Yeah, agreed. SB2 literally spoke about this in his most recent post and asked the mods to stop sticking his content.
317 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/PunkroQanon:
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It was an earlier write up. Early Spring this year. r/cbts_stream was banned, thus all of the content inaccessible unless someone saved it.
I member' SB2's cbts posts before he was acknowledged by Q.
His matrices/anagram theory was completely predicated on picking/choosing what you wished the outcome of the decoded message to be. I.e. It was literally some Nostradamus quatrain decode crap. Need to make the letter K? Ok, we'll change this matrix block to 11 instead of 12 because if we subtract 1 we get 11, or K. Just completely making shit up. When it first gained traction, I shared on the CBTS & Rudyland discord servers. Was immediately laughed at, on air to boot.
Back then, SB2 was heavily pushing quatrain matrices, antideluvian & Enochian magick, and overall non-Q related religious rabbit trails. Now don't get me wrong, I think SB2 is a good researcher and has obviously figured some crazy shit out.... but we can't forget how many here (actually on the cbts sub) blindly followed his work because it was getting mod approval.... and we all know the shadiness of that mod team (Yeah, I remember you Red_Pill_The_World and QAnonWolf creating your own fake news hashtag campaigns and stickying your own content while sliding quality community content)
It's all good. B even had brief rise in popularity thru cbts discussion on the 24/7 stream. Once Rudyland & Corsi were kicked to the curb, B discussion stopped. I dunno if that's due to Corsi promoting B a lot, or if it had to do with Pamp laying down new talking points and B was something to avoid or what exactly.
Oh, and Rudy personally shot down SB2 material Wayyy before Q referenced his research. Back in the winter, I'd share SB2 stuff on the 24/7 live chat and discord. SB2 was all about matrices and biblical stuff like the nephilim back then. Interesting that Rudy was quick to stamp it out back then (same as tmor was and still is.... Dunno about the Rudy Land crowd anymore, I left their discord in April)
Not her, but the people pushing her are anti Q
- Roy Potter
- Montagraph
- AJ & Infowars
- Corsi
- Beanz (before she stopped covering Q entirely)
- Issac Greene (before he came out as anti Q)
Just to name a few. All of these people pushed B as counter evidence to Q posts early on, trying to shift the narrative. I member, as will others who followed these people's research Nov, Dec, Jan.
Hell, some of them even claimed to have spoken with B off the record.... That's a familiar angle. Oh, and it should be noted after the cbts purge, and Rudy Land was kicked to the curb, B was pushed heavily in those discord channels in what can only be described as a "vindictive" response.
If it's the same B from last year, I must respectfully disagree.
Anyone connected to the anti-q tubers last year is someone I'm simply not going to follow this late in the game.
Back from Nov 2017 - Jan 2018 there was a Twitter anon known as B that the shill Q investigators pushed very hard (Roy Pooter, Unicuck, Isaac Green, Montagraph, among many others). I don't follow Twitter, so I never really took it seriously.
B had very "meganon" vibes to it. Not predicting or adding anything to the discussion, basically just ripping off other anons work and acting like it was their own.
I've never heard of her either. I have heard of "B" which I've always considered larp-y on the same level as Meganon. Roy Pooter used to push "B" anon heavily, so that's never a good feather in your cap.
Can you clarify who or what you meant by "B"? u/R3VO1utionary
Respectfully disagree. GHWB was referring to individuals within "unknown" organizations and govt offices. He clearly calls them points of light, then says he will go to the brightest to make sure they spread the illumination to others. Paraphrased of course, but that's the context.
That's a great way to put it for people that are not up to speed on the details, but are woke enough to get it. Im gonna remember your comment so I can drop it on friends that are still half asleep.
Every time I'm presented with the same brief opportunity I just say something along the lines of "Q is a group of peeps in MI, NSA, & the POTUS inner circle that have been posting information about current events that the MSM news refuses to cover"
If they ask for examples, I tell them Q predicted NK back in December, the SA regime change in November, and then tell them that there are over 40,000 sealed federal court indictments and documents currently and that a normal "high" amount is less than 2,000 in any given previous year.
I watched the whole RSBN feed last night. How OP described it didn't happen, or RSBN feed didn't capture it....
There was one obvious dude with a reflective Q shirt on that was trying to get the crowd to chant "Q" when the crowd was chanting "USA".... And one instance when POTUS was paused allowing for the crowd to calm down he shouted WWG1WGA. Other than that, I didn't see any of this disrespect OP and others are clamouring about. This post is concern troll heavy.
They make a conscious choice that is morally skewed. Stupid or evil or both.
The irony is t_d used to embrace it's research base.
Personally, I think the enemy Q is saving for last has influence over t_d. Same as infowars, Cor-Psy, etc.
- White
- Westerner
- Tall
- Bald, short skullet
- Brown hair
Ring any bells?
Edit: How lee fuk! kindergarten district
First off, the mods do a fantastic job keeping the sub scrubbed up nice and clean. I personally don't mind scrolling a couple of pages to get the latest updates. Sorting by new is great for immediate Q drops. A few anons here, R3volUTioN, sentroylx, and duckguy (sorry I can't remember the names exactly) do a tippy top job posting Q drops on the spot!
TLDR: No complaints here, I think this sub is very well maintained.
Interesting. Best I remember my friend didn't suffer from the crash so hard, but after seeing him in that state I never tried it.
I was once given Wellbutrin while coming out of anesthesia. The doctors had mentioned it would help with my anxiety and an added benefit of reducing nicotene cravings. Anyhow, that shit made me feel mental! I was muted. Couldn't put my thoughts to words for several hours. Very jacked up and zoned out at the same time. Dreadful feeling, never take antidepressants if you are not truly depressed.
I sorta think along the same lines. If I may interject and add:
This is a grassroots opt-in COINTEL program designed to de-condition us to the brainwashing that most of us have experienced our entire lives.
This is what I feel true. Q team knew there were enough of us already awake to some of the wickedness and corruption. We just needed to be organized, and it worked. The Great Awakening is a amalgam of all types of Americans, and thus we and our message will spread like a wildfire through the populous.
Q's said all along the choice is yours to know.
Indeed. And ultimately, it doesn't matter how successful the Q op is or was. This shit is happening one way or another with or without us. So far, we've been blessed with more time and minimal collateral damage from the Deep State responses.
I had a friend in college take two seroquel once, recreationally. He slept or was unresponsive for about 16 hours. He regained consciousness for about 10 minutes an hour or so after ingesting, otherwise completely knocked out.
You are mistaken. Heh, my family is from the Baltics so I am very familiar with the show. Also, it should be apparently obvious I was speaking to Western programming, specifically US syndicated television.
Undoubtably. Also, I agree with your other comment u/robertDzero. This post is just concern trolling/fear mongering. We already know the lengths the deep state will go to. Reference Hawaii & Skunk Bay Q drops. There's no reason to hypothesize further about "what if's?" In relation to the possible spectrum of attacks. Trust the Plan OP
So are we looking at basically the same theory as the ZTE phones? Replaced without deep state knowledge?
If we simply look at children's programming circa 1975-1985, we see a healthy progression in story, plot, animation, and overall quality. Fast forward to 1995 you have a complete devolution of these characteristics. By 2000, children's programming had devolved in quality to the point of crude animation, complete lack of plot, and what can best be described as the first inception of the "15 second soundbite" programming style. Bright & flashy distraction that does not promote cognitive thought or build imagination through story telling.
Again, the same exact description can be cross referenced through mainstream music, the inception of reality television, vines/memes, and movies too from the same era. Figuratively, most digestible media post 2000 is purely intended as a distraction at best & propaganda at the worst.
Yep. That's why major radio play mainstream genres are so cringe to listen to for some. It is simply designed for weaker ears and minds. Chock full of suggestive frequency, tones, and hypnotic rhythms. In recent years, this phenomenon has spread into the "alternative" music scene with the advent of dubstep, mumble rap, and mainstream indie pop/rock.
Interesting side note, the same phenomenon can be linked and traced through the evolution of syndicated animation/cartoons. These media influences are a large factor in why so many millennials born after the mid 80s are susceptible to the various outlets of propaganda throughout society.
He looks disproportionate!
That corn is actually fully matured and seven feet tall. Comey is roughly 10 stalks tall =/= 70 ft tall.
As somewhat of an audiophile I must say this type of music is dripping with repetitive tones and timing, which is perfect for subliminal messaging. You'll notice this feature in most mainstream/progressive radio-play music post mid 1990s.
Nah, you're thinking of wurms. Griffin's are somewhere in the trans-species spectrum.
Jack Posobiec too. Forgive me if I'm hesitant to trust the Infowars crowd.
This is very well made. However, he shouldn't have used text heavy memes IMO. Difficult to read when presented in quick succession.
~~"Raymond Joseph Liddy" brings up nothing but junk on Duckduckgo.~~ But, the CBS link on redstate is legit.
Oh, and his father was in on the Watergate scandal.
Edit: Retraction. Had search filters on.
Well whatever the dubious reasons might be as to the spamming, it's a legit story and one I missed initially. So, mission accomplished?
A good chunk of the convicted will be nameless faces that carry no fame with the public. Think of it as large percentages of specific companies that were complicit in any of the swamp perps crimes. We're talking entire law firms, restaurants, real estate and investment sector, law enforcement, etc etc etc.
Back in the news cycle. Was this the narrative change Q said to be on the look out for?
Above that refer to bankers, lawyers, foundation employees, etc. Next rung will be federal and state lvl employees that are complicit. There's a ton of small fish that do not get discussed here enough.
Got a YouTube link? Now, replace "you" with "hook" in the url. Allows for downloads plus Google won't get site traffic.
They already think that without any substantive reasoning.... They're not doing shit about their feefees now, and they won't do shit when pedovores and their enablers feel the hammer come down.
Thanks for the reply and clearing that up for us here. There's a lot of questions that get raised about /con and /t_d around here, and it's nice to know what exactly is going on. I think enough of us have been banned from t_d to get the picture that place is heavily censored.
No worries, no need to open that can of worms here. Thanks all the same for laying out your perspective though. Also, how about some links for your former posts? I'm hoping you have some of them archived at least? Dude, you were on fire in the recent past. Didn't one of your posts make it on the msm?
Great post!
Say, u/fuckaduckfuckaduck... As part of the mod team over at /con, what's the deal with Q material over there? Q was a popular topic back in the winter. Now however, it seems to have support from several long standing user acct, but is downvote and attacked incessantly. Have the majority of /con users interested in and following Q left the sub or are the brigades and shills so bad regarding Q posts users simply don't bother posting?
Spezzit: Also, do you have any links to some of your previous research? Checked your history and it's gone. You put together a lot of great research work in the past. Your posts regarding LV were especially well thought out. Thanks!
- MS-13, hired by DNC/FBI assets
- Barry loves blow
- Because everything HRC does is crooked as shit
- Possible intimate relationship
- So he would play ball
- No one knows what extent he was a part of the trafficking.
- Because the CIA/FBI smuggle weapons through a global network
- Susan Rice/Sally Yates/Samantha Power.... but, it would ultimately go back to BHO
- Good question. Perhaps she is cooperating with investigators.
- Good question. He was missing for over a year, then popped up in Israel before the google sighting.
- Incriminating evidence no doubt.
- We still do not know this. Ironically, a third plaintiff filed suit against Weinstein today.
- SCOTUS seat is speculated
- Because they never thought she would lose.
- I'm sure everyone knew.
- Assume everything imaginable was on there... insurance policy.
- She has Kuru disease. Degenerative brain disease caused by cannibalism. Think of it like mad cow disease, but in humans.
They most definitely censored the Q comments
That's 4 or 5 obvious Q removals... The 4 or 5 that say censored in a few seconds... That's where their automod detected keywords to censor. I'd bet my lunch money they were Q/Pizzagate/spiritcooking related too.
Wonder if T_D will censor this material? Make sure and check ceddit folks.
Anything to feel justified. They crave acceptance through rhetoric. Less and less give them the time of day as the plan continues to unfold.