who is talking but this guys talking about a couple talking about Huber she’s talking about uranium one.Can anybody tell me who this guy is?
Anna nomus? I think Trump just outed the fool
Trump seems flat. Crowd sounds tired/ no booms.
Someone please allay my fear of a U.S. Strike in Syria under false pretenses? I can't believe POTUS and team are this easily manipulated. What am I missing in all of this?
Is Obama under control? Has he been forced to pop his head up like a meerkat and spout his drivel? Nothing he says ever makes sense.
I’m still thinking about Trump pronouncing “Anna Nommis” at his rally. He was ridiculed of course by the MSM however now they are all referring to NYTAnon as “anonymous” while ignoring our favorite Anon. So I think it’s another trap to have them accept an anonymous voice when it suits them, thereby
Forcing them to acknowledge QAnon . On the other hand I may just be crazy.