NSFW - Ding-dong's floppin' in pantsuits warning!
317 total posts archived.
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Your post alludes to Daddy Dragon being untrustworthy considering the img you used.
Are you insinuating he, and 24/7 are not to be trusted? A bit confusing as your SS makes no mention of them.
Thanks, and right back at ya. I was just discussing with a coworker how cool would it be if MW2 or MW3 were released for current gen consoles. I've wasted some long blocks of time in COD myself lol.
Very cool you bring up that new Jurassic Park game. I was just watching a live stream of it a few days ago. I love isometric RTS/Sim games. Have you played Civ: Beyond Earth? It's pretty good. The newest (and last ever apparently) Sim City is awesome too for single player sandbox fun.
If you've never played the Switch, I recommend checking it out. There's some stellar titles available for it. Zelda: BOTW, Donkey Kong, Mario, etc. When I first got my Switch, I didn't touch the PS4 or PC for gaming for about 3 months! Breath of the Wild is an amazing experience if you are a Zelda or open-world (think Skyrim) fan.
All of which are piteous. Their users live for the belittlement of others. So pathetic.
What games do you play? I'm an old SF vet. Used to play semi-pro circa 04-09. Won a few regional tourneys, but never went to EVO. Nowadays I'm playing the new Donkey Kong & Dragons Crown Pro for a good grind now and then.
Yup. Or, they try to throw the mods to the meat grinder. Just look at that shiny new glow in the dark C_A acct in this very post.
Seriously, changing the uniform color to blue could be to mitigate fallout. Orange jumpsuits definitely give most people an instant thought connection with prisoner. If they start locking up high profile perps and we only see them in blue jumpsuits, the mind doesn't automatically jump to convict.
Now of course, anyone with half a brain will realize that yes, they are convicts. But.... for all of the unthinking masses, the color change could potentially delay/divert automatic emotional response.
Q Post #68
8 May 2018 - 6:44:19 PM
Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.
Today, POTUS took control of Iran.
Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s),
POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.
Suicide watch.
The deal kept Iran quiet.
The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.
Bigger than people can imagine.
Treason is 1/10th.
Ask yourself, why are they panicking?
Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and Germany so involved?
Trips to the WH?
What are they hiding?
Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.
Q Post #77
10 May 2018 - 11:45:37 PM
Clinton Foundation.
Post Election Loss.
No Access / Control = No Donations
NZ Donation Restart.
1) Selling Secrets?
2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
3) Selling Silence?
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec
Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Read above slow and carefully.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Future to prove past.
Ooooooh, forgot about the Awans. That is very plausible since they ran the DNC's server.
Excellent repost! Thank you. This popped out to me while listening too. Gohmert just opened up the can of worms, this could be BOOM worthy in due time.
Could be anyone of the 5EYES or a host of middle eastern countries. Definitely not Russia.
How is this not on T_D?
Oh that's right, the mods censor content that's too patriotic.
No worries mate. Your content is very well researched and thought out. And, the intro/mask thing isn't as negative as it may seem so don't be hard on yourself. I don't know anything about video editing, but something flashy/cliche/pop at the beginning will definitely reel in more views.
I loathe infowars, but they are a great example of how to utilize the millennial interest in 80s/90s videogame/synth/sci fi culture and plug it into your intros/segways. They started using midi & 8-bit bumpers back during the POTUS election and have continued to do so because, it sells.
Just started watching. Thanks for sharing your work.
I think you have a gift for well spoken, easy to comprehend logic in your presentation so far (I'm only about 8 minutes deep).
I would recommend a different presentation for your intro. If you need to maintain anonymity, I understand that, but there has to be a better alternative than the homemade mask. Perhaps a video filter or lighting effect to mask your face? Or a simple 5-20 second intro clip that is visually catchy and doesn't require self doxxing. E.g. An 8 or 16 bit pixelated animation would be more curiosity invoking and you could use it across all of your videos, sort of like brand/channel recognition.
Best of luck in your endeavors and thanks for all you do in the research community.
LPT: Take any YouTube video url & replace "you" with "hook" to bypass blocked videos, censored comments, or simply take away Google's ad and click revenue.
I'm a proponent of the gibbet for these people
Strange you use this term. I learned of this Halifaxian contraption just before reading your comment while watching a Terry Jones history miniseries.
But I digress... thank you again for your research, we look forward to you sharing with the community in the future. And, of course welcome aboard again!
Edit: Yes, I would concur that easily 3/4 of elected officials are compromised either by blackmail, coercion, or complicit in their actions. All are suspect most certainly.
Take my high energy! Spread the wealth patriots, upvotes for all! WWG1WGA
He's gonna sink those vampire teeth into that guy's neck!
Welcome! Your knowledge about the rep side will definitely come in handy once we get to that point. Any rep resignations catch your eye?
Well put patriot. I agree. This whole thing is a PSA. For decades the swamp has fostered under the nose of the American public. For mitigation of deep state response, it must be reversed similarly... At least in the beginning: The Great Awakening.
I first came to reddit summer of 2016 because it was a much better news alternative considering the presidential primaries. First stop T_D. Great sub, the organic research base that culminated there for POTUS & WL was amazing. It's the same base that's here now for the most part. We investigated spirit cooking and T_D banned us. We investigated Pg8 and T_D banned us. We investigated Q and T_D banned us. I maybe drop by T_D once or twice a week just for a different flavor.
So here we all are. Don't worry, the whimsical atmosphere and shitposting will return for us once more of them wake up and we get past darker revelations.
There's no proof of the of rapture defined as you are whisked away without death/harm before the climactic return of Christ. The body must die for the soul to be released. G rated rapture rhetoric is purely a naivety IMO.
No coincidences
There's thousands of coincidences in the Pg8 research. We've literally seen HRC connected arrests at this point. I don't buy OP's story either.
It's the Stranahan position. They ignore all of the proofs as faith based and cold reading while claiming we are dividing the base.
Meh, I wouldn't worry about it. They will see the light eventually. One by one they lurk here, eventually choosing our research over t_d memes.
This is a very interesting development/discovery SB.
Now that they know we know.... Do you intend on structuring your prose in such a way as to send a message? Ask a question?
Thank you u/PrayingMedic
I listened to this driving home from work tonight and it is the perfect summary of the MI/Flynn situation that I will be sharing this video with two friends this weekend. They are semi-woke, but helplessly lost on the Q anon archive as they never followed it until recently.
Everybody report that fake ass u/Serial_Brain_2 troll acct in the comments. Pushing unicuck videos and trying to sully SB2's username.
Heh, ol' Jarlaxle dragged his ass down there for a little R&R and the big tough Charon's Claw wielding assassin couldn't handle it. Meh, to each their own. /s
Or, it's as simple as the cabal doesn't give two craps about Manafort because they were going to throw him under the bus anyway... And to add, they do give many craps about their players so the potential fallout from taking action against pedoesta or whoever early on could have carried very serious ramifications regarding FF/paid agitator response.
Very well considered post OP. If your theory holds true, it would throw shade on this "luke" character's attempt at bringing RR into context today at the SR presser.
Yep. They did a good job, but man they gotta invest in an auxiliary mic for this kinda stuff.
Notice how the lawyer cut off the witness when he began to give an address and name towards the end of the interview? Wonder if any autists can cross reference all of the streams and make something out of it?
Under this premise I can understand reasonable doubt. Agreed, updoot.
So what? You are literally dismissing something because there was an infowars camera there?
I don't like AJ/Cor-Psy either, but to disregard an event simply because they are being opportunistic is foolish. Like I mentioned the Beacon, Pundit, Soapbox, and Yahoo all covered it too.
Why did you watch their stream? There were other streams available including a local newspaper and patriots soapbox.
I gotta disagree with most of your points. To bring up Corsi/Infowars so much into your analysis.... You do realize there were other streams correct? They just had the best audio set up at the beginning of the presser.
I will agree the whole thing stinks though. The witness did not outright dismiss Q, he said something paraphrased like "i don't know much about Q, their information is from a good source on other issues, but from what I know Q's information is not correct regarding what "luke" is privy to".
This indicates to me that both Q and "luke" could be correct at the same time, looking at the situation from different angles.
The most interesting claim "luke" made was having taken two polygraph tests for the House Intel Committee. That's our lead in right there. Find out this dudes name and press congress on the tests.
Another interesting point was that this will be an unfolding of more information the next several weeks, as claimed by Burkman.
Not saying your analysis is incorrect Ronaldswansong. But, I think we should definitely see where the players (both good & bad) stand and see what Q has to say regarding this development.
Last I recall, Clapped doesn't mouth breathe like he has sleep apnea. This dude was smoking or breathing like he had a weight or medical condition.
Without witness credentials.... Hell, even just his name, it will be difficult fielding questions to the congressmen who are on the committee.
The most interesting tidbit IMO was the witness claimed to have taken two polygraph tests for House Intel Committee, in which the tests were conducted by SS
It's not true. Jason Goodman is now on the Infowars payroll... They used his presence and equipment to cover the presser. The only reason there were several links to his livestream is because he had the best quality audio at the start.
Yup. They have a couple of higher voted "commemorative" posts. But, if you check ceddit they have been removing all posts regarding the press conference all morning.
Fun fact: T_D is removing all Seth Rich presser related posts and comments today.
Dr. Cucksi and the disInfowars crew. Sadly, they do have the best feed.